Novi Quadrianto

Novi Quadrianto

Novi received his PhD in Computer Science from the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia in 2012. He earned BEng degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. He is now a Newton Fellow of the Royal Society at Department of Engineering of University of Cambridge, and a Junior Fellow of the Wolfson College.

His research focuses on addressing challenges for Internet applications in the context of machine learning. His contributions include streaming algorithms for learning to utilise massive un-labeled Internet data, and for tiering search engine indices that can process billions of webpages in seconds. He has also contributed in non-standard learning settings such as learning from only label proportions, learning from several related tasks with distinct label sets, and inferring bipartite matching with un-observed edge potentials. At the moment, he focuses on nonparametric Bayesian models which allow flexible modelling of complex Internet data. For more information, please refer to:


  • Novi Quadrianto, Alex J. Smola, Tiberio S. Caetano, Quoc V. Le.
    Estimating Labels from Label Proportions.
    Journal of Machine Learning Research JMLR.
    Short version appeared in International Conference on Machine Learning ICML.
  • Novi Quadrianto, Alex J. Smola, Le Song, Tinne Tuytelaars.
    Kernelized Sorting.
    IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence PAMI.
    Short version appeared in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems NIPS.
  • Viktoriia Sharmanska, Novi Quadrianto, Christoph H. Lampert.
    Augmented Attribute Representations.
    European Conference on Computer Vision ECCV.
  • Novi Quadrianto, Chao Chen, Christoph H. Lampert.
    The Most Persistent Soft-Clique in a Set of Sampled Graphs.
    International Conference on Machine Learning ICML.
  • Novi Quadrianto and Christoph H. Lampert.
    Learning Multi-View Neighborhood Preserving Projections.
    International Conference on Machine Learning ICML.
  • Novi Quadrianto, Alex J. Smola, Tiberio S. Caetano, S.V.N. Vishwanathan, James Petterson.
    Multitask Learning without Label Correspondences.
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems NIPS.
  • Gilbert Leung, Novi Quadrianto, Alex J. Smola, Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis.
    Optimal Web-scale Tiering as a Flow Problem.
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems NIPS.
  • Novi Quadrianto, James Petterson, Alex J. Smola.
    Distribution Matching for Transduction.
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems NIPS.
  • Novi Quadrianto, Tiberio S. Caetano, John Lim, Dale Schuurmans.
    Convex Relaxation of Mixture Regression with Efficient Algorithms.
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems NIPS.
  • Akshay Asthana, Roland Goecke, Novi Quadrianto, Tom Gedeon.
    Learning based Automatic Face Annotation for Arbitrary Poses and Expressions from Frontal Images Only.
    IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition CVPR.