Time Series Models

Models designed to analyze and forecast data points collected or recorded at specific time intervals.

A Structured Model of Video Reproduces Primary Visual Cortical Organisation

Pietro Berkes, Richard E. Turner, Maneesh Sahani, 09 2009. (PLoS Computational Biology). Public Library of Science. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000495.

Abstract URL

The visual system must learn to infer the presence of objects and features in the world from the images it encounters, and as such it must, either implicitly or explicitly, model the way these elements interact to create the image. Do the response properties of cells in the mammalian visual system reflect this constraint? To address this question, we constructed a probabilistic model in which the identity and attributes of simple visual elements were represented explicitly and learnt the parameters of this model from unparsed, natural video sequences. After learning, the behaviour and grouping of variables in the probabilistic model corresponded closely to functional and anatomical properties of simple and complex cells in the primary visual cortex (V1). In particular, feature identity variables were activated in a way that resembled the activity of complex cells, while feature attribute variables responded much like simple cells. Furthermore, the grouping of the attributes within the model closely parallelled the reported anatomical grouping of simple cells in cat V1. Thus, this generative model makes explicit an interpretation of complex and simple cells as elements in the segmentation of a visual scene into basic independent features, along with a parametrisation of their moment-by-moment appearances. We speculate that such a segmentation may form the initial stage of a hierarchical system that progressively separates the identity and appearance of more articulated visual elements, culminating in view-invariant object recognition.

Modelling Non-Smooth Signals with Complex Spectral Structure

Wessel P. Bruinsma, Martin Tegnér, Richard E. Turner, 2022. (In 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics).

Abstract URL

The Gaussian Process Convolution Model (GPCM; Tobar et al., 2015a) is a model for signals with complex spectral structure. A significant limitation of the GPCM is that it assumes a rapidly decaying spectrum: it can only model smooth signals. Moreover, inference in the GPCM currently requires (1) a mean-field assumption, resulting in poorly calibrated uncertainties, and (2) a tedious variational optimisation of large covariance matrices. We redesign the GPCM model to induce a richer distribution over the spectrum with relaxed assumptions about smoothness: the Causal Gaussian Process Convolution Model (CGPCM) introduces a causality assumption into the GPCM, and the Rough Gaussian Process Convolution Model (RGPCM) can be interpreted as a Bayesian nonparametric generalisation of the fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process. We also propose a more effective variational inference scheme, going beyond the mean-field assumption: we design a Gibbs sampler which directly samples from the optimal variational solution, circumventing any variational optimisation entirely. The proposed variations of the GPCM are validated in experiments on synthetic and real-world data, showing promising results.

Tree-structured Gaussian Process Approximations

Thang D. Bui, Richard E. Turner, 2014. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28). Edited by Z. Ghahramani, M. Welling, C. Cortes, N.D. Lawrence, K.Q. Weinberger. Curran Associates, Inc..


Gaussian process regression can be accelerated by constructing a small pseudo-dataset to summarize the observed data. This idea sits at the heart of many approximation schemes, but such an approach requires the number of pseudo-datapoints to be scaled with the range of the input space if the accuracy of the approximation is to be maintained. This presents problems in time-series settings or in spatial datasets where large numbers of pseudo-datapoints are required since computation typically scales quadratically with the pseudo-dataset size. In this paper we devise an approximation whose complexity grows linearly with the number of pseudo-datapoints. This is achieved by imposing a tree or chain structure on the pseudo-datapoints and calibrating the approximation using a Kullback-Leibler (KL) minimization. Inference and learning can then be performed efficiently using the Gaussian belief propagation algorithm. We demonstrate the validity of our approach on a set of challenging regression tasks including missing data imputation for audio and spatial datasets. We trace out the speed-accuracy trade-off for the new method and show that the frontier dominates those obtained from a large number of existing approximation techniques.

Understanding Local Linearisation in Variational Gaussian Process State Space Models

Talay M Cheema, 2021. (In Time Series Workshop at the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning).

Abstract URL

We describe variational inference approaches in Gaussian process state space models in terms of local linearisations of the approximate posterior function. Most previous approaches have either assumed independence between the posterior dynamics and latent states (the mean-field (MF) approximation), or optimised free parameters for both, leading to limited scalability. We use our framework to prove that (i) there is a theoretical imperative to use non-MF approaches, to avoid excessive bias in the process noise hyperparameter estimate, and (ii) we can parameterise only the posterior dynamics without any less of performance. Our approach suggests further approximations, based on the existing rich literature on filtering and smoothing for nonlinear systems, and unifies approaches for discrete and continuous time models.

Contrasting Discrete and Continuous Methods for Bayesian System Identification

Talay M Cheema, 2022. (In Workshop on Continuous Time Machine Learning at the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning).

Abstract URL

In recent years, there has been considerable interest in embedding continuous time methods in machine learning algorithms. In system identification, the task is to learn a dynamical model from incomplete observation data, and when prior knowledge is in continuous time – for example, mechanistic differential equation models – it seems natural to use continuous time models for learning. Yet when learning flexible, nonlinear, probabilistic dynamics models, most previous work has focused on discrete time models to avoid computational, numerical, and mathematical difficulties. In this work we show, with the aid of small-scale examples, that this mismatch between model and data generating process can be consequential under certain circumstances, and we discuss possible modifications to discrete time models which may better suit them to handling data generated by continuous time processes.

Gaussian Processes for time-marked time-series data

John P. Cunningham, Zoubin Ghahramani, Carl Edward Rasmussen, 2012. (In 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics).

Abstract URL

In many settings, data is collected as multiple time series, where each recorded time series is an observation of some underlying dynamical process of interest. These observations are often time-marked with known event times, and one desires to do a range of standard analyses. When there is only one time marker, one simply aligns the observations temporally on that marker. When multiple time-markers are present and are at different times on different time series observations, these analyses are more difficult. We describe a Gaussian Process model for analyzing multiple time series with multiple time markings, and we test it on a variety of data.

A closed-loop human simulator for investigating the role of feedback-control in brain-machine interfaces

J. P. Cunningham, P. Nuyujukian, V. Gilja, C. A. Chestek, S. I. Ryu, K. V. Shenoy., 2011. (Journal of Neurophysiology).

Abstract URL

Neural prosthetic systems seek to improve the lives of severely disabled people by decoding neural activity into useful behavioral commands. These systems and their decoding algorithms are typically developed “offline”, using neural activity previously gathered from a healthy animal, and the decoded movement is then compared with the true movement that accompanied the recorded neural activity. However, this offline design and testing may neglect important features of a real prosthesis, most notably the critical role of feedback control, which enables the user to adjust neural activity while using the prosthesis. We hypothesize that under- standing and optimally designing high-performance decoders require an experimental platform where humans are in closed-loop with the various candidate decode systems and algorithms. It remains unexplored the extent to which the subject can, for a particular decode system, algorithm, or parameter, engage feedback and other strategies to improve decode performance. Closed-loop testing may suggest different choices than offline analyses. Here we ask if a healthy human subject, using a closed-loop neural prosthesis driven by synthetic neural activity, can inform system design. We use this online pros- thesis simulator (OPS) to optimize “online” decode performance based on a key parameter of a current state-of-the-art decode algorithm, the bin width of a Kalman filter. First, we show that offline and online analyses indeed suggest different parameter choices. Previous literature and our offline analyses agree that neural activity should be analyzed in bins of 100- to 300-ms width. OPS analysis, which incorporates feedback control, suggests that much shorter bin widths (25-50 ms) yield higher decode performance. Second, we confirm this surprising finding using a closed-loop rhesus monkey prosthetic system. These findings illustrate the type of discovery made possible by the OPS, and so we hypothesize that this novel testing approach will help in the design of prosthetic systems that will translate well to human patients.

Analytic Moment-based Gaussian Process Filtering

Marc Peter Deisenroth, Marco F. Huber, Uwe D. Hanebeck, June 2009. (In 26th International Conference on Machine Learning). Edited by Léon Bottou, Michael Littman. Montréal, QC, Canada. Omnipress.

Abstract URL

We propose an analytic moment-based filter for nonlinear stochastic dynamic systems modeled by Gaussian processes. Exact expressions for the expected value and the covariance matrix are provided for both the prediction step and the filter step, where an additional Gaussian assumption is exploited in the latter case. Our filter does not require further approximations. In particular, it avoids finite-sample approximations. We compare the filter to a variety of Gaussian filters, that is, the EKF, the UKF, and the recent GP-UKF proposed by Ko et al. (2007).

Comment: With corrections. code.

Robust Filtering and Smoothing with Gaussian Processes

Marc Peter Deisenroth, Ryan D. Turner, Marco F. Huber, Uwe D. Hanebeck, Carl Edward Rasmussen, 2012. (IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control). DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2011.2179426.

Abstract URL

We propose a principled algorithm for robust Bayesian filtering and smoothing in nonlinear stochastic dynamic systems when both the transition function and the measurement function are described by nonparametric Gaussian process (GP) models. GPs are gaining increasing importance in signal processing, machine learning, robotics, and control for representing unknown system functions by posterior probability distributions. This modern way of “system identification” is more robust than finding point estimates of a parametric function representation. Our principled filtering/smoothing approach for GP dynamic systems is based on analytic moment matching in the context of the forward-backward algorithm. Our numerical evaluations demonstrate the robustness of the proposed approach in situations where other state-of-the-art Gaussian filters and smoothers can fail.

Bayesian Time Series Learning with Gaussian Processes

Roger Frigola, 2015. University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, Cambridge, UK.

Abstract URL

The analysis of time series data is important in fields as disparate as the social sciences, biology, engineering or econometrics. In this dissertation, we present a number of algorithms designed to learn Bayesian nonparametric models of time series. The goal of these kinds of models is twofold. First, they aim at making predictions which quantify the uncertainty due to limitations in the quantity and the quality of the data. Second, they are flexible enough to model highly complex data whilst preventing overfitting when the data does not warrant complex models. We begin with a unifying literature review on time series models based on Gaussian processes. Then, we centre our attention on the Gaussian Process State-Space Model (GP-SSM): a Bayesian nonparametric generalisation of discrete-time nonlinear state-space models. We present a novel formulation of the GP-SSM that offers new insights into its properties. We then proceed to exploit those insights by developing new learning algorithms for the GP-SSM based on particle Markov chain Monte Carlo and variational inference. Finally, we present a filtered nonlinear auto-regressive model with a simple, robust and fast learning algorithm that makes it well suited to its application by non-experts on large datasets. Its main advantage is that it avoids the computationally expensive (and potentially difficult to tune) smoothing step that is a key part of learning nonlinear state-space models.

Variational Gaussian Process State-Space Models

Roger Frigola, Yutian Chen, Carl Edward Rasmussen, 2014. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27). Edited by Z. Ghahramani, M. Welling, C. Cortes, N.D. Lawrence, K.Q. Weinberger.

Abstract URL

State-space models have been successfully used for more than fifty years in different areas of science and engineering. We present a procedure for efficient variational Bayesian learning of nonlinear state-space models based on sparse Gaussian processes. The result of learning is a tractable posterior over nonlinear dynamical systems. In comparison to conventional parametric models, we offer the possibility to straightforwardly trade off model capacity and computational cost whilst avoiding overfitting. Our main algorithm uses a hybrid inference approach combining variational Bayes and sequential Monte Carlo. We also present stochastic variational inference and online learning approaches for fast learning with long time series.

Bayesian Inference and Learning in Gaussian Process State-Space Models with Particle MCMC

Roger Frigola, Fredrik Lindsten, Thomas B. Schön, Carl Edward Rasmussen, 2013. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26). Edited by L. Bottou, C.J.C. Burges, Z. Ghahramani, M. Welling, K.Q. Weinberger. Curran Associates, Inc..

Abstract URL

State-space models are successfully used in many areas of science, engineering and economics to model time series and dynamical systems. We present a fully Bayesian approach to inference and learning in nonlinear nonparametric state-space models. We place a Gaussian process prior over the transition dynamics, resulting in a flexible model able to capture complex dynamical phenomena. However, to enable efficient inference, we marginalize over the dynamics of the model and instead infer directly the joint smoothing distribution through the use of specially tailored Particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo samplers. Once a sample from the smoothing distribution is computed, the state transition predictive distribution can be formulated analytically. We make use of sparse Gaussian process models to greatly reduce the computational complexity of the approach.

Identification of Gaussian Process State-Space Models with Particle Stochastic Approximation EM

Roger Frigola, Fredrik Lindsten, Thomas B. Schön, Carl Edward Rasmussen, 2014. (In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)).

Abstract URL

Gaussian process state-space models (GP-SSMs) are a very flexible family of models of nonlinear dynamical systems. They comprise a Bayesian nonparametric representation of the dynamics of the system and additional (hyper-)parameters governing the properties of this nonparametric representation. The Bayesian formalism enables systematic reasoning about the uncertainty in the system dynamics. We present an approach to maximum likelihood identification of the parameters in GP-SSMs, while retaining the full nonparametric description of the dynamics. The method is based on a stochastic approximation version of the EM algorithm that employs recent developments in particle Markov chain Monte Carlo for efficient identification.

Integrated Pre-Processing for Bayesian Nonlinear System Identification with Gaussian Processes

Roger Frigola, Carl Edward Rasmussen, 2013. (In Decision and Control (CDC), 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on).

Abstract URL

We introduce GP-FNARX: a new model for nonlinear system identification based on a nonlinear autoregressive exogenous model (NARX) with filtered regressors (F) where the nonlinear regression problem is tackled using sparse Gaussian processes (GP). We integrate data pre-processing with system identification into a fully automated procedure that goes from raw data to an identified model. Both pre-processing parameters and GP hyper-parameters are tuned by maximizing the marginal likelihood of the probabilistic model. We obtain a Bayesian model of the system’s dynamics which is able to report its uncertainty in regions where the data is scarce. The automated approach, the modeling of uncertainty and its relatively low computational cost make of GP-FNARX a good candidate for applications in robotics and adaptive control.

Convolutional neural networks: A magic bullet for gravitational-wave detection?

Timothy Gebhard, Niki Kilbertus, Ian Harry, Bernhard Schölkopf, September 2019. (Physical Review D). American Physical Society. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.100.063015.

Abstract URL

In the last few years, machine learning techniques, in particular convolutional neural networks, have been investigated as a method to replace or complement traditional matched filtering techniques that are used to detect the gravitational-wave signature of merging black holes. However, to date, these methods have not yet been successfully applied to the analysis of long stretches of data recorded by the Advanced LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave observatories. In this work, we critically examine the use of convolutional neural networks as a tool to search for merging black holes. We identify the strengths and limitations of this approach, highlight some common pitfalls in translating between machine learning and gravitational-wave astronomy, and discuss the interdisciplinary challenges. In particular, we explain in detail why convolutional neural networks alone cannot be used to claim a statistically significant gravitational-wave detection. However, we demonstrate how they can still be used to rapidly flag the times of potential signals in the data for a more detailed follow-up. Our convolutional neural network architecture as well as the proposed performance metrics are better suited for this task than a standard binary classifications scheme. A detailed evaluation of our approach on Advanced LIGO data demonstrates the potential of such systems as trigger generators. Finally, we sound a note of caution by constructing adversarial examples, which showcase interesting “failure modes” of our model, where inputs with no visible resemblance to real gravitational-wave signals are identified as such by the network with high confidence.

An Introduction to Hidden Markov Models and Bayesian Networks

Zoubin Ghahramani, 2001. (IJPRAI).

Abstract URL

We provide a tutorial on learning and inference in hidden Markov models in the context of the recent literature on Bayesian networks. This perspective make sit possible to consider novel generalizations to hidden Markov models with multiple hidden state variables, multiscale representations, and mixed discrete and continuous variables. Although exact inference in these generalizations is usually intractable, one can use approximate inference in these generalizations is usually intractable, one can use approximate inference algorithms such as Markov chain sampling and variational methods. We describe how such methods are applied to these generalized hidden Markov models. We conclude this review with a discussion of Bayesian methods for model selection in generalized HMMs.

Learning Dynamic Bayesian Networks

Zoubin Ghahramani, 1997. (In Adaptive Processing of Sequences and Data Structures). Edited by C. Lee Giles, Marco Gori. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISBN: 3-540-64341-9.

Abstract URL

Bayesian networks are a concise graphical formalism for describing probabilistic models. We have provided a brief tutorial of methods for learning and inference in dynamic Bayesian networks. In many of the interesting models, beyond the simple linear dynamical system or hidden Markov model, the calculations required for inference are intractable. Two different approaches for handling this intractability are Monte Carlo methods such as Gibbs sampling, and variational methods. An especially promising variational approach is based on exploiting tractable substructures in the Bayesian network.

Variational Learning for Switching State-Space Models

Zoubin Ghahramani, Geoffrey E. Hinton, 2000. (Neural Computation).

Abstract URL

We introduce a new statistical model for time series which iteratively segments data into regimes with approximately linear dynamics and learns the parameters of each of these linear regimes. This model combines and generalizes two of the most widely used stochastic time series models—hidden Markov models and linear dynamical systems—and is closely related to models that are widely used in the control and econometrics literatures. It can also be derived by extending the mixture of experts neural network (Jacobs et al, 1991) to its fully dynamical version, in which both expert and gating networks are recurrent. Inferring the posterior probabilities of the hidden states of this model is computationally intractable, and therefore the exact Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm cannot be applied. However, we present a variational approximation that maximizes a lower bound on the log likelihood and makes use of both the forward–backward recursions for hidden Markov models and the Kalman filter recursions for linear dynamical systems. We tested the algorithm both on artificial data sets and on a natural data set of respiration force from a patient with sleep apnea. The results suggest that variational approximations are a viable method for inference and learning in switching state-space models.

Factorial Hidden Markov Models

Zoubin Ghahramani, Michael I. Jordan, 1995. (In NIPS). Edited by David S. Touretzky, Michael Mozer, Michael E. Hasselmo. MIT Press. ISBN: 0-262-20107-0.

Abstract URL

Hidden Markov models (HMMs) have proven to be one of the most widely used tools for learning probabilistic models of time series data. In an HMM, information about the past is conveyed through a single discrete variable—the hidden state. We discuss a generalization of HMMs in which this state is factored into multiple state variables and is therefore represented in a distributed manner. We describe an exact algorithm for inferring the posterior probabilities of the hidden state variables given the observations, and relate it to the forward–backward algorithm for HMMs and to algorithms for more general graphical models. Due to the combinatorial nature of the hidden state representation, this exact algorithm is intractable. As in other intractable systems, approximate inference can be carried out using Gibbs sampling or variational methods. Within the variational framework, we present a structured approximation in which the the state variables are decoupled, yielding a tractable algorithm for learning the parameters of the model. Empirical comparisons suggest that these approximations are efficient and provide accurate alternatives to the exact methods. Finally, we use the structured approximation to model Bach’s chorales and show that factorial HMMs can capture statistical structure in this data set which an unconstrained HMM cannot.

Factorial Hidden Markov Models

Zoubin Ghahramani, Michael I. Jordan, 1997. (Machine Learning).

Abstract URL

Hidden Markov models (HMMs) have proven to be one of the most widely used tools for learning probabilistic models of time series data. In an HMM, information about the past is conveyed through a single discrete variable—the hidden state. We discuss a generalization of HMMs in which this state is factored into multiple state variables and is therefore represented in a distributed manner. We describe an exact algorithm for inferring the posterior probabilities of the hidden state variables given the observations, and relate it to the forward–backward algorithm for HMMs and to algorithms for more general graphical models. Due to the combinatorial nature of the hidden state representation, this exact algorithm is intractable. As in other intractable systems, approximate inference can be carried out using Gibbs sampling or variational methods. Within the variational framework, we present a structured approximation in which the the state variables are decoupled, yielding a tractable algorithm for learning the parameters of the model. Empirical comparisons suggest that these approximations are efficient and provide accurate alternatives to the exact methods. Finally, we use the structured approximation to model Bach’s chorales and show that factorial HMMs can capture statistical structure in this data set which an unconstrained HMM cannot.

Learning Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Using an EM Algorithm

Zoubin Ghahramani, Sam T. Roweis, 1998. (In NIPS). Edited by Michael J. Kearns, Sara A. Solla, David A. Cohn. The MIT Press. ISBN: 0-262-11245-0.

Abstract URL

The Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm is an iterative procedure for maximum likelihood parameter estimation from data sets with missing or hidden variables. It has been applied to system identification in linear stochastic state-space models, where the state variables are hidden from the observer and both the state and the parameters of the model have to be estimated simultaneously [9]. We present a generalization of the EM algorithm for parameter estimation in nonlinear dynamical systems. The “expectation” step makes use of Extended Kalman Smoothing to estimate the state, while the “maximization” step re-estimates the parameters using these uncertain state estimates. In general, the nonlinear maximization step is difficult because it requires integrating out the uncertainty in the states. However, if Gaussian radial basis function (RBF) approximators are used to model the nonlinearities, the integrals become tractable and the maximization step can be solved via systems of linear equations.

Gaussian Process priors with uncertain inputs — application to multiple-step ahead time series forecasting

Agathe Girard, Carl Edward Rasmussen, Joaquin Quiñonero-Candela, Roderick Murray-Smith, December 2003. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15). Edited by S. Becker, S. Thrun, K. Obermayer. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

We consider the problem of multi-step ahead prediction in time series analysis using the non-parametric Gaussian process model. k-step ahead forecasting of a discrete-time non-linear dynamic system can be performed by doing repeated one-step ahead predictions. For a state-space model of the form yt = f(yt-1,…,yt-L), the prediction of y at time t + k is based on the point estimates of the previous outputs. In this paper, we show how, using an analytical Gaussian approximation, we can formally incorporate the uncertainty about intermediate regressor values, thus updating the uncertainty on the current prediction.

Neural Adaptive Sequential Monte Carlo

Shixiang Gu, Zoubin Ghahramani, Richard E. Turner, Dec 2015. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29). Montréal CANADA.

Abstract URL

Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC), or particle filtering, is a popular class of methods for sampling from an intractable target distribution using a sequence of simpler intermediate distributions. Like other importance sampling-based methods, performance is critically dependent on the proposal distribution: a bad proposal can lead to arbitrarily inaccurate estimates of the target distribution. This paper presents a new method for automatically adapting the proposal using an approximation of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the true posterior and the proposal distribution. The method is very flexible, applicable to any parameterised proposal distribution and it supports online and batch variants. We use the new framework to adapt powerful proposal distributions with rich parameterisations based upon neural networks leading to Neural Adaptive Sequential Monte Carlo (NASMC). Experiments indicate that NASMC significantly improves inference in a non-linear state space model outperforming adaptive proposal methods including the Extended Kalman and Unscented Particle Filters. Experiments also indicate that improved inference translates into improved parameter learning when NASMC is used as a subroutine of Particle Marginal Metropolis Hastings. Finally we show that NASMC is able to train a neural network-based deep recurrent generative model achieving results that compete with the state-of-the-art for polymorphic music modelling. NASMC can be seen as bridging the gap between adaptive SMC methods and the recent work in scalable, black-box variational inference.

Dynamic probabilistic models for latent feature propagation in social networks

Creighton Heaukulani, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2013. (In 30th International Conference on Machine Learning). Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Abstract URL

Current Bayesian models for dynamic social network data have focused on modelling the influence of evolving unobserved structure on observed social interactions. However, an understanding of how observed social relationships from the past affect future unobserved structure in the network has been neglected. In this paper, we introduce a new probabilistic model for capturing this phenomenon, which we call latent feature propagation, in social networks. We demonstrate our model’s capability for inferring such latent structure in varying types of social network datasets, and experimental studies show this structure achieves higher predictive performance on link prediction and forecasting tasks.

Bayesian modelling of fMRI time series

Pedro A. d. F. R. Højen-Sørensen, Carl Edward Rasmussen, Lars Kai Hansen, 2000. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12). Edited by Todd K. Leen Sara A. Solla, Klaus-Robert Müller. The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

We present a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) for inferring the hidden psychological state (or neural activity) during single trial fMRI activation experiments with blocked task paradigms. Inference is based on Bayesian methodology, using a combination of analytical and a variety of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling techniques. The advantage of this method is that detection of short time learning effects between repeated trials is possible since inference is based only on single trial experiments.

Variational Inference in Dynamical Systems

Alessandro Davide Ialongo, 2022. University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, Cambridge, UK. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.91368.

Abstract URL

Dynamical systems are a powerful formalism to analyse the world around us. Many datasets are sequential in nature, and can be described by a discrete time evolution law. We are interested in approaching the analysis of such datasets from a probabilistic perspective. We would like to maintain justified beliefs about quantities which, though useful in explaining the behaviour of a system, may not be observable, as well as about the system’s evolution itself, especially in regimes we have not yet observed in our data. The framework of statistical inference gives us the tools to do so, yet, for many systems of interest, performing inference exactly is not computationally or analytically tractable. The contribution of this thesis, then, is twofold: first, we uncover two sources of bias in existing variational inference methods applied to dynamical systems in general, and state space models whose transition function is drawn from a Gaussian process (GPSSM) in particular. We show bias can derive from assuming posteriors in non-linear systems to be jointly Gaussian, and from assuming that we can sever the dependence between latent states and transition function in state space model posteriors. Second, we propose methods to address these issues, undoing the resulting biases. We do this without compromising on computational efficiency or on the ability to scale to larger datasets and higher dimensions, compared to the methods we rectify. One method, the Markov Autoregressive Flow (Markov AF) addresses the Gaussian assumption, by providing a more flexible class of posteriors, based on normalizing flows, which can be easily evaluated, sampled, and optimised. The other method, Variationally Coupled Dynamics and Trajectories (VCDT), tackles the factorisation assumption, leveraging sparse Gaussian processes and their variational representation to reintroduce dependence between latent states and the transition function at no extra computational cost. Since the objective of inference is to maintain calibrated beliefs, if we employed approximations which are significantly biased in non-linear, noisy systems, or when there is little data available, we would have failed in our objective, as those are precisely the regimes in which uncertainty quantification is all the more important. Hence we think it is essential, if we wish to act optimally on such beliefs, to uncover, and, if possible, to correct, all sources of systematic bias in our inference methods.

Non-Factorised Variational Inference in Dynamical Systems

Alessandro Davide Ialongo, Mark van der Wilk, James Hensman, Carl Edward Rasmussen, December 2018. (In First Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference). Montreal.

Abstract URL

We focus on variational inference in dynamical systems where the discrete time transition function (or evolution rule) is modelled by a Gaussian process. The dominant approach so far has been to use a factorised posterior distribution, decoupling the transition function from the system states. This is not exact in general and can lead to an overconfident posterior over the transition function as well as an overestimation of the intrinsic stochasticity of the system (process noise). We propose a new method that addresses these issues and incurs no additional computational costs.

Overcoming Mean-Field Approximations in Recurrent Gaussian Process Models

Alessandro Davide Ialongo, Mark van der Wilk, James Hensman, Carl Edward Rasmussen, June 2019. (In 36th International Conference on Machine Learning). Long Beach.

Abstract URL

We identify a new variational inference scheme for dynamical systems whose transition function is modelled by a Gaussian process. Inference in this setting has either employed computationally intensive MCMC methods, or relied on factorisations of the variational posterior. As we demonstrate in our experiments, the factorisation between latent system states and transition function can lead to a miscalibrated posterior and to learning unnecessarily large noise terms. We eliminate this factorisation by explicitly modelling the dependence between state trajectories and the Gaussian process posterior. Samples of the latent states can then be tractably generated by conditioning on this representation. The method we obtain (VCDT: variationally coupled dynamics and trajectories) gives better predictive performance and more calibrated estimates of the transition function, yet maintains the same time and space complexities as mean-field methods. Code is available at: https://github.com/ialong/GPt.

Closed-form Inference and Prediction in Gaussian Process State-Space Models

Alessandro Davide Ialongo, Mark van der Wilk, Carl Edward Rasmussen, December 2017. (In NIPS Time Series Workshop 2017). Long Beach.

Abstract URL

We examine an analytic variational inference scheme for the Gaussian Process State Space Model (GPSSM) - a probabilistic model for system identification and time-series modelling. Our approach performs variational inference over both the system states and the transition function. We exploit Markov structure in the true posterior, as well as an inducing point approximation to achieve linear time complexity in the length of the time series. Contrary to previous approaches, no Monte Carlo sampling is required: inference is cast as a deterministic optimisation problem. In a number of experiments, we demonstrate the ability to model non-linear dynamics in the presence of both process and observation noise as well as to impute missing information (e.g. velocities from raw positions through time), to de-noise, and to estimate the underlying dimensionality of the system. Finally, we also introduce a closed-form method for multi-step prediction, and a novel criterion for assessing the quality of our approximate posterior.

Sequence Tutor: Conservative fine-tuning of sequence generation models with KL-control

Natasha Jaques, Shixiang Gu, Dzmitry Bahdanau, Jose Miguel Hernndez Lobato, Richard E. Turner, Douglas Eck, Aug 2017. (In 34th International Conference on Machine Learning). Sydney AUSTRALIA.

Abstract URL

This paper proposes a general method for improving the structure and quality of sequences generated by a recurrent neural network (RNN), while maintaining information originally learned from data, as well as sample diversity. An RNN is first pre-trained on data using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), and the probability distribution over the next token in the sequence learned by this model is treated as a prior policy. Another RNN is then trained using reinforcement learning (RL) to generate higher-quality outputs that account for domain-specific incentives while retaining proximity to the prior policy of the MLE RNN. To formalize this objective, we derive novel off-policy RL methods for RNNs from KL-control. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated on two applications; 1) generating novel musical melodies, and 2) computational molecular generation. For both problems, we show that the proposed method improves the desired properties and structure of the generated sequences, while maintaining information learned from data.

Comment: [MIT Technology Review] [Video]

Hidden Markov Decision Trees

Michael I. Jordan, Zoubin Ghahramani, Lawrence K. Saul, 1996. (In NIPS). Edited by Michael Mozer, Michael I. Jordan, Thomas Petsche. MIT Press.

Abstract URL

We study a time series model that can be viewed as a decision tree with Markov temporal structure. The model is intractable for exact calculations, thus we utilize variational approximations. We consider three different distributions for the approximation: one in which the Markov calculations are performed exactly and the layers of the decision tree are decoupled, one in which the decision tree calculations are performed exactly and the time steps of the Markov chain are decoupled, and one in which a Viterbi-like assumption is made to pick out a single most likely state sequence. We present simulation results for artificial data and the Bach chorales.

Disentangled Sequential Autoencoder

Yingzhen Li, Stephan Mandt, July 2018. (In 35th International Conference on Machine Learning). Stockholm Sweden.

Abstract URL

We present a VAE architecture for encoding and generating high dimensional sequential data, such as video or audio. Our deep generative model learns a latent representation of the data which is split into a static and dynamic part, allowing us to approximately disentangle latent time-dependent features (dynamics) from features which are preserved over time (content). This architecture gives us partial control over generating content and dynamics by conditioning on either one of these sets of features. In our experiments on artificially generated cartoon video clips and voice recordings, we show that we can convert the content of a given sequence into another one by such content swapping. For audio, this allows us to convert a male speaker into a female speaker and vice versa, while for video we can separately manipulate shapes and dynamics. Furthermore, we give empirical evidence for the hypothesis that stochastic RNNs as latent state models are more efficient at compressing and generating long sequences than deterministic ones, which may be relevant for applications in video compression.

Representation, learning, description and criticism of probabilistic models with applications to networks, functions and relational data

James Rovert Lloyd, 2015. University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, Cambridge, UK.

Abstract URL

This thesis makes contributions to a variety of aspects of probabilistic inference. When performing probabilistic inference, one must first represent one’s beliefs with a probability distribution. Specifying the details of a probability distribution can be a difficult task in many situations, but when expressing beliefs about complex data structures it may not even be apparent what form such a distribution should take. This thesis starts by demonstrating how representation theorems due to Aldous, Hoover and Kallenberg can be used to specify appropriate models for data in the form of networks. These theorems are then extended in order to reveal appropriate probability distributions for arbitrary relational data or databases. A simpler data structure to specify probability distributions for is that of functions; many probability distributions for functions have been used for centuries. We demonstrate that many of these distributions can be expressed in a common language of Gaussian process kernels constructed from a few base elements and operators. The structure of this language allows for the effective automatic construction of probabilistic models for functions. Furthermore, the formal mathematical language of kernels can be mapped neatly onto natural language allowing for automatic descriptions of the automatically constructed models. By further automating the construction of statistical models, the need to be able to effectively check or criticise these models becomes greater. This thesis demonstrates how kernel two sample tests can be used to demonstrate where a probabilistic model most disagrees with data allowing for targeted improvements to the model. In proposing a new method of model criticism this thesis also briefly discusses the philosophy of model criticism within the context of probabilistic inference.

Automatic Construction and Natural-Language Description of Nonparametric Regression Models

James Robert Lloyd, David Duvenaud, Roger Grosse, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Zoubin Ghahramani, July 2014. (In Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)).

Abstract URL

This paper presents the beginnings of an automatic statistician, focusing on regression problems. Our system explores an open-ended space of statistical models to discover a good explanation of a data set, and then produces a detailed report with figures and natural-language text. Our approach treats unknown regression functions nonparametrically using Gaussian processes, which has two important consequences. First, Gaussian processes can model functions in terms of high-level properties (e.g. smoothness, trends, periodicity, changepoints). Taken together with the compositional structure of our language of models this allows us to automatically describe functions in simple terms. Second, the use of flexible nonparametric models and a rich language for composing them in an open-ended manner also results in state-of-the-art extrapolation performance evaluated over 13 real time series data sets from various domains.

Empirical models of spiking in neural populations

J. H. Macke, L. Busing, J. P. Cunningham, B. M. Yu, K. V. Shenoy, M. Sahani, December 2011. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25). Granada, Spain.


Neurons in the neocortex code and compute as part of a locally interconnected population. Large-scale multi-electrode recording makes it possible to access these population processes empirically by fitting statistical models to unaveraged data. What statistical structure best describes the concurrent spiking of cells within a local network? We argue that in the cortex, where firing exhibits extensive correlations in both time and space and where a typical sample of neurons still reflects only a very small fraction of the local population, the most appropriate model captures shared variability by a low-dimensional latent process evolving with smooth dynamics, rather than by putative direct coupling. We test this claim by comparing a latent dynamical model with realistic spiking observations to coupled generalised linear spike-response models (GLMs) using cortical recordings. We find that the latent dynamical approach outperforms the GLM in terms of goodness-of- fit, and reproduces the temporal correlations in the data more accurately. We also compare models whose observations models are either derived from a Gaussian or point-process models, finding that the non-Gaussian model provides slightly better goodness-of-fit and more realistic population spike counts.

Bayesian Learning for Data-Efficient Control

Rowan McAllister, 2016. University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, Cambridge, UK.

Abstract URL

Applications to learn control of unfamiliar dynamical systems with increasing autonomy are ubiquitous. From robotics, to finance, to industrial processing, autonomous learning helps obviate a heavy reliance on experts for system identification and controller design. Often real world systems are nonlinear, stochastic, and expensive to operate (e.g. slow, energy intensive, prone to wear and tear). Ideally therefore, nonlinear systems can be identified with minimal system interaction. This thesis considers data efficient autonomous learning of control of nonlinear, stochastic systems. Data efficient learning critically requires probabilistic modelling of dynamics. Traditional control approaches use deterministic models, which easily overfit data, especially small datasets. We use probabilistic Bayesian modelling to learn systems from scratch, similar to the PILCO algorithm, which achieved unprecedented data efficiency in learning control of several benchmarks. We extend PILCO in three principle ways. First, we learn control under significant observation noise by simulating a filtered control process using a tractably analytic framework of Gaussian distributions. In addition, we develop the `latent variable belief Markov decision process’ when filters must predict under real-time constraints. Second, we improve PILCO’s data efficiency by directing exploration with predictive loss uncertainty and Bayesian optimisation, including a novel approximation to the Gittins index. Third, we take a step towards data efficient learning of high-dimensional control using Bayesian neural networks (BNN). Experimentally we show although filtering mitigates adverse effects of observation noise, much greater performance is achieved when optimising controllers with evaluations faithful to reality: by simulating closed-loop filtered control if executing closed-loop filtered control. Thus, controllers are optimised w.r.t. how they are used, outperforming filters applied to systems optimised by unfiltered simulations. We show directed exploration improves data efficiency. Lastly, we show BNN dynamics models are almost as data efficient as Gaussian process models. Results show data efficient learning of high-dimensional control is possible as BNNs scale to high-dimensional state inputs.

Data-Efficient Reinforcement Learning in Continuous State-Action Gaussian-POMDPs

Rowan McAllister, Carl Edward Rasmussen, December 2017. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31). Long Beach, California.

Abstract URL

We present a data-efficient reinforcement learning method for continuous state-action systems under significant observation noise. Data-efficient solutions under small noise exist, such as PILCO which learns the cartpole swing-up task in 30s. PILCO evaluates policies by planning state-trajectories using a dynamics model. However, PILCO applies policies to the observed state, therefore planning in observation space. We extend PILCO with filtering to instead plan in belief space, consistent with partially observable Markov decisions process (POMDP) planning. This enables data-efficient learning under significant observation noise, outperforming more naive methods such as post-hoc application of a filter to policies optimised by the original (unfiltered) PILCO algorithm. We test our method on the cartpole swing-up task, which involves nonlinear dynamics and requires nonlinear control.

Nonlinear Modelling and Control using Gaussian Processes

Andrew McHutchon, 2014. University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, Cambridge, UK.

Abstract URL

In many scientific disciplines it is often required to make predictions about how a system will behave or to deduce the correct control values to elicit a particular desired response. Efficiently solving both of these tasks relies on the construction of a model capturing the system’s operation. In the most interesting situations, the model needs to capture strongly nonlinear effects and deal with the presence of uncertainty and noise. Building models for such systems purely based on a theoretical understanding of underlying physical principles can be infeasibly complex and require a large number of simplifying assumptions. An alternative is to use a data-driven approach, which builds a model directly from observations. A powerful and principled approach to doing this is to use a Gaussian Process (GP). In this thesis we start by discussing how GPs can be applied to data sets which have noise affecting their inputs. We present the “Noisy Input GP”, which uses a simple local-linearisation to refer the input noise into heteroscedastic output noise, and compare it to other methods both theoretically and empirically. We show that this technique leads to a effective model for nonlinear functions with input and output noise. We then consider the broad topic of GP state space models for application to dynamical systems. We discuss a very wide variety of approaches for using GPs in state space models, including introducing a new method based on moment-matching, which consistently gave the best performance. We analyse the methods in some detail including providing a systematic comparison between approximate-analytic and particle methods. To our knowledge such a comparison has not been provided before in this area. Finally, we investigate an automatic control learning framework, which uses Gaussian Processes to model a system for which we wish to design a controller. Controller design for complex systems is a difficult task and thus a framework which allows an automatic design directly from data promises to be extremely useful. We demonstrate that the previously published framework cannot cope with the presence of observation noise but that the introduction of a state space model dramatically improves its performance. This contribution, along with some other suggested improvements opens the door for this framework to be used in real-world applications.

Dynamical Segmentation of single trials from population neural data

B. Petreska, B. M. Yu, J. P. Cunningham, G. Santhanam, S. I. Ryu, K. V. Shenoy, M. Sahani, December 2011. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25). Granada, Spain.


Simultaneous recordings of many neurons embedded within a recurrently-connected cortical network may provide concurrent views into the dynamical processes of that network, and thus its computational function. In principle, these dynamics might be identified by purely unsupervised, statistical means. Here, we show that a Hidden Switching Linear Dynamical Systems (HSLDS) model - in which multiple linear dynamical laws approximate and nonlinear and potentially non-stationary dynamical process - is able to distinguish dynamical regimes within single-trial motor cortical activity associated with the preparation and initiation of hand movements. The regimes are identified without reference to behavioural or experimental epochs, but nonetheless transitions between them correlate strongly with external events whose timing may vary from trial to trial. The HSLDS model also performs better than recent comparable models in predicting the firing rate of an isolated neuron based on the firing rates of others, suggesting that it captures more of the “Shared variance” of the data. Thus, the method is able to trace the dynamical processes underlying the coordinated evolution of network activity in a way that appears to reflect its computational role.

Propagation of Uncertainty in Bayesian Kernel Models - Application to Multiple-Step Ahead Forecasting

Joaquin Quiñonero-Candela, Agathe Girard, Jan Larsen, Carl Edward Rasmussen, April 2003. (In ICASSP 2003). (IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing). Hong Kong.

Abstract URL

The object of Bayesian modelling is the predictive distribution, which in a forecasting scenario enables improved estimates of forecasted values and their uncertainties. In this paper we focus on reliably estimating the predictive mean and variance of forecasted values using Bayesian kernel based models such as the Gaussian Process and the Relevance Vector Machine. We derive novel analytic expressions for the predictive mean and variance for Gaussian kernel shapes under the assumption of a Gaussian input distribution in the static case, and of a recursive Gaussian predictive density in iterative forecasting. The capability of the method is demonstrated for forecasting of time-series and compared to approximate methods.

Prediction at an uncertain input for Gaussian processes and Relevance Vector Machines Application to multiple-step ahead time-series prediction

Joaquin Quiñonero-Candela, Agathe Girard, Carl Edward Rasmussen, 2003. Instititute for Mathemetical Modelling, DTU,


Comment: techreport

Gaussian Process Change Point Models

Yunus Saatçi, Ryan Turner, Carl Edward Rasmussen, June 2010. (In 27th International Conference on Machine Learning). Haifa, Israel.

Abstract URL

We combine Bayesian online change point detection with Gaussian processes to create a nonparametric time series model which can handle change points. The model can be used to locate change points in an online manner; and, unlike other Bayesian online change point detection algorithms, is applicable when temporal correlations in a regime are expected. We show three variations on how to apply Gaussian processes in the change point context, each with their own advantages. We present methods to reduce the computational burden of these models and demonstrate it on several real world data sets.

Comment: poster, slides.

Discovering temporal patterns of differential gene expression in microarray time series

O. Stegle, K. Denby, S. McHattie, A. Meade, D. Wild, Z. Ghahramani, K Borgwardt, September 2009. (In German Conference on Bioinformatics). Halle, Germany.

Abstract URL

A wealth of time series of microarray measurements have become available over recent years. Several two-sample tests for detecting differential gene expression in these time series have been defined, but they can only answer the question whether a gene is differentially expressed across the whole time series, not in which intervals it is differentially expressed. In this article, we propose a Gaussian process based approach for studying these dynamics of differential gene expression. In experiments on Arabidopsis thaliana gene expression levels, our novel technique helps us to uncover that the family of WRKY transcription factors appears to be involved in the early response to infection by a fungal pathogen.

The block diagonal infinite hidden Markov model

T. Stepleton, Z. Ghahramani, G. Gordon, T.-S. Lee, April 2009. (In 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Edited by D. van Dyk, M. Welling. Clearwater Beach, FL, USA. Microtome Publishing (paper) Journal of Machine Learning Research. Note: ISSN 1938-7228.

Abstract URL

The Infinite Hidden Markov Model (IHMM) extends hidden Markov models to have a countably infinite number of hidden states (Beal et al., 2002; Teh et al., 2006). We present a generalization of this framework that introduces nearly block-diagonal structure in the transitions between the hidden states, where blocks correspond to “sub-behaviors” exhibited by data sequences. In identifying such structure, the model classifies, or partitions, sequence data according to these sub-behaviors in an unsupervised way. We present an application of this model to artificial data, a video gesture classification task, and a musical theme labeling task, and show that components of the model can also be applied to graph segmentation.

Learning Stationary Time Series using Gaussian Process with Nonparametric Kernels

Felipe Tobar, Thang D. Bui, Richard E. Turner, Dec 2015. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29). Montréal CANADA.

Abstract URL

We introduce the Gaussian Process Convolution Model (GPCM), a two-stage nonparametric generative procedure to model stationary signals as the convolution between a continuous-time white-noise process and a continuous-time linear filter drawn from Gaussian process. The GPCM is a continuous-time nonparametricwindow moving average process and, conditionally, is itself a Gaussian process with a nonparametric kernel defined in a probabilistic fashion. The generative model can be equivalently considered in the frequency domain, where the power spectral density of the signal is specified using a Gaussian process. One of the main contributions of the paper is to develop a novel variational freeenergy approach based on inter-domain inducing variables that efficiently learns the continuous-time linear filter and infers the driving white-noise process. In turn, this scheme provides closed-form probabilistic estimates of the covariance kernel and the noise-free signal both in denoising and prediction scenarios. Additionally, the variational inference procedure provides closed-form expressions for the approximate posterior of the spectral density given the observed data, leading to new Bayesian nonparametric approaches to spectrum estimation. The proposed GPCM is validated using synthetic and real-world signals.

Unsupervised State-Space Modeling Using Reproducing Kernels

Felipe Tobar, Petar M. Djurić, Danilo P. Mandic, 2015. (IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing).

Abstract URL

A novel framework for the design of state-space models (SSMs) is proposed whereby the state-transition function of the model is parametrized using reproducing kernels. The nature of SSMs requires learning a latent function that resides in the state space and for which input-output sample pairs are not available, thus prohibiting the use of gradient-based supervised kernel learning. To this end, we then propose to learn the mixing weights of the kernel estimate by sampling from their posterior density using Monte Carlo methods. We first introduce an offline version of the proposed algorithm, followed by an online version which performs inference on both the parameters and the hidden state through particle filtering. The accuracy of the estimation of the state-transition function is first validated on synthetic data. Next, we show that the proposed algorithm outperforms kernel adaptive filters in the prediction of real-world time series, while also providing probabilistic estimates, a key advantage over standard methods.

Modelling of Complex Signals using Gaussian Processes

Felipe Tobar, Richard E. Turner, 2015. (In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)).

Abstract URL

In complex-valued signal processing, estimation algorithms require complete knowledge (or accurate estimation) of the second order statistics, this makes Gaussian processes (GP) well suited for modelling complex signals, as they are designed in terms of covariance functions. Dealing with bivariate signals using GPs require four covariance matrices, or equivalently, two complex matrices. We propose a GP-based approach for modelling complex signals, whereby the second-order statistics are learnt through maximum likelihood; in particular, the complex GP approach allows for circularity coefficient estimation in a robust manner when the observed signal is corrupted by (circular) white noise. The proposed model is validated using climate signals, for both circular and noncircular cases. The results obtained open new possibilities for collaboration between the complex signal processing and Gaussian processes communities towards an appealing representation and statistical description of bivariate signals.

Statistical Models for Natural Sounds

Richard E. Turner, 2010. Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, UCL,

Abstract URL

It is important to understand the rich structure of natural sounds in order to solve important tasks, like automatic speech recognition, and to understand auditory processing in the brain. This thesis takes a step in this direction by characterising the statistics of simple natural sounds. We focus on the statistics because perception often appears to depend on them, rather than on the raw waveform. For example the perception of auditory textures, like running water, wind, fire and rain, depends on summary-statistics, like the rate of falling rain droplets, rather than on the exact details of the physical source. In order to analyse the statistics of sounds accurately it is necessary to improve a number of traditional signal processing methods, including those for amplitude demodulation, time-frequency analysis, and sub-band demodulation. These estimation tasks are ill-posed and therefore it is natural to treat them as Bayesian inference problems. The new probabilistic versions of these methods have several advantages. For example, they perform more accurately on natural signals and are more robust to noise, they can also fill-in missing sections of data, and provide error-bars. Furthermore, free-parameters can be learned from the signal. Using these new algorithms we demonstrate that the energy, sparsity, modulation depth and modulation time-scale in each sub-band of a signal are critical statistics, together with the dependencies between the sub-band modulators. In order to validate this claim, a model containing co-modulated coloured noise carriers is shown to be capable of generating a range of realistic sounding auditory textures. Finally, we explored the connection between the statistics of natural sounds and perception. We demonstrate that inference in the model for auditory textures qualitatively replicates the primitive grouping rules that listeners use to understand simple acoustic scenes. This suggests that the auditory system is optimised for the statistics of natural sounds.

Fast Online Anomaly Detection Using Scan Statistics

Ryan Turner, Steven Bottone, Zoubin Ghahramani, August 2010. (In Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2010)). Edited by Samuel Kaski, David J. Miller, Erkki Oja, Antti Honkela. Kittilä, Finland. ISBN: 978-1-4244-7876-7.

Abstract URL

We present methods to do fast online anomaly detection using scan statistics. Scan statistics have long been used to detect statistically significant bursts of events. We extend the scan statistics framework to handle many practical issues that occur in application: dealing with an unknown background rate of events, allowing for slow natural changes in background frequency, the inverse problem of finding an unusual lack of events, and setting the test parameters to maximize power. We demonstrate its use on real and synthetic data sets with comparison to other methods.

System Identification in Gaussian Process Dynamical Systems

Ryan Turner, Marc Peter Deisenroth, Carl Edward Rasmussen, December 2009. (In NIPS Workshop on Nonparametric Bayes). Edited by Dilan Görür. Whistler, BC, Canada.


Comment: poster.

State-Space Inference and Learning with Gaussian Processes

Ryan Turner, Marc Peter Deisenroth, Carl Edward Rasmussen, May 13–15 2010. (In 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Edited by Yee Whye Teh, Mike Titterington. Chia Laguna, Sardinia, Italy. W & CP.

Abstract URL

State-space inference and learning with Gaussian processes (GPs) is an unsolved problem. We propose a new, general methodology for inference and learning in nonlinear state-space models that are described probabilistically by non-parametric GP models. We apply the expectation maximization algorithm to iterate between inference in the latent state-space and learning the parameters of the underlying GP dynamics model.

Comment: poster.

Model Based Learning of Sigma Points in Unscented Kalman Filtering

Ryan Turner, Carl Edward Rasmussen, August 2010. (In Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2010)). Edited by Samuel Kaski, David J. Miller, Erkki Oja, Antti Honkela. Kittilä, Finland. ISBN: 978-1-4244-7876-7.

Abstract URL

The unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is a widely used method in control and time series applications. The UKF suffers from arbitrary parameters necessary for a step known as sigma point placement, causing it to perform poorly in nonlinear problems. We show how to treat sigma point placement in a UKF as a learning problem in a model based view. We demonstrate that learning to place the sigma points correctly from data can make sigma point collapse much less likely. Learning can result in a significant increase in predictive performance over default settings of the parameters in the UKF and other filters designed to avoid the problems of the UKF, such as the GP-ADF. At the same time, we maintain a lower computational complexity than the other methods. We call our method UKF-L.

Model based learning of sigma points in unscented Kalman filtering

Ryan D. Turner, Carl Edward Rasmussen, 2012. (Neurocomputing). DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2011.07.029.

Abstract URL

The unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is a widely used method in control and time series applications. The UKF suffers from arbitrary parameters necessary for sigma point placement, potentially causing it to perform poorly in nonlinear problems. We show how to treat sigma point placement in a UKF as a learning problem in a model based view. We demonstrate that learning to place the sigma points correctly from data can make sigma point collapse much less likely. Learning can result in a significant increase in predictive performance over default settings of the parameters in the UKF and other filters designed to avoid the problems of the UKF, such as the GP-ADF. At the same time, we maintain a lower computational complexity than the other methods. We call our method UKF-L.

Adaptive Sequential Bayesian Change Point Detection

Ryan Turner, Yunus Saatçi, Carl Edward Rasmussen, December 2009. (In NIPS Workshop on Temporal Segmentation). Edited by Zaïd Harchaoui. Whistler, BC, Canada.

Abstract URL

Real-world time series are often nonstationary with respect to the parameters of some underlying prediction model (UPM). Furthermore, it is often desirable to adapt the UPM to incoming regime changes as soon as possible, necessitating sequential inference about change point locations. A Bayesian algorithm for online change point detection (BOCPD) has been introduced recently by Adams and MacKay (2007). In this algorithm, uncertainty about the last change point location is updated sequentially, and is integrated out to make online predictions robust to parameter changes. BOCPD requires a set of fixed hyper-parameters which allow the user to fully specify the hazard function for change points and the prior distribution over the parameters of the UPM. In practice, finding the “right” hyper-parameters can be quite difficult. We therefore extend BOCPD by introducing hyper-parameter learning, without sacrificing the online nature of the algorithm. Hyper-parameter learning is performed by optimizing the marginal likelihood of the BOCPD model, a closed-form quantity which can be computed sequentially. We illustrate performance on three real-world datasets.

Comment: poster, slides.

Probabilistic Amplitude Demodulation

Richard E. Turner, M Sahani, 2007. (In 7th International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation).

Abstract URL

Auditory scene analysis is extremely challenging. One approach, perhaps that adopted by the brain, is to shape useful representations of sounds on prior knowledge about their statistical structure. For example, sounds with harmonic sections are common and so time-frequency representations are efficient. Most current representations concentrate on the shorter components. Here, we propose representations for structures on longer time-scales, like the phonemes and sentences of speech. We decompose a sound into a product of processes, each with its own characteristic time-scale. This demodulation cascade relates to classical amplitude demodulation, but traditional algorithms fail to realise the representation fully. A new approach, probabilistic amplitude demodulation, is shown to out-perform the established methods, and to easily extend to representation of a full demodulation cascade.

Modeling natural sounds with modulation cascade processes

Richard E. Turner, Maneesh Sahani, 2008. (In nips20). Edited by J. C. Platt, D. Koller, Y. Singer, S. Roweis. mit.

Abstract URL

Natural sounds are structured on many time-scales. A typical segment of speech, for example, contains features that span four orders of magnitude: Sentences (∼1s); phonemes (∼10−1 s); glottal pulses (∼ 10−2s); and formants (∼ 10−3s). The auditory system uses information from each of these time-scales to solve complicated tasks such as auditory scene analysis [1]. One route toward understanding how auditory processing accomplishes this analysis is to build neuroscience-inspired algorithms which solve similar tasks and to compare the properties of these algorithms with properties of auditory processing. There is however a discord: Current machine-audition algorithms largely concentrate on the shorter time-scale structures in sounds, and the longer structures are ignored. The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly, it is a difficult technical problem to construct an algorithm that utilises both sorts of information. Secondly, it is computationally demanding to simultaneously process data both at high resolution (to extract short temporal information) and for long duration (to extract long temporal information). The contribution of this work is to develop a new statistical model for natural sounds that captures structure across a wide range of time-scales, and to provide efficient learning and inference algorithms. We demonstrate the success of this approach on a missing data task.

Statistical inference for single- and multi-band probabilistic amplitude demodulation.

Richard E. Turner, Maneesh Sahani, 2010. (In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)).

Abstract URL

Amplitude demodulation is an ill-posed problem and so it is natural to treat it from a Bayesian viewpoint, inferring the most likely carrier and envelope under probabilistic constraints. One such treatment is Probabilistic Amplitude Demodulation (PAD), which, whilst computationally more intensive than traditional approaches, offers several advantages. Here we provide methods for estimating the uncertainty in the PAD-derived envelopes and carriers, and for learning free-parameters like the time-scale of the envelope. We show how the probabilistic approach can naturally handle noisy and missing data. Finally, we indicate how to extend the model to signals which contain multiple modulators and carriers.

Two problems with variational expectation maximisation for time-series models

Richard E. Turner, Maneesh Sahani, 2011. (In Bayesian Time series models). Edited by D. Barber, T. Cemgil, S. Chiappa. Cambridge University Press.

Abstract URL

Variational methods are a key component of the approximate inference and learning toolbox. These methods fill an important middle ground, retaining distributional information about uncertainty in latent variables, unlike maximum a posteriori methods (MAP), and yet generally requiring less computational time than Monte Carlo Markov Chain methods. In particular the variational Expectation Maximisation (vEM) and variational Bayes algorithms, both involving variational optimisation of a free-energy, are widely used in time-series modelling. Here, we investigate the success of vEM in simple probabilistic time-series models. First we consider the inference step of vEM, and show that a consequence of the well-known compactness property of variational inference is a failure to propagate uncertainty in time, thus limiting the usefulness of the retained distributional information. In particular, the uncertainty may appear to be smallest precisely when the approximation is poorest. Second, we consider parameter learning and analytically reveal systematic biases in the parameters found by vEM. Surprisingly, simpler variational approximations (such a mean-field) can lead to less bias than more complicated structured approximations.

Demodulation as Probabilistic Inference

Richard E. Turner, Maneesh Sahani, 2011. (Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing).

Abstract URL

Demodulation is an ill-posed problem whenever both carrier and envelope signals are broadband and unknown. Here, we approach this problem using the methods of probabilistic inference. The new approach, called Probabilistic Amplitude Demodulation (PAD), is computationally challenging but improves on existing methods in a number of ways. By contrast to previous approaches to demodulation, it satisfies five key desiderata: PAD has soft constraints because it is probabilistic; PAD is able to automatically adjust to the signal because it learns parameters; PAD is user-steerable because the solution can be shaped by user-specific prior information; PAD is robust to broad-band noise because this is modelled explicitly; and PAD’s solution is self-consistent, empirically satisfying a Carrier Identity property. Furthermore, the probabilistic view naturally encompasses noise and uncertainty, allowing PAD to cope with missing data and return error bars on carrier and envelope estimates. Finally, we show that when PAD is applied to a bandpass-filtered signal, the stop-band energy of the inferred carrier is minimal, making PAD well-suited to sub-band demodulation.

Probabilistic amplitude and frequency demodulation

Richard E. Turner, Maneesh Sahani, 2011. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24). The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

A number of recent scientific and engineering problems require signals to be decomposed into a product of a slowly varying positive envelope and a quickly varying carrier whose instantaneous frequency also varies slowly over time. Although signal processing provides algorithms for so-called amplitude- and frequency-demodulation (AFD), there are well known problems with all of the existing methods. Motivated by the fact that AFD is ill-posed, we approach the problem using probabilistic inference. The new approach, called probabilistic amplitude and frequency demodulation (PAFD), models instantaneous frequency using an auto-regressive generalization of the von Mises distribution, and the envelopes using Gaussian auto-regressive dynamics with a positivity constraint. A novel form of expectation propagation is used for inference. We demonstrate that although PAFD is computationally demanding, it outperforms previous approaches on synthetic and real signals in clean, noisy and missing data settings.

A Maximum-Likelihood Interpretation for Slow Feature Analysis

Richard E. Turner, Maneesh Sahani, 2007. (Neural Computation). Cambridge, MA, USA. MIT Press. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/neco.2007.19.4.1022. ISSN: 0899-7667.

Abstract URL

The brain extracts useful features from a maelstrom of sensory information, and a fundamental goal of theoretical neuroscience is to work out how it does so. One proposed feature extraction strategy is motivated by the observation that the meaning of sensory data, such as the identity of a moving visual object, is often more persistent than the activation of any single sensory receptor. This notion is embodied in the slow feature analysis (SFA) algorithm, which uses “slowness” as an heuristic by which to extract semantic information from multi-dimensional time-series. Here, we develop a probabilistic interpretation of this algorithm showing that inference and learning in the limiting case of a suitable probabilistic model yield exactly the results of SFA. Similar equivalences have proved useful in interpreting and extending comparable algorithms such as independent component analysis. For SFA, we use the equivalent probabilistic model as a conceptual spring-board, with which to motivate several novel extensions to the algorithm.

Beam sampling for the infinite hidden Markov model

Jurgen Van Gael, Yunus Saatçi, Yee-Whye Teh, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2008. (In 25th International Conference on Machine Learning). Helsinki, Finland. Association for Computing Machinery.

Abstract URL

The infinite hidden Markov model is a non-parametric extension of the widely used hidden Markov model. Our paper introduces a new inference algorithm for the infinite Hidden Markov model called beam sampling. Beam sampling combines slice sampling, which limits the number of states considered at each time step to a finite number, with dynamic programming, which samples whole state trajectories efficiently. Our algorithm typically outperforms the Gibbs sampler and is more robust. We present applications of iHMM inference using the beam sampler on changepoint detection and text prediction problems.

The infinite factorial hidden Markov model

J. Van Gael, Y.W. Teh, Z. Ghahramani, December 2008. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21). Edited by D. Koller, D. Schuurmans, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

The infinite factorial hidden Markov model is a non-parametric extension of the factorial hidden Markov model. Our model defines a probability distribution over an infinite number of independent binary hidden Markov chains which together produce an observable sequence of random variables. Central to our model is a new type of non-parametric prior distribution inspired by the Indian Buffet Process which we call the Indian Buffet Markov Process.

Covariance Kernels for Fast Automatic Pattern Discovery and Extrapolation with Gaussian Processes

Andrew Gordon Wilson, 2014. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

Abstract URL

Truly intelligent systems are capable of pattern discovery and extrapolation without human intervention. Bayesian nonparametric models, which can uniquely represent expressive prior information and detailed inductive biases, provide a distinct opportunity to develop intelligent systems, with applications in essentially any learning and prediction task. Gaussian processes are rich distributions over functions, which provide a Bayesian nonparametric approach to smoothing and interpolation. A covariance kernel determines the support and inductive biases of a Gaussian process. In this thesis, we introduce new covariance kernels to enable fast automatic pattern discovery and extrapolation with Gaussian processes. In the introductory chapter, we discuss the high level principles behind all of the models in this thesis: 1) we can typically improve the predictive performance of a model by accounting for additional structure in data; 2) to automatically discover rich structure in data, a model must have large support and the appropriate inductive biases; 3) we most need expressive models for large datasets, which typically provide more information for learning structure, and 4) we can often exploit the existing inductive biases (assumptions) or structure of a model for scalable inference, without the need for simplifying assumptions. In the context of this introduction, we then discuss, in chapter 2, Gaussian processes as kernel machines, and my views on the future of Gaussian process research. In chapter 3 we introduce the Gaussian process regression network (GPRN) framework, a multi-output Gaussian process method which scales to many output variables, and accounts for input-dependent correlations between the outputs. Underlying the GPRN is a highly expressive kernel, formed using an adaptive mixture of latent basis functions in a neural network like architecture. The GPRN is capable of discovering expressive structure in data. We use the GPRN to model the time-varying expression levels of 1000 genes, the spatially varying concentrations of several distinct heavy metals, and multivariate volatility (input dependent noise covariances) between returns on equity indices and currency exchanges, which is particularly valuable for portfolio allocation. We generalise the GPRN to an adaptive network framework, which does not depend on Gaussian processes or Bayesian nonparametrics; and we outline applications for the adaptive network in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, ensemble learning, and change-point modelling. In chapter 4 we introduce simple closed form kernel for automatic pattern discovery and extrapolation. These spectral mixture (SM) kernels are derived by modelling the spectral densiy of a kernel (its Fourier transform) using a scale-location Gaussian mixture. SM kernels form a basis for all stationary covariances, and can be used as a drop-in replacement for standard kernels, as they retain simple and exact learning and inference procedures. We use the SM kernel to discover patterns and perform long range extrapolation on atmospheric CO2 trends and airline passenger data, as well as on synthetic examples. We also show that the SM kernel can be used to automatically reconstruct several standard covariances. The SM kernel and the GPRN are highly complementary; we show that using the SM kernel with adaptive basis functions in a GPRN induces an expressive prior over non-stationary kernels. In chapter 5 we introduce GPatt, a method for fast multidimensional pattern extrapolation, particularly suited to imge and movie data. Without human intervention – no hand crafting of kernel features, and no sophisticated initialisation procedures – we show that GPatt can solve large scale pattern extrapolation, inpainting and kernel discovery problems, including a problem with 383,400 training points. GPatt exploits the structure of a spectral mixture product (SMP) kernel, for fast yet exact inference procedures. We find that GPatt significantly outperforms popular alternative scalable gaussian process methods in speed and accuracy. Moreover, we discover profound differences between each of these methods, suggesting expressive kernels, nonparametric representations, and scalable inference which exploits existing model structure are useful in combination for modelling large scale multidimensional patterns. The models in this dissertation have proven to be scalable and with greatly enhanced predictive performance over the alternatives: the extra structure being modelled is an important part of a wide variety of real data – including problems in econometrics, gene expression, geostatistics, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, ensemble learning, multi-output regression, change point modelling, time series, multivariate volatility, image inpainting, texture extrapolation, video extrapolation, acoustic modelling, and kernel discovery.

Gaussian Process Kernels for Pattern Discovery and Extrapolation

Andrew Gordon Wilson, Ryan Prescott Adams, February 18 2013. (In 30th International Conference on Machine Learning).

Abstract URL

Gaussian processes are rich distributions over functions, which provide a Bayesian nonparametric approach to smoothing and interpolation. We introduce simple closed form kernels that can be used with Gaussian processes to discover patterns and enable extrapolation. These kernels are derived by modelling a spectral density – the Fourier transform of a kernel – with a Gaussian mixture. The proposed kernels support a broad class of stationary covariances, but Gaussian process inference remains simple and analytic. We demonstrate the proposed kernels by discovering patterns and performing long range extrapolation on synthetic examples, as well as atmospheric CO2 trends and airline passenger data. We also show that we can reconstruct standard covariances within our framework.

Comment: arXiv:1302.4245

Copula Processes

Andrew Gordon Wilson, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2010. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23). Note: Spotlight.

Abstract URL

We define a copula process which describes the dependencies between arbitrarily many random variables independently of their marginal distributions. As an example, we develop a stochastic volatility model, Gaussian Copula Process Volatility (GCPV), to predict the latent standard deviations of a sequence of random variables. To make predictions we use Bayesian inference, with the Laplace approximation, and with Markov chain Monte Carlo as an alternative. We find our model can outperform GARCH on simulated and financial data. And unlike GARCH, GCPV can easily handle missing data, incorporate covariates other than time, and model a rich class of covariance structures.

Comment: Supplementary Material, slides.

Generalised Wishart Processes

Andrew Gordon Wilson, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2011. (In 27th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence).

Abstract URL

We introduce a new stochastic process called the generalised Wishart process (GWP). It is a collection of positive semi-definite random matrices indexed by any arbitrary input variable. We use this process as a prior over dynamic (e.g. time varying) covariance matrices. The GWP captures a diverse class of covariance dynamics, naturally hanles missing data, scales nicely with dimension, has easily interpretable parameters, and can use input variables that include covariates other than time. We describe how to construct the GWP, introduce general procedures for inference and prediction, and show that it outperforms its main competitor, multivariate GARCH, even on financial data that especially suits GARCH.

Comment: Supplementary Material, Best Student Paper Award

GPatt: Fast Multidimensional Pattern Extrapolation with Gaussian Processes

Andrew Gordon Wilson, Elad Gilboa, Arye Nehorai, John P Cunningham, 2013. (arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.5288).

Abstract URL

Gaussian processes are typically used for smoothing and interpolation on small datasets. We introduce a new Bayesian nonparametric framework – GPatt – enabling automatic pattern extrapolation with Gaussian processes on large multidimensional datasets. GPatt unifies and extends highly expressive kernels and fast exact inference techniques. Without human intervention – no hand crafting of kernel features, and no sophisticated initialisation procedures – we show that GPatt can solve large scale pattern extrapolation, inpainting, and kernel discovery problems, including a problem with 383,400 training points. We find that GPatt significantly outperforms popular alternative scalable Gaussian process methods in speed and accuracy. Moreover, we discover profound differences between each of these methods, suggesting expressive kernels, nonparametric representations, and scalable inference which exploits model structure are useful in combination for modelling large scale multidimensional patterns.

Gaussian Process Regression Networks

Andrew Gordon Wilson, David A Knowles, Zoubin Ghahramani, October 19 2011. Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

Abstract URL

We introduce a new regression framework, Gaussian process regression networks (GPRN), which combines the structural properties of Bayesian neural networks with the non-parametric flexibility of Gaussian processes. This model accommodates input dependent signal and noise correlations between multiple response variables, input dependent length-scales and amplitudes, and heavy-tailed predictive distributions. We derive both efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo and variational Bayes inference procedures for this model. We apply GPRN as a multiple output regression and multivariate volatility model, demonstrating substantially improved performance over eight popular multiple output (multi-task) Gaussian process models and three multivariate volatility models on benchmark datasets, including a 1000 dimensional gene expression dataset.

Comment: arXiv:1110.4411

Bayesian Inference for NMR Spectroscopy with Applications to Chemical Quantification

Andrew Gordon Wilson, Yuting Wu, Daniel J. Holland, Sebastian Nowozin, Mick D. Mantle, Lynn F. Gladden, Andrew Blake, 2014. (arXiv preprint arXiv 1402.3580).

Abstract URL

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy exploits the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei to discover the structure, reaction state and chemical environment of molecules. We propose a probabilistic generative model and inference procedures for NMR spectroscopy. Specifically, we use a weighted sum of trigonometric functions undergoing exponential decay to model free induction decay (FID) signals. We discuss the challenges in estimating the components of this general model – amplitudes, phase shifts, frequencies, decay rates, and noise variances – and offer practical solutions. We compare with conventional Fourier transform spectroscopy for estimating the relative concentrations of chemicals in a mixture, using synthetic and experimentally acquired FID signals. We find the proposed model is particularly robust to low signal to noise ratios (SNR), and overlapping peaks in the Fourier transform of the FID, enabling accurate predictions (e.g., 1% error at low SNR) which are not possible with conventional spectroscopy (5% error).

Dynamic Covariance Models for Multivariate Financial Time Series

Yue Wu, José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2013. (In 30th International Conference on Machine Learning). Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Abstract URL

The accurate prediction of time-changing covariances is an important problem in the modeling of multivariate financial data. However, some of the most popular models suffer from a) overfitting problems and multiple local optima, b) failure to capture shifts in market conditions and c) large computational costs. To address these problems we introduce a novel dynamic model for time-changing covariances. Over-fitting and local optima are avoided by following a Bayesian approach instead of computing point estimates. Changes in market conditions are captured by assuming a diffusion process in parameter values, and finally computationally efficient and scalable inference is performed using particle filters. Experiments with financial data show excellent performance of the proposed method with respect to current standard models.

An L1-regularized logistic model for detecting short-term neuronal interactions.

M. Zhao, A. P. Batista, J. P. Cunningham, C. A. Chestek, Z. Rivera-Alvidrez, R. Kalmar, S. I. Ryu, K. V. Shenoy, S. Iyengar, 2011. (Journal of Computational Neuroscience). DOI: 10.1007/s10827-011-0365-5. Note: In Press..

Abstract URL

Interactions among neurons are a key com- ponent of neural signal processing. Rich neural data sets potentially containing evidence of interactions can now be collected readily in the laboratory, but existing analysis methods are often not sufficiently sensitive and specific to reveal these interactions. Generalized linear models offer a platform for analyzing multi-electrode recordings of neuronal spike train data. Here we suggest an L1-regularized logistic regression model (L1L method) to detect short-term (order of 3ms) neuronal interactions. We estimate the parameters in this model using a coordinate descent algorithm, and determine the optimal tuning parameter using a Bayesian Information Criterion. Simulation studies show that in general the L1L method has better sensitivities and specificities than those of the traditional shuffle-corrected cross-correlogram (covariogram) method. The L1L method is able to detect excitatory interactions with both high sensitivity and specificity with reasonably large recordings, even when the magnitude of the interactions is small; similar results hold for inhibition given sufficiently high baseline firing rates. Our study also suggests that the false positives can be further removed by thresholding, because their magnitudes are typically smaller than true interactions. Simulations also show that the L1L method is somewhat robust to partially observed networks. We apply the method to multi-electrode recordings collected in the monkey dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) while the animal prepares to make reaching arm movements. The results show that some neurons interact differently depending on task conditions. The stronger interactions detected with our L1L method were also visible using the covariogram method.

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