Mark Rowland

Mark Rowland

I’m a Research Scientist at DeepMind. I’m interested in many areas across machine learning, statistics, probability, and optimisation, and interactions with areas of pure maths such as group theory and optimal transport theory. To date, I’ve worked on areas including inference problems for discrete graphical models, Monte Carlo methods (particularly over non-Abelian groups), reinforcement learning, and probabilistic deep learning. Prior to joining DeepMind, I was a PhD student at Clare College, Cambridge University, co-supervised by Rich Turner at the Machine Learning Group and John Aston at Statslab. Before my PhD, I studied for a BA and MMath at Cambridge. I focused mainly on Probability and Algebra courses in the final year, and wrote my Part III essay “Mixing Times of Random Transpositions” under the supervision of Nathanaël Berestycki.

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