Sebastian is a PhD student in the Machine Learning Group supervised by Prof. Carl Rasmussen. He joined in October 2018, after completing his BA and MEng in Information and Computer Engineering at the Cambridge University Engineering Department. He is funded by a Gates Cambridge Scholarship, and his research interests include approximate inference, Bayesian deep learning, and Bayesian nonparametrics.


Deep kernel processes

Laurence Aitchison, Adam X. Yang, Sebastian W. Ober, 2021. (In 38th International Conference on Machine Learning).

Abstract URL

We define deep kernel processes in which positive definite Gram matrices are progressively transformed by nonlinear kernel functions and by sampling from (inverse) Wishart distributions. Remarkably, we find that deep Gaussian processes (DGPs), Bayesian neural networks (BNNs), infinite BNNs, and infinite BNNs with bottlenecks can all be written as deep kernel processes. For DGPs the equivalence arises because the Gram matrix formed by the inner product of features is Wishart distributed, and as we show, standard isotropic kernels can be written entirely in terms of this Gram matrix — we do not need knowledge of the underlying features. We define a tractable deep kernel process, the deep inverse Wishart process, and give a doubly-stochastic inducing-point variational inference scheme that operates on the Gram matrices, not on the features, as in DGPs. We show that the deep inverse Wishart process gives superior performance to DGPs and infinite BNNs on fully-connected baselines.

Understanding variational inference in function-space

David R. Burt, Sebastian W. Ober, Adrià Garriga-Alonso, Mark van der Wilk, 2021. (In 3rd Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference).

Abstract URL

Recent work has attempted to directly approximate the ‘function-space’ or predictive posterior distribution of Bayesian models, without approximating the posterior distribution over the parameters. This is appealing in e.g. Bayesian neural networks, where we only need the former, and the latter is hard to represent. In this work, we highlight some advantages and limitations of employing the Kullback-Leibler divergence in this setting. For example, we show that minimizing the KL divergence between a wide class of parametric distributions and the posterior induced by a (non-degenerate) Gaussian process prior leads to an ill-defined objective function. Then, we propose (featurized) Bayesian linear regression as a benchmark for ‘function-space’ inference methods that directly measures approximation quality. We apply this methodology to assess aspects of the objective function and inference scheme considered in Sun et al. (2018), emphasizing the quality of approximation to Bayesian inference as opposed to predictive performance.

Bayesian neural network priors revisited

Vincent Fortuin, Adrià Garriga-Alonso, Sebastian W. Ober, Florian Wenzel, Gunnar Rätsch, Richard E. Turner, Mark van der Wilk, Laurence Aitchison, 2022. (In 10th International Conference on Learning Representations).

Abstract URL

Isotropic Gaussian priors are the de facto standard for modern Bayesian neural network inference. However, it is unclear whether these priors accurately reflect our true beliefs about the weight distributions or give optimal performance. To find better priors, we study summary statistics of neural network weights in networks trained using stochastic gradient descent (SGD). We find that convolutional neural network (CNN) and ResNet weights display strong spatial correlations, while fully connected networks (FCNNs) display heavy-tailed weight distributions. We show that building these observations into priors can lead to improved performance on a variety of image classification datasets. Surprisingly, these priors mitigate the cold posterior effect in FCNNs, but slightly increase the cold posterior effect in ResNets.

Information-theoretic Inducing Point Placement for High-Throughput Bayesian Optimisation

Henry B. Moss, Sebastian W. Ober, Victor Picheny, 2022. (In ICML Workshop on Adaptive Experimental Design and Active Learning in the Real World (RealML)).

Abstract URL

Sparse Gaussian Processes are a key component of high-throughput Bayesian optimisation (BO) loops — an increasingly common setting where evaluation budgets are large and highly parallelised. By using representative subsets of the available data to build approximate posteriors, sparse models dramatically reduce the computational costs of surrogate modelling by relying on a small set of pseudo-observations, the so-called inducing points, in lieu of the full data set. However, current approaches to design inducing points are not appropriate within BO loops as they seek to reduce global uncertainty in the objective function. Thus, the high-fidelity modelling of promising and data-dense regions required for precise optimisation is sacrificed and computational resources are instead wasted on modelling areas of the space already known to be sub-optimal. Inspired by entropy-based BO methods, we propose a novel inducing point design that uses a principled information-theoretic criterion to select inducing points. By choosing inducing points to maximally reduce both global uncertainty and uncertainty in the maximum value of the objective function, we build surrogate models able to support high-precision high-throughput BO.

Global inducing point variational posteriors for Bayesian neural networks and deep Gaussian processes

Sebastian W. Ober, Laurence Aitchison, 2021. (In 38th International Conference on Machine Learning).

Abstract URL

We consider the optimal approximate posterior over the top-layer weights in a Bayesian neural network for regression, and show that it exhibits strong dependencies on the lower-layer weights. We adapt this result to develop a correlated approximate posterior over the weights at all layers in a Bayesian neural network. We extend this approach to deep Gaussian processes, unifying inference in the two model classes. Our approximate posterior uses learned “global” inducing points, which are defined only at the input layer and propagated through the network to obtain inducing inputs at subsequent layers. By contrast, standard “local”, inducing point methods from the deep Gaussian process literature optimise a separate set of inducing inputs at every layer, and thus do not model correlations across layers. Our method gives state-of-the-art performance for a variational Bayesian method, without data augmentation or tempering, on CIFAR-10 of 86.7%, which is comparable to SGMCMC without tempering but with data augmentation (88% in Wenzel et al. 2020).

A variational approximate posterior for the deep Wishart process

Sebastian W. Ober, Laurence Aitchison, 2021. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34).

Abstract URL

Recent work introduced deep kernel processes as an entirely kernel-based alternative to NNs (Aitchison et al. 2020). Deep kernel processes flexibly learn good top-layer representations by alternately sampling the kernel from a distribution over positive semi-definite matrices and performing nonlinear transformations. A particular deep kernel process, the deep Wishart process (DWP), is of particular interest because its prior can be made equivalent to deep Gaussian process (DGP) priors for kernels that can be expressed entirely in terms of Gram matrices. However, inference in DWPs has not yet been possible due to the lack of sufficiently flexible distributions over positive semi-definite matrices. Here, we give a novel approach to obtaining flexible distributions over positive semi-definite matrices by generalising the Bartlett decomposition of the Wishart probability density. We use this new distribution to develop an approximate posterior for the DWP that includes dependency across layers. We develop a doubly-stochastic inducing-point inference scheme for the DWP and show experimentally that inference in the DWP can improve performance over doing inference in a DGP with the equivalent prior.

Benchmarking the neural linear model for regression

Sebastian W. Ober, Carl Edward Rasmussen, 2019. (In 2nd Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference).

Abstract URL

The neural linear model is a simple adaptive Bayesian linear regression method that has recently been used in a number of problems ranging from Bayesian optimization to reinforcement learning. Despite its apparent successes in these settings, to the best of our knowledge there has been no systematic exploration of its capabilities on simple regression tasks. In this work we characterize these on the UCI datasets, a popular benchmark for Bayesian regression models, as well as on the recently introduced UCI “gap” datasets, which are better tests of out-of-distribution uncertainty. We demonstrate that the neural linear model is a simple method that shows generally good performance on these tasks, but at the cost of requiring good hyperparameter tuning.

The promises and pitfalls of deep kernel learning

Sebastian W. Ober, Carl Edward Rasmussen, Mark van der Wilk, 2021. (In 37th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence).

Abstract URL

Deep kernel learning (DKL) and related techniques aim to combine the representational power of neural networks with the reliable uncertainty estimates of Gaussian processes. One crucial aspect of these models is an expectation that, because they are treated as Gaussian process models optimized using the marginal likelihood, they are protected from overfitting. However, we identify situations where this is not the case. We explore this behavior, explain its origins and consider how it applies to real datasets. Through careful experimentation on the UCI, CIFAR-10, and the UTKFace datasets, we find that the overfitting from overparameterized maximum marginal likelihood, in which the model is “somewhat Bayesian”, can in certain scenarios be worse than that from not being Bayesian at all. We explain how and when DKL can still be successful by investigating optimization dynamics. We also find that failures of DKL can be rectified by a fully Bayesian treatment, which leads to the desired performance improvements over standard neural networks and Gaussian processes.

Last layer marginal likelihood for invariance learning

Pola E. Schwöbel, Martin Jørgensen, Sebastian W. Ober, Mark van der Wilk, 2022. (In 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics).

Abstract URL

Data augmentation is often used to incorporate inductive biases into models. Traditionally, these are hand-crafted and tuned with cross validation. The Bayesian paradigm for model selection provides a path towards end-to-end learning of invariances using only the training data, by optimising the marginal likelihood. Computing the marginal likelihood is hard for neural networks, but success with tractable approaches that compute the marginal likelihood for the last layer only raises the question of whether this convenient approach might be employed for learning invariances. We show partial success on standard benchmarks, in the low-data regime and on a medical imaging dataset by designing a custom optimisation routine. Introducing a new lower bound to the marginal likelihood allows us to perform inference for a larger class of likelihood functions than before. On the other hand, we demonstrate failure modes on the CIFAR10 dataset, where the last layer approximation is not sufficient due to the increased complexity of our neural network. Our results indicate that once more sophisticated approximations become available the marginal likelihood is a promising approach for invariance learning in neural networks.

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