numbers, not adjectives — D. J. C. MacKay
14 Books
Here are some books on or related to climate change which I really enjoyed. Although that’s not to say that I agree with all of it.
14.1 Energy
Richard Black: The Future of Energy
David J C MacKay: Sustainable Energy — without the hot air
Tom Murphy: Energy and Human ambitions on a finite planet
Jean-Marc Jancovici, Christophe Blain: World without end
John M Wallace, Peter W Hobbs: Atmospheric Science
14.2 Philosophy
Daniel Quinn: Ishmael
Peter Singer: One world now — the ethics of globalization
14.3 Cooperation
Elinor Ostrom: Governing the Commons
14.4 Economics and Policy
Andreas Malm and Wim Carton: Overshoot
Tim Jackson: Prosperity without Growth
Kate Raworth: Doughnut Economics — seven ways to think like a 21st-century economist
14.5 General
Martin Rees: If Science is to Save Us
Hannah Ritchie: Not the end of the World
Simon Sharpe: Five Times Faster
created by Greta Thunberg: The Climate Book
14.6 Cli-fi
Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future