numbers, not adjectives — D. J. C. MacKay
Universal Carbon Cooperation
March 7, 2025
I’m interested in understanding an implementing mechanisms which may allow us (humans) to avoid burning all avaiable fossil fuels.
I share the concern that current greenhouse gas emissions will cause very significant difficulties for future generations because of climate change. Two approaches are widely pursued: using less energy more efficiently, and deploying more renewable energy sources and phasing out fossil fuels. I am strongly in favour of both of these strategies, but I think that by themselves, they won’t be sufficient to avoid that we burn all easily recoverable fossil fuels.
Because our atmosphere is a shared resource, I think the only way we will successfully manage it is through mutual cooperation.
My focus is on the grand human challenge of turning our scientific knowledge about climate change into concrete action to avoid its most severe consequences. Below I collect some thoughts and ideas related to climate change.
The Themis Mechanism is a proposal for an international mechanism to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions in a fair and effective way, short and longer versions.
The Equitable Atmosphere Climate Cooperative (EACC) is a practical proposal to address the climate crisis.
Why will we reach long term average +1.5°C by October 2033 ± 18 months?
The Degree Person Day (DPD) is a unit measuring the consequences of emitting greenhouse gases: one DPD causes 1 person having to endure 1°C warming for 1 day. A ton of CO2 equals 500 DPD.
How good is the Paris Agreement? Unfortunately, the Paris Agreement will fail, since it bears none of the hallmarks necessary for a cooperative agreement to succeed.
What reasoning do we employ to justify greenhouse gas emissions?
A short note on paying for carbon.
Who owns the atmosphere, and why is it important?
There are two types of green investment, which differ in goals, motivation and requirements. Confusing the two prevents clarity in thought and action.
Mechanisms against Climate Change are the slides from a recent talk, discussing necessary properties of strategies against climate change, and a concrete proposal of how to achieve it.
What is the growth rate of atmospheric CO2? For the past 10 years, the growth rate of CO2 has been close to 2.5 ppm per year, the fastest rate of growth in modern times. The temperature will likely reach the Paris Agreement limit of +1.5°C at 450 ppm CO2, between summer 2032 and summer 2035. Techincal details.
International Cooperation against Climate Change. Effectively addressing climate change requires international cooperation. Unfortunately it is easy to understand why the Paris Agreement will fail, and what effective cooperation would look like.
Sustainable growth is much talked about by economists and politicians and at first sight may sound like an awesome idea. Unfortunately, it doesn't correspond to anything real in a finite physical world.
Pages, mostly about the UK
The UK Climae Change Act and Actual Greenhouse gas emissions We compare the past and future legal limits with actual greenhouse gas emissions for the UK.
Are current UK greenhouse gas emission limits fit for purpose?
The UK government's Jet Zero Strategy is not Net Zero. A quantitative look at the Jet Zero Strategy shows that it is entirely unrealistic.