Facebook donates $200,000 to the Cambridge-Tuebingen PhD in Machine Learning

We are delighted to announce that Facebook has donated $200,000 to support our unique Cambridge-Tuebingen PhD in Machine Learning. The Cambridge-Tuebingen PhD Programme is a joint programme in Machine Learning between the University of Cambridge and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tuebingen. We received well over 100 high quality applications from around the world, interviewed about 12, and three students will be starting in the programme in October 2014: Shixiang (Shane) Gu studied Engineering Science at the University of Toronto, where he did his undergraduate thesis with Geoff Hinton on distributed training of neural networks. He then worked as an R&D Engineer at Panasonic Silicon Valley Lab before joining our programme. Adam Scibior has a BA in Computer Science from Cambridge and a BA and MSc in Physics from Posnan, and has worked on Monte Carlo methods and Probabilistic Programming. Mateo Rojas-Carulla received an MSc in Mathematical Engineering at Ecole Nationale des Ponts and a Distinction in Part III Mathematics at Cambridge, and has been working at Cantab Research. We are thrilled to welcome all three to our programme!