Daniel Hernández Lobato

Daniel Hernández Lobato

My research interests are in the field of machine learning with an emphasis in linear Bayesian approaches that incorporate the assumption of sparsity. Since November 2009 to September 2011 I worked as postdoc researcher in the Machine Learning Group of the ICTEAM of the Université catholique de Louvain. Specifically, in the research project “Rheumagene”. This project tries to obtain accurate predictors for the early diagnosis of undifferentiated arthritis using low density micro-array data. The project leaders are Prof. Bernard Lauwerys and Prof. Pierre Dupont. I am also collaborating with J.M. Hernández-Lobato, Alberto Suárez and Gonzalo Martínez-Muñoz from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. I participate as a researcher in the project “Advanced Learning on a Large Scale”, funded by the Spanish Minsterio de Educación y Ciencia. This project willl last until 2013.

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