I studied Computer Science and Cognitive Science at the University of Pennsylvania and obtained my PhD from MIT in 1995. From 1995 to 1998, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto, working with Geoff Hinton. I was one of the founding faculty members of the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit at UCL (1998-2005) and in 2006 I moved to the University of Cambridge where I am Professor of Information Engineering. I am also a faculty member in the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University since 2002.

My current research interests include Bayesian approaches to machine learning, artificial intelligence, statistics, information retrieval, bioinformatics, and econometrics. Statistics provides the mathematical foundation for handling uncertainty, making decisions, and designing learning systems. I have recently worked on Gaussian processes, non-parametric Bayesian methods, clustering, approximate inference algorithms, graphical models, Monte Carlo methods, and semi-supervised learning.

I am originally Iranian, grew up in Russia and Spain, studied in the USA and Canada, and have lived in the UK since 1998.


Testing a Bayesian Measure of Representativeness Using a Large Image Database

Joshua Abbott, Katherine A. Heller, Zoubin Ghahramani, Thomas L. Griffiths, 2011. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24). Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press.


How do people determine which elements of a set are most representative of that set? We extend an existing Bayesian measure of representativeness, which indicates the representativeness of a sample from a distribution, to define a measure of the representativeness of an item to a set. We show that this measure is formally related to a machine learning method known as Bayesian Sets. Building on this connection, we derive an analytic expression for the representativeness of objects described by a sparse vector of binary features. We then apply this measure to a large database of images, using it to determine which images are the most representative members of different sets. Comparing the resulting predictions to human judgments of representativeness provides a test of this measure with naturalistic stimuli, and illustrates how databases that are more commonly used in computer vision and machine learning can be used to evaluate psychological theories.

Archipelago: nonparametric Bayesian semi-supervised learning

R. Adams, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2009. (In 26th International Conference on Machine Learning). Edited by Léon Bottou, Michael Littman. Montréal, QC, Canada. Omnipress.

Abstract URL

Semi-supervised learning (SSL), is classification where additional unlabeled data can be used to improve accuracy. Generative approaches are appealing in this situation, as a model of the data’s probability density can assist in identifying clusters. Nonparametric Bayesian methods, while ideal in theory due to their principled motivations, have been difficult to apply to SSL in practice. We present a nonparametric Bayesian method that uses Gaussian processes for the generative model, avoiding many of the problems associated with Dirichlet process mixture models. Our model is fully generative and we take advantage of recent advances in Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms to provide a practical inference method. Our method compares favorably to competing approaches on synthetic and real-world multi-class data.

Comment: This paper was awarded Honourable Mention for Best Paper at ICML 2009.

Tree-Structured Stick Breaking for Hierarchical Data

R. P. Adams, Zoubin Ghahramani, Michael I. Jordan, 2010. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23). The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

Many data are naturally modeled by an unobserved hierarchical structure. In this paper we propose a flexible nonparametric prior over unknown data hierarchies. The approach uses nested stick-breaking processes to allow for trees of unbounded width and depth, where data can live at any node and are infinitely exchangeable. One can view our model as providing infinite mixtures where the components have a dependency structure corresponding to an evolutionary diffusion down a tree. By using a stick-breaking approach, we can apply Markov chain Monte Carlo methods based on slice sampling to perform Bayesian inference and simulate from the posterior distribution on trees. We apply our method to hierarchical clustering of images and topic modeling of text data.

MFDTs: Mean Field Dynamic Trees

Nicholas J. Adams, Amos J. Storkey, Christopher K. I. Williams, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2000. (In International Conference on Pattern Recognition).

Abstract URL

Tree structured belief networks are attractive for image segmentation tasks. However, networks with fixed architectures are not very suitable as they lead to blocky artefacts, and led to the introduction of dynamic trees (DTs). The Dynamic trees architecture provide a prior distribution over tree structures, and simulated annealing (SA) was used to search for structures with high posterior probability. In this paper we introduce a mean field approach to inference in DTs. We find that the mean field method captures the posterior better than just using the maximum a posteriori solution found by SA

Learning the Structure of Deep Sparse Graphical Models

R. P. Adams, H. Wallach, Zoubin Ghahramani, May 2010. (In 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Edited by Yee Whye Teh, Mike Titterington. Chia Laguna, Sardinia, Italy.

Abstract URL

Deep belief networks are a powerful way to model complex probability distributions. However, it is difficult to learn the structure of a belief network, particularly one with hidden units. The Indian buffet process has been used as a nonparametric Bayesian prior on the structure of a directed belief network with a single infinitely wide hidden layer. Here, we introduce the cascading Indian buffet process (CIBP), which provides a prior on the structure of a layered, directed belief network that is unbounded in both depth and width, yet allows tractable inference. We use the CIBP prior with the nonlinear Gaussian belief network framework to allow each unit to vary its behavior between discrete and continuous representations. We use Markov chain Monte Carlo for inference in this model and explore the structures learned on image data.

Comment: Winner of the Best Paper Award

Discovering interpretable representations for both deep generative and discriminative models

Tameem Adel, Zoubin Ghahramani, Adrian Weller, July 2018. (In 35th International Conference on Machine Learning). Stockholm Sweden.

Abstract URL

Interpretability of representations in both deep generative and discriminative models is highly desirable. Current methods jointly optimize an objective combining accuracy and interpretability. However, this may reduce accuracy, and is not applicable to already trained models. We propose two interpretability frameworks. First, we provide an interpretable lens for an existing model. We use a generative model which takes as input the representation in an existing (generative or discriminative) model, weakly supervised by limited side information. Applying a flexible and invertible transformation to the input leads to an interpretable representation with no loss in accuracy. We extend the approach using an active learning strategy to choose the most useful side information to obtain, allowing a human to guide what “interpretable” means. Our second framework relies on joint optimization for a representation which is both maximally informative about the side information and maximally compressive about the non-interpretable data factors. This leads to a novel perspective on the relationship between compression and regularization. We also propose a new interpretability evaluation metric based on our framework. Empirically, we achieve state-of-the-art results on three datasets using the two proposed algorithms.

One-network Adversarial Fairness

Tameem Adel, Isabel Valera, Zoubin Ghahramani, Adrian Weller, January 2019. (In 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence). Hawaii.

Abstract URL

There is currently a great expansion of the impact of machine learning algorithms on our lives, prompting the need for objectives other than pure performance, including fairness. Fairness here means that the outcome of an automated decision-making system should not discriminate between subgroups characterized by sensitive attributes such as gender or race. Given any existing differentiable classifier, we make only slight adjustments to the architecture including adding a new hidden layer, in order to enable the concurrent adversarial optimization for fairness and accuracy. Our framework provides one way to quantify the tradeoff between fairness and accuracy, while also leading to strong empirical performance.

A Generative Model of Vector Space Semantics

Jacob Andreas, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2013. (ACL 2013).

Abstract URL

We present a novel compositional, generative model for vector space representations of meaning. This model reformulates earlier tensor-based approaches to vector space semantics as a top-down process, and provides efficient algorithms for transformation from natural language to vectors and from vectors to natural language. We describe procedures for estimating the parameters of the model from positive examples of similar phrases, and from distributional representations, then use these procedures to obtain similarity judgments for a set of adjective-noun pairs. The model’s estimation of the similarity of these pairs correlates well with human annotations, demonstrating a substantial improvement over several existing compositional approaches in both settings.

A new approach to data driven clustering

Arik Azran, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2006. (In 23rd International Conference on Machine Learning). Edited by William Cohen, Andrew Moore. Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Omnipress.


We consider the problem of clustering in its most basic form where only a local metric on the data space is given. No parametric statistical model is assumed, and the number of clusters is learned from the data. We introduce, analyze and demonstrate a novel approach to clustering where data points are viewed as nodes of a graph, and pairwise similarities are used to derive a transition probability matrix P for a Markov random walk between them. The algorithm automatically reveals structure at increasing scales by varying the number of steps taken by this random walk. Points are represented as rows of Pt, which are the t-step distributions of the walk starting at that point; these distributions are then clustered using a KL-minimizing iterative algorithm. Both the number of clusters, and the number of steps that best reveal it, are found by optimizing spectral properties of P.

Spectral Methods for Automatic Multiscale Data Clustering

Arik Azran, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2006. (In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)). New York, NY, USA. IEEE Computer Society. DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2006.289. ISBN: 0-7695-2597-0.


Spectral clustering is a simple yet powerful method for finding structure in data using spectral properties of an associated pairwise similarity matrix. This paper provides new insights into how the method works and uses these to derive new algorithms which given the data alone automatically learn different plausible data partitionings. The main theoretical contribution is a generalization of a key result in the field, the multicut lemma (Meila 2001). We use this generalization to derive two algorithms. The first uses the eigenvalues of a given affinity matrix to infer the number of clusters in data, and the second combines learning the affinity matrix with inferring the number of clusters. A hierarchical implementation of the algorithms is also derived. The algorithms are theoretically motivated and demonstrated on nontrivial data sets.

The dynamic beamformer

A. Bahramisharif, M. A. J. van Gerven, J-M. Schoffelen, Z. Ghahramani, T. Heskes, 2012. (In Machine Learning in Interpretation of Neuroimaging (MLINI) 2011 LNAI 7263). Edited by G. Langs et al.

Abstract URL

Beamforming is one of the most commonly used methods for estimating the active neural sources from the MEG or EEG sensor readings. The basic assumption in beamforming is that the sources are uncorrelated, which allows for estimating each source independent of the others. In this paper, we incorporate the independence assumption of the standard beamformer in a linear dynamical system, thereby introducing the dynamic beamformer. Using empirical data, we show that the dynamic beamformer outperforms the standard beamformer in predicting the condition of interest which strongly suggests that it also outperforms the standard method in localizing the active neural generators.

The Mondrian Kernel

Matej Balog, Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Zoubin Ghahramani, Daniel M. Roy, Yee Whye Teh, June 2016. (In 32nd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence). Jersey City, New Jersey, USA.

Abstract URL

We introduce the Mondrian kernel, a fast random feature approximation to the Laplace kernel. It is suitable for both batch and online learning, and admits a fast kernel-width-selection procedure as the random features can be re-used efficiently for all kernel widths. The features are constructed by sampling trees via a Mondrian process [Roy and Teh, 2009], and we highlight the connection to Mondrian forests [Lakshminarayanan et al., 2014], where trees are also sampled via a Mondrian process, but fit independently. This link provides a new insight into the relationship between kernel methods and random forests.

Comment: [Supplementary Material] [arXiv] [Poster] [Slides] [Code]

Lost Relatives of the Gumbel Trick

Matej Balog, Nilesh Tripuraneni, Zoubin Ghahramani, Adrian Weller, August 2017. (In 34th International Conference on Machine Learning). Sydney, Australia.

Abstract URL

The Gumbel trick is a method to sample from a discrete probability distribution, or to estimate its normalizing partition function. The method relies on repeatedly applying a random perturbation to the distribution in a particular way, each time solving for the most likely configuration. We derive an entire family of related methods, of which the Gumbel trick is one member, and show that the new methods have superior properties in several settings with minimal additional computational cost. In particular, for the Gumbel trick to yield computational benefits for discrete graphical models, Gumbel perturbations on all configurations are typically replaced with so-called low-rank perturbations. We show how a subfamily of our new methods adapts to this setting, proving new upper and lower bounds on the log partition function and deriving a family of sequential samplers for the Gibbs distribution. Finally, we balance the discussion by showing how the simpler analytical form of the Gumbel trick enables additional theoretical results.

Comment: [arXiv] [Poster] [Slides] [Code]

A Bayesian approach to reconstructing genetic regulatory networks with hidden factors

Matthew J. Beal, Francesco Falciani, Zoubin Ghahramani, Claudia Rangel, David L. Wild, 2005. (Bioinformatics).

Abstract URL

Motivation: We have used state-space models (SSMs) to reverse engineer transcriptional networks from highly replicated gene expression profiling time series data obtained from a well-established model of T cell activation. SSMs are a class of dynamic Bayesian networks in which the observed measurements depend on some hidden state variables that evolve according to Markovian dynamics. These hidden variables can capture effects that cannot be directly measured in a gene expression profiling experiment, for example: genes that have not been included in the microarray, levels of regulatory proteins, the effects of mRNA and protein degradation, etc. Results: We have approached the problem of inferring the model structure of these state-space models using both classical and Bayesian methods. In our previous work, a bootstrap procedure was used to derive classical confidence intervals for parameters representing `gene–gene’ interactions over time. In this article, variational approximations are used to perform the analogous model selection task in the Bayesian context. Certain interactions are present in both the classical and the Bayesian analyses of these regulatory networks. The resulting models place JunB and JunD at the centre of the mechanisms that control apoptosis and proliferation. These mechanisms are key for clonal expansion and for controlling the long term behavior (e.g. programmed cell death) of these cells.

The Infinite Hidden Markov Model

Matthew J. Beal, Zoubin Ghahramani, Carl Edward Rasmussen, December 2002. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14). Edited by Z. Ghahramani T. Dietterich. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

We show that it is possible to extend hidden Markov models to have a countably infinite number of hidden states. By using the theory of Dirichlet processes we can implicitly integrate out the infinitely many transition parameters, leaving only three hyperparameters which can be learned from data. These three hyperparameters define a hierarchical Dirichlet process capable of capturing a rich set of transition dynamics. The three hyperparameters control the time scale of the dynamics, the sparsity of the underlying state-transition matrix, and the expected number of distinct hidden states in a finite sequence. In this framework it is also natural to allow the alphabet of emitted symbols to be infinite — consider, for example, symbols being possible words appearing in English text.

Sampling and inference for discrete random probability measures in probabilistic programs

Ben Bloem-Reddy, Emile Mathieu, Adam Foster, Tom Rainforth, Hong Ge, Maria Lomeli, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2017. (In NIPS workshop on Advances in Approximate Inference). California, United States.

Abstract URL

We consider the problem of sampling a sequence from a discrete random prob- ability measure (RPM) with countable support, under (probabilistic) constraints of finite memory and computation. A canonical example is sampling from the Dirichlet Process, which can be accomplished using its well-known stick-breaking representation and lazy initialization of its atoms. We show that efficiently lazy initialization is possible if and only if a size-biased representation of the discrete RPM is known. For models constructed from such discrete RPMs, we consider the implications for generic particle-based inference methods in probabilistic program- ming systems. To demonstrate, we implement posterior inference for Normalized Inverse Gaussian Process mixture models in Turing.

Bayesian two-sample tests

Karsten M. Borgwardt, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2009. (arXiv).

Abstract URL

In this paper, we present two classes of Bayesian approaches to the two-sample problem. Our first class of methods extends the Bayesian t-test to include all parametric models in the exponential family and their conjugate priors. Our second class of methods uses Dirichlet process mixtures (DPM) of such conjugate-exponential distributions as flexible nonparametric priors over the unknown distributions.

The Status of Structural Genomics Defined Through the Analysis of Current Targets and Structures

Philip E. Bourne, C. K. J. Allerston, Werner G. Krebs, Wilfred W. Li, Ilya N. Shindyalov, Adam Godzik, Iddo Friedberg, Tong Liu, David L. Wild, Seungwoo Hwang, Zoubin Ghahramani, Li Chen, John D. Westbrook, 2004. (In Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing). Edited by Russ B. Altman, A. Keith Dunker, Lawrence Hunter, Tiffany A. Jung, Teri E. Klein. World Scientific. ISBN: 981-238-598-3.

Abstract URL

Structural genomics–large-scale macromolecular 3-dimenional structure determination–is unique in that major participants report scientific progress on a weekly basis. The target database (TargetDB) maintained by the Protein Data Bank (http://targetdb.pdb.org) reports this progress through the status of each protein sequence (target) under consideration by the major structural genomics centers worldwide. Hence, TargetDB provides a unique opportunity to analyze the potential impact that this major initiative provides to scientists interested in the sequence-structure-function-disease paradigm. Here we report such an analysis with a focus on: (i) temporal characteristics–how is the project doing and what can we expect in the future? (ii) target characteristics–what are the predicted functions of the proteins targeted by structural genomics and how biased is the target set when compared to the PDB and to predictions across complete genomes? (iii) structures solved–what are the characteristics of structures solved thus far and what do they contribute? The analysis required a more extensive database of structure predictions using different methods integrated with data from other sources. This database, associated tools and related data sources are available from http://spam.sdsc.edu.

Variational Hidden Conditional Random Fields with Coupled Dirichlet Process Mixtures

Konstantinos Bousmalis, Stefanos Zafeiriou, Louis-Philippe Morency, Maja Pantic, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2013. (In ECML/PKDD). Edited by Hendrik Blockeel, Kristian Kersting, Siegfried Nijssen, Filip Zelezný. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISBN: 978-3-642-40990-5.

Abstract URL

Hidden Conditional Random Fields (HCRFs) are discriminative latent variable models which have been shown to successfully learn the hidden structure of a given classification problem. An infinite HCRF is an HCRF with a countably infinite number of hidden states, which rids us not only of the necessity to specify a priori a fixed number of hidden states available but also of the problem of overfitting. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling algorithms are often employed for inference in such models. However, convergence of such algorithms is rather difficult to verify, and as the complexity of the task at hand increases, the computational cost of such algorithms often becomes prohibitive. These limitations can be overcome by variational techniques. In this paper, we present a generalized framework for infinite HCRF models, and a novel variational inference approach on a model based on coupled Dirichlet Process Mixtures, the HCRF–DPM. We show that the variational HCRF–DPM is able to converge to a correct number of represented hidden states, and performs as well as the best parametric HCRFs —chosen via cross–validation— for the difficult tasks of recognizing instances of agreement, disagreement, and pain in audiovisual sequences.

Bayesian Structured Prediction Using Gaussian Processes

Sébastien Bratières, Novi Quadrianto, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2013. (arXiv).

Abstract URL

We introduce a conceptually novel structured prediction model, GPstruct, which is kernelized, non-parametric and Bayesian, by design. We motivate the model with respect to existing approaches, among others, conditional random fields (CRFs), maximum margin Markov networks (M3N), and structured support vector machines (SVMstruct), which embody only a subset of its properties. We present an inference procedure based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo. The framework can be instantiated for a wide range of structured objects such as linear chains, trees, grids, and other general graphs. As a proof of concept, the model is benchmarked on several natural language processing tasks and a video gesture segmentation task involving a linear chain structure. We show prediction accuracies for GPstruct which are comparable to or exceeding those of CRFs and SVMstruct.

Scalable Gaussian Process Structured Prediction for Grid Factor Graph Applications

Sébastien Bratières, Novi Quadrianto, Sebastian Nowozin, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2014. (In 31st International Conference on Machine Learning).

Abstract URL

Structured prediction is an important and well studied problem with many applications across machine learning. GPstruct is a recently proposed structured prediction model that offers appealing properties such as being kernelised, non-parametric, and supporting Bayesian inference (Bratières et al. 2013). The model places a Gaussian process prior over energy functions which describe relationships between input variables and structured output variables. However, the memory demand of GPstruct is quadratic in the number of latent variables and training runtime scales cubically. This prevents GPstruct from being applied to problems involving grid factor graphs, which are prevalent in computer vision and spatial statistics applications. Here we explore a scalable approach to learning GPstruct models based on ensemble learning, with weak learners (predictors) trained on subsets of the latent variables and bootstrap data, which can easily be distributed. We show experiments with 4M latent variables on image segmentation. Our method outperforms widely-used conditional random field models trained with pseudo-likelihood. Moreover, in image segmentation problems it improves over recent state-of-the-art marginal optimisation methods in terms of predictive performance and uncertainty calibration. Finally, it generalises well on all training set sizes.

Scaling the iHMM: Parallelization versus Hadoop

Sébastien Bratières, Jurgen Van Gael, Andreas Vlachos, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2010. (In Proceedings of the 2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology). Bradford, UK. IEEE Computer Society. DOI: 10.1109/CIT.2010.223. ISBN: 978-0-7695-4108-2.

Abstract URL

This paper compares parallel and distributed implementations of an iterative, Gibbs sampling, machine learning algorithm. Distributed implementations run under Hadoop on facility computing clouds. The probabilistic model under study is the infinite HMM Beal, Ghahramani and Rasmussen, 2002, in which parameters are learnt using an instance blocked Gibbs sampling, with a step consisting of a dynamic program. We apply this model to learn part-of-speech tags from newswire text in an unsupervised fashion. However our focus here is on runtime performance, as opposed to NLP-relevant scores, embodied by iteration duration, ease of development, deployment and debugging.

Gaussian Processes for Ordinal Regression

Wei Chu, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2005. (Journal of Machine Learning Research).

Abstract URL

We present a probabilistic kernel approach to ordinal regression based on Gaussian processes. A threshold model that generalizes the probit function is used as the likelihood function for ordinal variables. Two inference techniques, based on the Laplace approximation and the expectation propagation algorithm respectively, are derived for hyperparameter learning and model selection. We compare these two Gaussian process approaches with a previous ordinal regression method based on support vector machines on some benchmark and real-world data sets, including applications of ordinal regression to collaborative filtering and gene expression analysis. Experimental results on these data sets verify the usefulness of our approach.

Preference learning with Gaussian processes

Wei Chu, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2005. (In ICML). Edited by Luc De Raedt, Stefan Wrobel. acm. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. ISBN: 1-59593-180-5.

Abstract URL

In this paper, we propose a probabilistic kernel approach to preference learning based on Gaussian processes. A new likelihood function is proposed to capture the preference relations in the Bayesian framework. The generalized formulation is also applicable to tackle many multiclass problems. The overall approach has the advantages of Bayesian methods for model selection and probabilistic prediction. Experimental results compared against the constraint classification approach on several benchmark datasets verify the usefulness of this algorithm.

Probabilistic models for incomplete multi-dimensional arrays

W. Chu, Z. Ghahramani, April 2009. (In 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Edited by D. van Dyk, M. Welling. Clearwater Beach, FL, USA. Microtome Publishing (paper) Journal of Machine Learning Research. Note: ISSN 1938-7228.

Abstract URL

In multiway data, each sample is measured by multiple sets of correlated attributes. We develop a probabilistic framework for modeling structural dependency from partially observed multi-dimensional array data, known as pTucker. Latent components associated with individual array dimensions are jointly retrieved while the core tensor is integrated out. The resulting algorithm is capable of handling large-scale data sets. We verify the usefulness of this approach by comparing against classical models on applications to modeling amino acid fluorescence, collaborative filtering and a number of benchmark multiway array data.

Biomarker discovery in microarray gene expression data with Gaussian processes

Wei Chu, Zoubin Ghahramani, Francesco Falciani, David L. Wild, 2005. (Bioinformatics).

Abstract URL

MOTIVATION: In clinical practice, pathological phenotypes are often labelled with ordinal scales rather than binary, e.g. the Gleason grading system for tumour cell differentiation. However, in the literature of microarray analysis, these ordinal labels have been rarely treated in a principled way. This paper describes a gene selection algorithm based on Gaussian processes to discover consistent gene expression patterns associated with ordinal clinical phenotypes. The technique of automatic relevance determination is applied to represent the significance level of the genes in a Bayesian inference framework. RESULTS: The usefulness of the proposed algorithm for ordinal labels is demonstrated by the gene expression signature associated with the Gleason score for prostate cancer data. Our results demonstrate how multi-gene markers that may be initially developed with a diagnostic or prognostic application in mind are also useful as an investigative tool to reveal associations between specific molecular and cellular events and features of tumour physiology. Our algorithm can also be applied to microarray data with binary labels with results comparable to other methods in the literature.

Identifying Protein Complexes in High-Throughput Protein Interaction Screens Using an Infinite Latent Feature Model

Wei Chu, Zoubin Ghahramani, Roland Krause, David L. Wild, 2006. (In Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing). Edited by Russ B. Altman, Tiffany Murray, Teri E. Klein, A. Keith Dunker, Lawrence Hunter. World Scientific. ISBN: 981-256-463-2.

Abstract URL

We propose a Bayesian approach to identify protein complexes and their constituents from high-throughput protein-protein interaction screens. An infinite latent feature model that allows for multi-complex membership by individual proteins is coupled with a graph diffusion kernel that evaluates the likelihood of two proteins belonging to the same complex. Gibbs sampling is then used to infer a catalog of protein complexes from the interaction screen data. An advantage of this model is that it places no prior constraints on the number of complexes and automatically infers the number of significant complexes from the data. Validation results using affinity purification/mass spectrometry experimental data from yeast RNA-processing complexes indicate that our method is capable of partitioning the data in a biologically meaningful way. A supplementary web site containing larger versions of the figures is available at http://public.kgi.edu/wild/PSBO6/index.html.

Bayesian Segmental Models with Multiple Sequence Alignment Profiles for Protein Secondary Structure and Contact Map Prediction

Wei Chu, Zoubin Ghahramani, Alexei A. Podtelezhnikov, David L. Wild, 2006. (IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform.).

Abstract URL

In this paper, we develop a segmental semi-Markov model (SSMM) for protein secondary structure prediction which incorporates multiple sequence alignment profiles with the purpose of improving the predictive performance. The segmental model is a generalization of the hidden Markov model where a hidden state generates segments of various length and secondary structure type. A novel parameterized model is proposed for the likelihood function that explicitly represents multiple sequence alignment profiles to capture the segmental conformation. Numerical results on benchmark data sets show that incorporating the profiles results in substantial improvements and the generalization performance is promising. By incorporating the information from long range interactions in beta-sheets, this model is also capable of carrying out inference on contact maps. This is an important advantage of probabilistic generative models over the traditional discriminative approach to protein secondary structure prediction. The Web server of our algorithm and supplementary materials are available at http://public.kgi.edu/-wild/bsm.html.

A graphical model for protein secondary structure prediction

Wei Chu, Zoubin Ghahramani, David L. Wild, 2004. (In ICML). Edited by Carla E. Brodley. acm. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.

Abstract URL

In this paper, we present a graphical model for protein secondary structure prediction. This model extends segmental semi-Markov models (SSMM) to exploit multiple sequence alignment profiles which contain information from evolutionarily related sequences. A novel parameterized model is proposed as the likelihood function for the SSMM to capture the segmental conformation. By incorporating the information from long range interactions in β-sheets, this model is capable of carrying out inference on contact maps. The numerical results on benchmark data sets show that incorporating the profiles results in substantial improvements and the generalization performance is promising.

Protein secondary structure prediction using sigmoid belief networks to parameterize segmental semi-Markov models

Wei Chu, Zoubin Ghahramani, David L. Wild, 2004. (In ESANN).

Abstract URL

In this paper, we merge the parametric structure of neural networks into a segmental semi-Markov model to set up a Bayesian framework for protein structure prediction. The parametric model, which can also be regarded as an extension of a sigmoid belief network, captures the underlying dependency in residue sequences. The results of numerical experiments indicate the usefulness of this approach.

Relational learning with Gaussian processes

W. Chu, V. Sindhwani, Z. Ghahramani, S. Keerthi, September 2007. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19). Edited by B. Schölkopf, J. Platt, T. Hofmann. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press. Bradford Books. Note: Online contents gives pages 314–321, and 289–296 on pdf of contents.

Abstract URL

Correlation between instances is often modelled via a kernel function using input attributes of the instances. Relational knowledge can further reveal additional pairwise correlations between variables of interest. In this paper, we develop a class of models which incorporates both reciprocal relational information and input attributes using Gaussian process techniques. This approach provides a novel non-parametric Bayesian framework with a data-dependent prior for supervised learning tasks. We also apply this framework to semi-supervised learning. Experimental results on several real world data sets verify the usefulness of this algorithm.

Active Learning with Statistical Models

David A. Cohn, Zoubin Ghahramani, Michael I. Jordan, 1994. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7). Edited by Gerald Tesauro, David S. Touretzky, Todd K. Leen. MIT Press.

Abstract URL

For many types of machine learning algorithms, one can compute the statistically “optimal” way to select training data. In this paper, we review how optimal data selection techniques have been used with feedforward neural networks. We then show how the same principles may be used to select data for two alternative, statistically-based learning architectures: mixtures of Gaussians and locally weighted regression. While the techniques for neural networks are computationally expensive and approximate, the techniques for mixtures of Gaussians and locally weighted regression are both efficient and accurate. Empirically, we observe that the optimality criterion sharply decreases the number of training examples the learner needs in order to achieve good performance.

Active Learning with Statistical Models

David A. Cohn, Zoubin Ghahramani, Michael I. Jordan, 1996. (J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR)).

Abstract URL

For many types of machine learning algorithms, one can compute the statistically “optimal” way to select training data. In this paper, we review how optimal data selection techniques have been used with feedforward neural networks. We then show how the same principles may be used to select data for two alternative, statistically-based learning architectures: mixtures of Gaussians and locally weighted regression. While the techniques for neural networks are computationally expensive and approximate, the techniques for mixtures of Gaussians and locally weighted regression are both efficient and accurate. Empirically, we observe that the optimality criterion sharply decreases the number of training examples the learner needs in order to achieve good performance.

Gaussian Processes for time-marked time-series data

John P. Cunningham, Zoubin Ghahramani, Carl Edward Rasmussen, 2012. (In 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics).

Abstract URL

In many settings, data is collected as multiple time series, where each recorded time series is an observation of some underlying dynamical process of interest. These observations are often time-marked with known event times, and one desires to do a range of standard analyses. When there is only one time marker, one simply aligns the observations temporally on that marker. When multiple time-markers are present and are at different times on different time series observations, these analyses are more difficult. We describe a Gaussian Process model for analyzing multiple time series with multiple time markings, and we test it on a variety of data.

Language-independent Bayesian sentiment mining of Twitter

A. Davies, Z. Ghahramani, August 2011. (In In The Fifth Workshop on Social Network Mining and Analysis (SNA-KDD 2011)).

Abstract URL

This paper outlines a new language-independent model for sentiment analysis of short, social-network statuses. We demonstrate this on data from Twitter, modelling happy vs sad sentiment, and show that in some circumstances this outperforms similar Naive Bayes models by more than 10%. We also propose an extension to allow the modelling of differ- ent sentiment distributions in different geographic regions, while incorporating information from neighbouring regions. We outline the considerations when creating a system analysing Twitter data and present a scalable system of data acquisi- tion and prediction that can monitor the sentiment of tweets in real time.

The Random Forest Kernel and other kernels for big data from random partitions

Alex Davies, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2014. (arXiv).

Abstract URL

We present Random Partition Kernels, a new class of kernels derived by demonstrating a natural connection between random partitions of objects and kernels between those objects. We show how the construction can be used to create kernels from methods that would not normally be viewed as random partitions, such as Random Forest. To demonstrate the potential of this method, we propose two new kernels, the Random Forest Kernel and the Fast Cluster Kernel, and show that these kernels consistently outperform standard kernels on problems involving real-world datasets. Finally, we show how the form of these kernels lend themselves to a natural approximation that is appropriate for certain big data problems, allowing O(N) inference in methods such as Gaussian Processes, Support Vector Machines and Kernel PCA.

Accelerated Gibbs sampling for the Indian buffet process

Finale Doshi-Velez, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2009. (In 26th International Conference on Machine Learning). Edited by Léon Bottou, Michael Littman. Montréal, QC, Canada. Omnipress.

Abstract URL

We often seek to identify co-occurring hidden features in a set of observations. The Indian Buffet Process (IBP) provides a non-parametric prior on the features present in each observation, but current inference techniques for the IBP often scale poorly. The collapsed Gibbs sampler for the IBP has a running time cubic in the number of observations, and the uncollapsed Gibbs sampler, while linear, is often slow to mix. We present a new linear-time collapsed Gibbs sampler for conjugate likelihood models and demonstrate its efficacy on large real-world datasets.

Accelerated sampling for the Indian Buffet Process

Finale Doshi-Velez, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2009. (In ICML). Edited by Andrea Pohoreckyj Danyluk, Léon Bottou, Michael L. Littman. acm. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. ISBN: 978-1-60558-516-1.

Abstract URL

We often seek to identify co-occurring hidden features in a set of observations. The Indian Buffet Process (IBP) provides a nonparametric prior on the features present in each observation, but current inference techniques for the IBP often scale poorly. The collapsed Gibbs sampler for the IBP has a running time cubic in the number of observations, and the uncollapsed Gibbs sampler, while linear, is often slow to mix. We present a new linear-time collapsed Gibbs sampler for conjugate likelihood models and demonstrate its efficacy on large real-world datasets.

Correlated non-parametric latent feature models

F. Doshi-Velez, Z. Ghahramani, June 2009. (In Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2009)). Montréal, QC, Canada. AUAI Press.

Abstract URL

We are often interested in explaining data through a set of hidden factors or features. To allow for an unknown number of such hidden features, one can use the IBP: a non-parametric latent feature model that does not bound the number of active features in a dataset. However, the IBP assumes that all latent features are uncorrelated, making it inadequate for many real-world problems. We introduce a framework for correlated non-parametric feature models, generalising the IBP. We use this framework to generate several specific models and demonstrate applications on real-world datasets.

A Comparison of Human and Agent Reinforcement Learning in Partially Observable Domains

Finale Doshi-Velez, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2011. (In 33rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society). Boston, MA.

Abstract URL

It is commonly stated that reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms learn slower than humans. In this work, we investigate this claim using two standard problems from the RL literature. We compare the performance of human subjects to RL techniques. We find that context—the meaningfulness of the observations—–plays a significant role in the rate of human RL. Moreover, without contextual information, humans often fare much worse than classic algorithms. Comparing the detailed responses of humans and RL algorithms, we also find that humans appear to employ rather different strategies from standard algorithms, even in cases where they had indistinguishable performance to them. Our research both sheds light on human RL and provides insights for improving RL algorithms.

Large Scale Non-parametric Inference: Data Parallelisation in the Indian Buffet Process

Finale Doshi-Velez, David Knowles, Shakir Mohamed, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2009. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23). Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

Nonparametric Bayesian models provide a framework for flexible probabilistic modelling of complex datasets. Unfortunately, the high-dimensional averages required for Bayesian methods can be slow, especially with the unbounded representations used by nonparametric models. We address the challenge of scaling Bayesian inference to the increasingly large datasets found in real-world applications. We focus on parallelisation of inference in the Indian Buffet Process (IBP), which allows data points to have an unbounded number of sparse latent features. Our novel MCMC sampler divides a large data set between multiple processors and uses message passing to compute the global likelihoods and posteriors. This algorithm, the first parallel inference scheme for IBP-based models, scales to datasets orders of magnitude larger than have previously been possible.

Clustering Protein Sequence and Structure Space with Infinite Gaussian Mixture Models

Ananya Dubey, Seungwoo Hwang, Claudia Rangel, Carl Edward Rasmussen, Zoubin Ghahramani, David L. Wild, 2004. (In Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing). Edited by Russ B. Altman, A. Keith Dunker, Lawrence Hunter, Tiffany A. Jung, Teri E. Klein. World Scientific. ISBN: 981-238-598-3.

Abstract URL

We describe a novel approach to the problem of automatically clustering protein sequences and discovering protein families, subfamilies etc., based on the theory of infinite Gaussian mixtures models. This method allows the data itself to dictate how many mixture components are required to model it, and provides a measure of the probability that two proteins belong to the same cluster. We illustrate our methods with application to three data sets: globin sequences, globin sequences with known three-dimensional structures and G-protein coupled receptor sequences. The consistency of the clusters indicate that our method is producing biologically meaningful results, which provide a very good indication of the underlying families and subfamilies. With the inclusion of secondary structure and residue solvent accessibility information, we obtain a classification of sequences of known structure which both reflects and extends their SCOP classifications. A supplementray web site containing larger versions of the figures is available at http://public.kgi.edu/approximately wid/PSB04/index.html

Clustering Protein Sequence and Structure Space with Infinite Gaussian Mixture Models

A. Dubey, S. Hwang, C. Rangel, Carl Edward Rasmussen, Zoubin Ghahramani, David L. Wild, 2004. (In Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2004). (Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2004; Vol. 9). Singapore. The Big Island of Hawaii. World Scientific Publishing.

Abstract URL

We describe a novel approach to the problem of automatically clustering protein sequences and discovering protein families, subfamilies etc., based on the thoery of infinite Gaussian mixture models. This method allows the data itself to dictate how many mixture components are required to model it, and provides a measure of the probability that two proteins belong to the same cluster. We illustrate our methods with application to three data sets: globin sequences, globin sequences with known tree-dimensional structures and G-pretein coupled receptor sequences. The consistency of the clusters indicate that that our methods is producing biologically meaningful results, which provide a very good indication of the underlying families and subfamilies. With the inclusion of secondary structure and residue solvent accessibility information, we obtain a classification of sequences of known structure which reflects and extends their SCOP classifications.

Deep Neural Networks as Point Estimates for Deep Gaussian Processes

Vincent Dutordoir, James Hensman, Mark van der Wilk, Carl Henrik Ek, Zoubin Ghahramani, Nicolas Durrande, Dec 2021. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34). Online.

Abstract URL

Neural networks and Gaussian processes are complementary in their strengths and weaknesses. Having a better understanding of their relationship comes with the promise to make each method benefit from the strengths of the other. In this work, we establish an equivalence between the forward passes of neural networks and (deep) sparse Gaussian process models. The theory we develop is based on interpreting activation functions as interdomain inducing features through a rigorous analysis of the interplay between activation functions and kernels. This results in models that can either be seen as neural networks with improved uncertainty prediction or deep Gaussian processes with increased prediction accuracy. These claims are supported by experimental results on regression and classification datasets.

Neural Diffusion Processes

Vincent Dutordoir, Alan Saul, Zoubin Ghahramani, Fergus Simpson, Apr 2022. (In arXiv). Online.

Abstract URL

Gaussian processes provide an elegant framework for specifying prior and posterior distributions over functions. They are, however, also computationally expensive, and limited by the expressivity of their covariance function. We propose Neural Diffusion Processes (NDPs), a novel approach based upon diffusion models, that learn to sample from distributions over functions. Using a novel attention block, we can incorporate properties of stochastic processes, such as exchangeability, directly into the NDP’s architecture. We empirically show that NDPs are able to capture functional distributions that are close to the true Bayesian posterior of a Gaussian process. This enables a variety of downstream tasks, including hyperparameter marginalisation and Bayesian optimisation.

Avoiding pathologies in very deep networks

David Duvenaud, Oren Rippel, Ryan P. Adams, Zoubin Ghahramani, April 2014. (In 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Reykjavik, Iceland.

Abstract URL

Choosing appropriate architectures and regularization strategies for deep networks is crucial to good predictive performance. To shed light on this problem, we analyze the analogous problem of constructing useful priors on compositions of functions. Specifically, we study the deep Gaussian process, a type of infinitely-wide, deep neural network. We show that in standard architectures, the representational capacity of the network tends to capture fewer degrees of freedom as the number of layers increases, retaining only a single degree of freedom in the limit. We propose an alternate network architecture which does not suffer from this pathology. We also examine deep covariance functions, obtained by composing infinitely many feature transforms. Lastly, we characterize the class of models obtained by performing dropout on Gaussian processes.

Training generative neural networks via Maximum Mean Discrepancy optimization

Gintare Karolina Dziugaite, Daniel M. Roy, Zoubin Ghahramani, July 2015. (In 31st Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence). Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Abstract URL

We consider training a deep neural network to generate samples from an unknown distribution given i.i.d. data. We frame learning as an optimization minimizing a two-sample test statistic—informally speaking, a good generator network produces samples that cause a two-sample test to fail to reject the null hypothesis. As our two-sample test statistic, we use an unbiased estimate of the maximum mean discrepancy, which is the centerpiece of the nonparametric kernel two-sample test proposed by Gretton et al. (2012). We compare to the adversarial nets framework introduced by Goodfellow et al. (2014), in which learning is a two-player game between a generator network and an adversarial discriminator network, both trained to outwit the other. From this perspective, the MMD statistic plays the role of the discriminator. In addition to empirical comparisons, we prove bounds on the generalization error incurred by optimizing the empirical MMD.

Choosing a Variable to Clamp: Approximate Inference Using Conditioned Belief Propagation

Frederik Eaton, Zoubin Ghahramani, April 2009. (In 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Edited by D. van Dyk, M. Welling. Clearwater Beach, FL, USA. Journal of Machine Learning Research.

Abstract URL

In this paper we propose an algorithm for approximate inference on graphical models based on belief propagation (BP). Our algorithm is an approximate version of Cutset Conditioning, in which a subset of variables is instantiated to make the rest of the graph singly connected. We relax the constraint of single-connectedness, and select variables one at a time for conditioning, running belief propagation after each selection. We consider the problem of determining the best variable to clamp at each level of recursion, and propose a fast heuristic which applies back-propagation to the BP updates. We demonstrate that the heuristic performs better than selecting variables at random, and give experimental results which show that it performs competitively with existing approximate inference algorithms.

Comment: Code (in C++ based on libDAI).

Model Reductions for Inference: Generality of Pairwise, Binary, and Planar Factor Graphs

Frederik Eaton, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2013. (Neural Computation).

Abstract URL

We offer a solution to the problem of efficiently translating algorithms between different types of discrete statistical model. We investigate the expressive power of three classes of model-those with binary variables, with pairwise factors, and with planar topology-as well as their four intersections. We formalize a notion of “simple reduction” for the problem of inferring marginal probabilities and consider whether it is possible to “simply reduce” marginal inference from general discrete factor graphs to factor graphs in each of these seven subclasses. We characterize the reducibility of each class, showing in particular that the class of binary pairwise factor graphs is able to simply reduce only positive models. We also exhibit a continuous “spectral reduction” based on polynomial interpolation, which overcomes this limitation. Experiments assess the performance of standard approximate inference algorithms on the outputs of our reductions.

Bayesian generalised ensemble Markov chain Monte Carlo

Jes Frellsen, Ole Winther, Zoubin Ghahramani, Jesper Ferkinghoff-Borg, May 2016. (In 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Cadiz, Spain.


Bayesian generalised ensemble (BayesGE) is a new method that addresses two major drawbacks of standard Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for inference in high-dimensional probability models: inapplicability to estimate the partition function, and poor mixing properties. BayesGE uses a Bayesian approach to iteratively update the belief about the density of states (distribution of the log likelihood under the prior) for the model, with the dual purpose of enhancing the sampling efficiency and make the estimation of the partition function tractable. We benchmark BayesGE on Ising and Potts systems and show that it compares favourably to existing state-of-the-art methods.

Pitfalls in the use of Parallel Inference for the Dirichlet Process

Yarin Gal, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2014. (In Proceedings of the 31th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-14)).

Abstract URL

Recent work done by Lovell, Adams, and Mansingka (2012) and Williamson, Dubey, and Xing (2013) has suggested an alternative parametrisation for the Dirichlet process in order to derive non-approximate parallel MCMC inference for it – work which has been picked-up and implemented in several different fields. In this paper we show that the approach suggested is impractical due to an extremely unbalanced distribution of the data. We characterise the requirements of efficient parallel inference for the Dirichlet process and show that the proposed inference fails most of these requirements (while approximate approaches often satisfy most of them). We present both theoretical and experimental evidence, analysing the load balance for the inference and showing that it is independent of the size of the dataset and the number of nodes available in the parallel implementation. We end with suggestions of alternative paths of research for efficient non-approximate parallel inference for the Dirichlet process.

Latent Gaussian Processes for Distribution Estimation of Multivariate Categorical Data

Yarin Gal, Yutian Chen, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2015. (In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-15)).

Abstract URL

Multivariate categorical data occur in many applications of machine learning. One of the main difficulties with these vectors of categorical variables is sparsity. The number of possible observations grows exponentially with vector length, but dataset diversity might be poor in comparison. Recent models have gained significant improvement in supervised tasks with this data. These models embed observations in a continuous space to capture similarities between them. Building on these ideas we propose a Bayesian model for the unsupervised task of distribution estimation of multivariate categorical data. We model vectors of categorical variables as generated from a non-linear transformation of a continuous latent space. Non-linearity captures multi-modality in the distribution. The continuous representation addresses sparsity. Our model ties together many existing models, linking the linear categorical latent Gaussian model, the Gaussian process latent variable model, and Gaussian process classification. We derive inference for our model based on recent developments in sampling based variational inference. We show empirically that the model outperforms its linear and discrete counterparts in imputation tasks of sparse data.

An Introduction to Hidden Markov Models and Bayesian Networks

Zoubin Ghahramani, 2001. (IJPRAI).

Abstract URL

We provide a tutorial on learning and inference in hidden Markov models in the context of the recent literature on Bayesian networks. This perspective make sit possible to consider novel generalizations to hidden Markov models with multiple hidden state variables, multiscale representations, and mixed discrete and continuous variables. Although exact inference in these generalizations is usually intractable, one can use approximate inference in these generalizations is usually intractable, one can use approximate inference algorithms such as Markov chain sampling and variational methods. We describe how such methods are applied to these generalized hidden Markov models. We conclude this review with a discussion of Bayesian methods for model selection in generalized HMMs.

Unsupervised Learning

Zoubin Ghahramani, 2003. (In Advanced Lectures on Machine Learning). Edited by Olivier Bousquet, Ulrike von Luxburg, Gunnar Rätsch. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISBN: 3-540-23122-6.

Abstract URL

We give a tutorial and overview of the field of unsupervised learning from the perspective of statistical modelling. Unsupervised learning can be motivated from information theoretic and Bayesian principles. We briefly review basic models in unsupervised learning, including factor analysis, PCA, mixtures of Gaussians, ICA, hidden Markov models, state-space models, and many variants and extensions. We derive the EM algorithm and give an overview of fundamental concepts in graphical models, and inference algorithms on graphs. This is followed by a quick tour of approximate Bayesian inference, including Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), Laplace approximation, BIC, variational approximations, and expectation propagation (EP). The aim of this chapter is to provide a high-level view of the field. Along the way, many state-of-the-art ideas and future directions are also reviewed.

Bayesian nonparametrics and the probabilistic approach to modelling

Zoubin Ghahramani, 2013. (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A).

Abstract URL

Modelling is fundamental to many fields of science and engineering. A model can be thought of as a representation of possible data one could predict from a system. The probabilistic approach to modelling uses probability theory to express all aspects of uncertainty in the model. The probabilistic approach is synonymous with Bayesian modelling, which simply uses the rules of probability theory in order to make predictions, compare alternative models, and learn model parameters and structure from data. This simple and elegant framework is most powerful when coupled with flexible probabilistic models. Flexibility is achieved through the use of Bayesian nonparametrics. This article provides an overview of probabilistic modelling and an accessible survey of some of the main tools in Bayesian nonparametrics. The survey covers the use of Bayesian nonparametrics for modelling unknown functions, density estimation, clustering, time series modelling, and representing sparsity, hierarchies, and covariance structure. More specifically it gives brief non-technical overviews of Gaussian processes, Dirichlet processes, infinite hidden Markov models, Indian buffet processes, Kingman’s coalescent, Dirichlet diffusion tress, and Wishart processes.

Probabilistic machine learning and artificial intelligence

Zoubin Ghahramani, 2015. (Nature). DOI: doi:10.1038/nature14541.

Abstract URL

How can a machine learn from experience? Probabilistic modelling provides a framework for understanding what learning is, and has therefore emerged as one of the principal theoretical and practical approaches for designing machines that learn from data acquired through experience. The probabilistic framework, which describes how to represent and manipulate uncertainty about models and predictions, has a central role in scientific data analysis, machine learning, robotics, cognitive science and artificial intelligence. This Review provides an introduction to this framework, and discusses some of the state-of-the-art advances in the field, namely, probabilistic programming, Bayesian optimization, data compression and automatic model discovery.

Factorial Learning and the EM Algorithm

Zoubin Ghahramani, 1994. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7). Edited by Gerald Tesauro, David S. Touretzky, Todd K. Leen. MIT Press.

Abstract URL

Many real world learning problems are best characterized by an interaction of multiple independent causes or factors. Discovering such causal structure from the data is the focus of this paper. Based on Zemel and Hinton’s cooperative vector quantizer (CVQ) architecture, an unsupervised learning algorithm is derived from the Expectation–Maximization (EM) framework. Due to the combinatorial nature of the data generation process, the exact E-step is computationally intractable. Two alternative methods for computing the E-step are proposed: Gibbs sampling and mean-field approximation, and some promising empirical results are presented.

Learning Dynamic Bayesian Networks

Zoubin Ghahramani, 1997. (In Adaptive Processing of Sequences and Data Structures). Edited by C. Lee Giles, Marco Gori. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISBN: 3-540-64341-9.

Abstract URL

Bayesian networks are a concise graphical formalism for describing probabilistic models. We have provided a brief tutorial of methods for learning and inference in dynamic Bayesian networks. In many of the interesting models, beyond the simple linear dynamical system or hidden Markov model, the calculations required for inference are intractable. Two different approaches for handling this intractability are Monte Carlo methods such as Gibbs sampling, and variational methods. An especially promising variational approach is based on exploiting tractable substructures in the Bayesian network.

Propagation Algorithms for Variational Bayesian Learning

Zoubin Ghahramani, Matthew J. Beal, 2000. (In NIPS). Edited by Michael J. Kearns, Sara A. Solla, David A. Cohn. The MIT Press. ISBN: 0-262-11245-0.

Abstract URL

Variational approximations are becoming a widespread tool for Bayesian learning of graphical models. We provide some theoretical results for the variational updates in a very general family of conjugate-exponential graphical models. We show how the belief propagation and the junction tree algorithms can be used in the inference step of variational Bayesian learning. Applying these results to the Bayesian analysis of linear-Gaussian state-space models we obtain a learning procedure that exploits the Kalman smoothing propagation, while integrating over all model parameters. We demonstrate how this can be used to infer the hidden state dimensionality of the state-space model in a variety of synthetic problems and one real high-dimensional data set.

Variational Inference for Bayesian Mixtures of Factor Analysers

Zoubin Ghahramani, Matthew J. Beal, 1999. (In NIPS). Edited by Michael J. Kearns, Sara A. Solla, David A. Cohn. The MIT Press. ISBN: 0-262-11245-0.

Abstract URL

We present an algorithm that infers the model structure of a mixture of factor analysers using an efficient and deterministic variational approximation to full Bayesian integration over model parameters. This procedure can automatically determine the optimal number of components and the local dimensionality of each component (i.e. the number of factors in each factor analyser). Alternatively it can be used to infer posterior distributions over number of components and dimensionalities. Since all parameters are integrated out the method is not prone to overfitting. Using a stochastic procedure for adding components it is possible to perform the variational optimisation incrementally and to avoid local maxima. Results show that the method works very well in practice and correctly infers the number and dimensionality of nontrivial synthetic examples. By importance sampling from the variational approximation we show how to obtain unbiased estimates of the true evidence, the exact predictive density, and the KL divergence between the variational posterior and the true posterior, not only in this model but for variational approximations in general.

Bayesian nonparametric latent feature models (with discussion)

Z. Ghahramani, T.L. Griffiths, P. Sollich, July 2007. (In Bayesian Statistics 8). Edited by J.M. Bernardo, M.J. Bayarri, J.O. Berger, A.P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A.F.M. Smith, M. West. Oxford, UK. Oxford University Press.

Abstract URL

We describe a flexible nonparametric approach to latent variable modelling in which the number of latent variables is unbounded. This approach is based on a probability distribution over equivalence classes of binary matrices with a finite number of rows, corresponding to the data points, and an unbounded number of columns, corresponding to the latent variables. Each data point can be associated with a subset of the possible latent variables, which we refer to as the latent features of that data point. The binary variables in the matrix indicate which latent feature is possessed by which data point, and there is a potentially infinite array of features. We derive the distribution over unbounded binary matrices by taking the limit of a distribution over N×K binary matrices as K→∞. We define a simple generative processes for this distribution which we call the Indian buffet process (IBP; Griffiths and Ghahramani, 2005, 2006) by analogy to the Chinese restaurant process (Aldous, 1985; Pitman, 2002). The IBP has a single hyperparameter which controls both the number of feature per ob ject and the total number of features. We describe a two-parameter generalization of the IBP which has additional flexibility, independently controlling the number of features per object and the total number of features in the matrix. The use of this distribution as a prior in an infinite latent feature model is illustrated, and Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for inference are described.

Comment: Includes discussion by David Dunson, and rejoinder.

Bayesian Sets

Zoubin Ghahramani, Katherine A. Heller, December 2006. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18). Edited by Y. Weiss, B. Schölkopf, J. Platt. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

Inspired by “Google™ Sets”, we consider the problem of retrieving items from a concept or cluster, given a query consisting of a few items from that cluster. We formulate this as a Bayesian inference problem and describe a very simple algorithm for solving it. Our algorithm uses a model-based concept of a cluster and ranks items using a score which evaluates the marginal probability that each item belongs to a cluster containing the query items. For exponential family models with conjugate priors this marginal probability is a simple function of sufficient statistics. We focus on sparse binary data and show that our score can be evaluated exactly using a single sparse matrix multiplication, making it possible to apply our algorithm to very large datasets. We evaluate our algorithm on three datasets: retrieving movies from EachMovie, finding completions of author sets from the NIPS dataset, and finding completions of sets of words appearing in the Grolier encyclopedia. We compare to Google™ Sets and show that Bayesian Sets gives very reasonable set completions.

Variational Learning for Switching State-Space Models

Zoubin Ghahramani, Geoffrey E. Hinton, 2000. (Neural Computation).

Abstract URL

We introduce a new statistical model for time series which iteratively segments data into regimes with approximately linear dynamics and learns the parameters of each of these linear regimes. This model combines and generalizes two of the most widely used stochastic time series models—hidden Markov models and linear dynamical systems—and is closely related to models that are widely used in the control and econometrics literatures. It can also be derived by extending the mixture of experts neural network (Jacobs et al, 1991) to its fully dynamical version, in which both expert and gating networks are recurrent. Inferring the posterior probabilities of the hidden states of this model is computationally intractable, and therefore the exact Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm cannot be applied. However, we present a variational approximation that maximizes a lower bound on the log likelihood and makes use of both the forward–backward recursions for hidden Markov models and the Kalman filter recursions for linear dynamical systems. We tested the algorithm both on artificial data sets and on a natural data set of respiration force from a patient with sleep apnea. The results suggest that variational approximations are a viable method for inference and learning in switching state-space models.

Hierarchical Non-linear Factor Analysis and Topographic Maps

Zoubin Ghahramani, Geoffrey E. Hinton, 1997. (In NIPS). Edited by Michael I. Jordan, Michael J. Kearns, Sara A. Solla. The MIT Press. ISBN: 0-262-10076-2.

Abstract URL

We first describe a hierarchical, generative model that can be viewed as a non-linear generalisation of factor analysis and can be implemented in a neural network. The model performs perceptual inference in a probabilistically consistent manner by using top-down, bottom-up and lateral connections. These connections can be learned using simple rules that require only locally available information. We then show how to incorporate lateral connections into the generative model. The model extracts a sparse, distributed, hierarchical representation of depth from simplified random-dot stereograms and the localised disparity detectors in the first hidden layer form a topographic map. When presented with image patches from natural scenes, the model develops topographically organised local feature detectors.

Supervised learning from incomplete data via an EM approach

Zoubin Ghahramani, Michael I. Jordan, 1993. (In NIPS). Edited by Jack D. Cowan, Gerald Tesauro, Joshua Alspector. Morgan Kaufmann. ISBN: 1-55860-322-0.

Abstract URL

Real-world learning tasks may involve high-dimensional data sets with arbitrary patterns of missing data. In this paper we present a framework based on maximum likelihood density estimation for learning from such data sets. We use mixture models for the density estimates and make two distinct appeals to the ExpectationMaximization (EM) principle (Dempster et al., 1977) in deriving a learning algorithm—EM is used both for the estimation of mixture components and for coping with missing data. The resulting algorithm is applicable to a wide range of supervised as well as unsupervised learning problems. Results from a classification benchmark—the iris data set—are presented.

Factorial Hidden Markov Models

Zoubin Ghahramani, Michael I. Jordan, 1995. (In NIPS). Edited by David S. Touretzky, Michael Mozer, Michael E. Hasselmo. MIT Press. ISBN: 0-262-20107-0.

Abstract URL

Hidden Markov models (HMMs) have proven to be one of the most widely used tools for learning probabilistic models of time series data. In an HMM, information about the past is conveyed through a single discrete variable—the hidden state. We discuss a generalization of HMMs in which this state is factored into multiple state variables and is therefore represented in a distributed manner. We describe an exact algorithm for inferring the posterior probabilities of the hidden state variables given the observations, and relate it to the forward–backward algorithm for HMMs and to algorithms for more general graphical models. Due to the combinatorial nature of the hidden state representation, this exact algorithm is intractable. As in other intractable systems, approximate inference can be carried out using Gibbs sampling or variational methods. Within the variational framework, we present a structured approximation in which the the state variables are decoupled, yielding a tractable algorithm for learning the parameters of the model. Empirical comparisons suggest that these approximations are efficient and provide accurate alternatives to the exact methods. Finally, we use the structured approximation to model Bach’s chorales and show that factorial HMMs can capture statistical structure in this data set which an unconstrained HMM cannot.

Factorial Hidden Markov Models

Zoubin Ghahramani, Michael I. Jordan, 1997. (Machine Learning).

Abstract URL

Hidden Markov models (HMMs) have proven to be one of the most widely used tools for learning probabilistic models of time series data. In an HMM, information about the past is conveyed through a single discrete variable—the hidden state. We discuss a generalization of HMMs in which this state is factored into multiple state variables and is therefore represented in a distributed manner. We describe an exact algorithm for inferring the posterior probabilities of the hidden state variables given the observations, and relate it to the forward–backward algorithm for HMMs and to algorithms for more general graphical models. Due to the combinatorial nature of the hidden state representation, this exact algorithm is intractable. As in other intractable systems, approximate inference can be carried out using Gibbs sampling or variational methods. Within the variational framework, we present a structured approximation in which the the state variables are decoupled, yielding a tractable algorithm for learning the parameters of the model. Empirical comparisons suggest that these approximations are efficient and provide accurate alternatives to the exact methods. Finally, we use the structured approximation to model Bach’s chorales and show that factorial HMMs can capture statistical structure in this data set which an unconstrained HMM cannot.

Scaling in a hierarchical unsupervised network

Zoubin Ghahramani, Alexander T Korenberg, Geoffrey E Hinton, 1999. (In Artificial Neural Networks, 1999. ICANN 99. Ninth International Conference on (Conf. Publ. No. 470)).

Abstract URL

A persistent worry with computational models of unsupervised learning is that learning will become more difficult as the problem is scaled. We examine this issue in the context of a novel hierarchical, generative model that can be viewed as a non-linear generalization of factor analysis and can be implemented in a neural network. The model performs perceptual inference in a probabilistically consistent manner by using top-down, bottom-up and lateral connections. These connections can be learned using simple rules that require only locally available information. We first demonstrate that the model can extract a sparse, distributed, hierarchical representation of global disparity from simplified random-dot stereograms. We then investigate some of the scaling properties of the algorithm on this problem and find that : (1) increasing the image size leads to faster and more reliable learning; (2) Increasing the depth of the network from one to two hidden layers leads to better representations at the first hidden layer, and (3) Once one part of the network has discovered how to represent disparity, it ‘supervises’ other parts of the network, greatly speeding up their learning.

Learning Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Using an EM Algorithm

Zoubin Ghahramani, Sam T. Roweis, 1998. (In NIPS). Edited by Michael J. Kearns, Sara A. Solla, David A. Cohn. The MIT Press. ISBN: 0-262-11245-0.

Abstract URL

The Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm is an iterative procedure for maximum likelihood parameter estimation from data sets with missing or hidden variables. It has been applied to system identification in linear stochastic state-space models, where the state variables are hidden from the observer and both the state and the parameters of the model have to be estimated simultaneously [9]. We present a generalization of the EM algorithm for parameter estimation in nonlinear dynamical systems. The “expectation” step makes use of Extended Kalman Smoothing to estimate the state, while the “maximization” step re-estimates the parameters using these uncertain state estimates. In general, the nonlinear maximization step is difficult because it requires integrating out the uncertainty in the states. However, if Gaussian radial basis function (RBF) approximators are used to model the nonlinearities, the integrals become tractable and the maximization step can be solved via systems of linear equations.

Computational Structure of coordinate transformations: A generalization study

Zoubin Ghahramani, Daniel M. Wolpert, Michael I. Jordan, 1994. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7). Edited by Gerald Tesauro, David S. Touretzky, Todd K. Leen. MIT Press.

Abstract URL

One of the fundamental properties that both neural networks and the central nervous system share is the ability to learn and generalize from examples. While this property has been studied extensively in the neural network literature it has not been thoroughly explored in human perceptual and motor learning. We have chosen a coordinate transformation system—the visuomotor map which transforms visual coordinates into motor coordinates—to study the generalization effects of learning new input–output pairs. Using a paradigm of computer controlled altered visual feedback, we have studied the generalization of the visuomotor map subsequent to both local and context-dependent remappings. A local remapping of one or two input-output pairs induced a significant global, yet decaying, change in the visuomotor map, suggesting a representation for the map composed of units with large functional receptive fields. Our study of context-dependent remappings indicated that a single point in visual space can be mapped to two different finger locations depending on a context variable—the starting point of the movement. Furthermore, as the context is varied there is a gradual shift between the two remappings, consistent with two visuomotor modules being learned and gated smoothly with the context.

Infinite Latent Feature Models and the Indian Buffet Process

T. L. Griffiths, Z. Ghahramani, December 2006. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18). Edited by Y. Weiss, B. Schölkopf, J. Platt. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

We define a probability distribution over equivalence classes of binary matrices with a finite number of rows and an unbounded number of columns. This distribution is suitable for use as a prior in probabilistic models that represent objects using a potentially infinite array of features. We identify a simple generative process that results in the same distribution over equivalence classes, which we call the Indian buffet process. We illustrate the use of this distribution as a prior in an infinite latent feature model, deriving a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for inference in this model and applying the algorithm to an image dataset.

The Indian buffet process: An introduction and review

Thomas L. Griffiths, Zoubin Ghahramani, April 2011. (Journal of Machine Learning Research).

Abstract URL

The Indian buffet process is a stochastic process defining a probability distribution over equivalence classes of sparse binary matrices with a finite number of rows and an unbounded number of columns. This distribution is suitable for use as a prior in probabilistic models that represent objects using a potentially infinite array of features, or that involve bipartite graphs in which the size of at least one class of nodes is unknown. We give a detailed derivation of this distribution, and illustrate its use as a prior in an infinite latent feature model. We then review recent applications of the Indian buffet process in machine learning, discuss its extensions, and summarize its connections to other stochastic processes.

Neural Adaptive Sequential Monte Carlo

Shixiang Gu, Zoubin Ghahramani, Richard E. Turner, Dec 2015. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29). Montréal CANADA.

Abstract URL

Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC), or particle filtering, is a popular class of methods for sampling from an intractable target distribution using a sequence of simpler intermediate distributions. Like other importance sampling-based methods, performance is critically dependent on the proposal distribution: a bad proposal can lead to arbitrarily inaccurate estimates of the target distribution. This paper presents a new method for automatically adapting the proposal using an approximation of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the true posterior and the proposal distribution. The method is very flexible, applicable to any parameterised proposal distribution and it supports online and batch variants. We use the new framework to adapt powerful proposal distributions with rich parameterisations based upon neural networks leading to Neural Adaptive Sequential Monte Carlo (NASMC). Experiments indicate that NASMC significantly improves inference in a non-linear state space model outperforming adaptive proposal methods including the Extended Kalman and Unscented Particle Filters. Experiments also indicate that improved inference translates into improved parameter learning when NASMC is used as a subroutine of Particle Marginal Metropolis Hastings. Finally we show that NASMC is able to train a neural network-based deep recurrent generative model achieving results that compete with the state-of-the-art for polymorphic music modelling. NASMC can be seen as bridging the gap between adaptive SMC methods and the recent work in scalable, black-box variational inference.

Gaussian Process Volatility Model

Yue Wu, José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2014. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28). Montreal, Canada.

Abstract URL

The prediction of time-changing variances is an important task in the modeling of financial data. Standard econometric models are often limited as they assume rigid functional relationships for the evolution of the variance. Moreover, functional parameters are usually learned by maximum likelihood, which can lead to overfitting. To address these problems we introduce GP-Vol, a novel non-parametric model for time-changing variances based on Gaussian Processes. This new model can capture highly flexible functional relationships for the variances. Furthermore, we introduce a new online algorithm for fast inference in GP-Vol. This method is much faster than current offline inference procedures and it avoids overfitting problems by following a fully Bayesian approach. Experiments with financial data show that GP-Vol performs significantly better than current standard alternatives.

Q-Prop: Sample-Efficient Policy Gradient with An Off-Policy Critic

Shixiang Gu, Timothy Lillicrap, Zoubin Ghahramani, Richard E. Turner, Sergey Levine, April 2017. (In 5th International Conference on Learning Representations). Toulon France.

Abstract URL

Model-free deep reinforcement learning (RL) methods have been successful in a wide variety of simulated domains. However, a major obstacle facing deep RL in the real world is their high sample complexity. Batch policy gradient methods offer stable learning, but at the cost of high variance, which often requires large batches. TD-style methods, such as off-policy actor-critic and Q-learning, are more sample-efficient but biased, and often require costly hyperparameter sweeps to stabilize. In this work, we aim to develop methods that combine the stability of policy gradients with the efficiency of off-policy RL. We present Q-Prop, a policy gradient method that uses a Taylor expansion of the off-policy critic as a control variate. Q-Prop is both sample efficient and stable, and effectively combines the benefits of on-policy and off-policy methods. We analyze the connection between Q-Prop and existing model-free algorithms, and use control variate theory to derive two variants of Q-Prop with conservative and aggressive adaptation. We show that conservative Q-Prop provides substantial gains in sample efficiency over trust region policy optimization (TRPO) with generalized advantage estimation (GAE), and improves stability over deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG), the state-of-the-art on-policy and off-policy methods, on OpenAI Gym’s MuJoCo continuous control environments.

Interpolated Policy Gradient: Merging On-Policy and Off-Policy Policy Gradient Estimation for Deep Reinforcement Learning

Shixiang Gu, Timothy Lillicrap, Zoubin Ghahramani, Richard E. Turner, Bernhard Schölkopf, Sergey Levine, Dec 2017. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31). Long Beach USA.

Abstract URL

Off-policy model-free deep reinforcement learning methods using previously collected data can improve sample efficiency over on-policy policy gradient techniques. On the other hand, on-policy algorithms are often more stable and easier to use. This paper examines, both theoretically and empirically, approaches to merging on- and off-policy updates for deep reinforcement learning. Theoretical results show that off-policy updates with a value function estimator can be interpolated with on-policy policy gradient updates whilst still satisfying performance bounds. Our analysis uses control variate methods to produce a family of policy gradient algorithms, with several recently proposed algorithms being special cases of this family. We then provide an empirical comparison of these techniques with the remaining algorithmic details fixed, and show how different mixing of off-policy gradient estimates with on-policy samples contribute to improvements in empirical performance. The final algorithm provides a generalization and unification of existing deep policy gradient techniques, has theoretical guarantees on the bias introduced by off-policy updates, and improves on the state-of-the-art model-free deep RL methods on a number of OpenAI Gym continuous control benchmarks.

Variational inference for nonparametric multiple clustering

Y. Guan, J. G. Dy, D. Niu, Z. Ghahramani, July 2010. (In KDD10 Workshop on Discovering, Summarizing, and Using Multiple Clusterings). Washington, DC, USA.

Abstract URL

Most clustering algorithms produce a single clustering solution. Similarly, feature selection for clustering tries to find one feature subset where one interesting clustering solution resides. However, a single data set may be multi-faceted and can be grouped and interpreted in many different ways, especially for high dimensional data, where feature selection is typically needed. Moreover, different clustering solutions are interesting for different purposes. Instead of committing to one clustering solution, in this paper we introduce a probabilistic nonparametric Bayesian model that can discover several possible clustering solutions and the feature subset views that generated each cluster partitioning simultaneously. We provide a variational inference approach to learn the features and clustering partitions in each view. Our model allows us not only to learn the multiple clusterings and views but also allows us to automatically learn the number of views and the number of clusters in each view.

Dynamic probabilistic models for latent feature propagation in social networks

Creighton Heaukulani, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2013. (In 30th International Conference on Machine Learning). Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Abstract URL

Current Bayesian models for dynamic social network data have focused on modelling the influence of evolving unobserved structure on observed social interactions. However, an understanding of how observed social relationships from the past affect future unobserved structure in the network has been neglected. In this paper, we introduce a new probabilistic model for capturing this phenomenon, which we call latent feature propagation, in social networks. We demonstrate our model’s capability for inferring such latent structure in varying types of social network datasets, and experimental studies show this structure achieves higher predictive performance on link prediction and forecasting tasks.

Beta diffusion trees

Creighton Heaukulani, David A. Knowles, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2014. (In 31st International Conference on Machine Learning). Beijing, China.

Abstract URL

We define the beta diffusion tree, a random tree structure with a set of leaves that defines a collection of overlapping subsets of objects, known as a feature allocation. The generative process for the tree is defined in terms of particles (representing the objects) diffusing in some continuous space, analogously to the Dirichlet and Pitman–Yor diffusion trees (Neal, 2003b; Knowles & Ghahramani, 2011), both of which define tree structures over clusters of the particles. With the beta diffusion tree, however, multiple copies of a particle may exist and diffuse to multiple locations in the continuous space, resulting in (a random number of) possibly overlapping clusters of the objects. We demonstrate how to build a hierarchically-clustered factor analysis model with the beta diffusion tree and how to perform inference over the random tree structures with a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. We conclude with several numerical experiments on missing data problems with data sets of gene expression arrays, international development statistics, and intranational socioeconomic measurements.

Beta diffusion trees and hierarchical feature allocations

Creighton Heaukulani, David A. Knowles, Zoubin Ghahramani, August 2014. Dept. of Engineering, University of Cambridge,

Abstract URL

We define the beta diffusion tree, a random tree structure with a set of leaves that defines a collection of overlapping subsets of objects, known as a feature allocation. A generative process for the tree structure is defined in terms of particles (representing the objects) diffusing in some continuous space, analogously to the Dirichlet diffusion tree (Neal, 2003b), which defines a tree structure over partitions (i.e., non-overlapping subsets) of the objects. Unlike in the Dirichlet diffusion tree, multiple copies of a particle may exist and diffuse along multiple branches in the beta diffusion tree, and an object may therefore belong to multiple subsets of particles. We demonstrate how to build a hierarchically-clustered factor analysis model with the beta diffusion tree and how to perform inference over the random tree structures with a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. We conclude with several numerical experiments on missing data problems with data sets of gene expression microarrays, international development statistics, and intranational socioeconomic measurements.

Bayesian hierarchical clustering

Katherine A. Heller, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2005. (In ICML). Edited by Luc De Raedt, Stefan Wrobel. Association for Computing Machinery. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. ISBN: 1-59593-180-5.

Abstract URL

We present a novel algorithm for agglomerative hierarchical clustering based on evaluating marginal likelihoods of a probabilistic model. This algorithm has several advantages over traditional distance-based agglomerative clustering algorithms. (1) It defines a probabilistic model of the data which can be used to compute the predictive distribution of a test point and the probability of it belonging to any of the existing clusters in the tree. (2) It uses a model-based criterion to decide on merging clusters rather than an ad-hoc distance metric. (3) Bayesian hypothesis testing is used to decide which merges are advantageous and to output the recommended depth of the tree. (4) The algorithm can be interpreted as a novel fast bottom-up approximate inference method for a Dirichlet process (i.e. countably infinite) mixture model (DPM). It provides a new lower bound on the marginal likelihood of a DPM by summing over exponentially many clusterings of the data in polynomial time. We describe procedures for learning the model hyperpa-rameters, computing the predictive distribution, and extensions to the algorithm. Experimental results on synthetic and real-world data sets demonstrate useful properties of the algorithm.

A Simple Bayesian Framework for Content-Based Image Retrieval

Katherine A. Heller, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2006. (In CVPR). IEEE Computer Society. ISBN: 0-7695-2597-0.

Abstract URL

We present a Bayesian framework for content-based image retrieval which models the distribution of color and texture features within sets of related images. Given a userspecified text query (e.g. “penguins”) the system first extracts a set of images, from a labelled corpus, corresponding to that query. The distribution over features of these images is used to compute a Bayesian score for each image in a large unlabelled corpus. Unlabelled images are then ranked using this score and the top images are returned. Although the Bayesian score is based on computing marginal likelihoods, which integrate over model parameters, in the case of sparse binary data the score reduces to a single matrix-vector multiplication and is therefore extremely efficient to compute. We show that our method works surprisingly well despite its simplicity and the fact that no relevance feedback is used. We compare different choices of features, and evaluate our results using human subjects.

A Nonparametric Bayesian Approach to Modeling Overlapping Clusters

Katherine A. Heller, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2007. (In AISTATS). Edited by Marina Meila, Xiaotong Shen. JMLR.org. JMLR Proceedings.

Abstract URL

Although clustering data into mutually exclusive partitions has been an extremely successful approach to unsupervised learning, there are many situations in which a richer model is needed to fully represent the data. This is the case in problems where data points actually simultaneously belong to multiple, overlapping clusters. For example a particular gene may have several functions, therefore belonging to several distinct clusters of genes, and a biologist may want to discover these through unsupervised modeling of gene expression data. We present a new nonparametric Bayesian method, the Infinite Overlapping Mixture Model (IOMM), for modeling overlapping clusters. The IOMM uses exponential family distributions to model each cluster and forms an overlapping mixture by taking products of such distributions, much like products of experts (Hinton, 2002). The IOMM allows an unbounded number of clusters, and assignments of points to (multiple) clusters is modeled using an Indian Buffet Process (IBP), (Griffiths and Ghahramani, 2006). The IOMM has the desirable properties of being able to focus in on overlapping regions while maintaining the ability to model a potentially infinite number of clusters which may overlap. We derive MCMC inference algorithms for the IOMM and show that these can be used to cluster movies into multiple genres.

Statistical models for partial membership

Katherine A. Heller, Sinead Williamson, Zoubin Ghahramani, July 2008. (In 25th International Conference on Machine Learning). Edited by Andrew McCallum, Sam Roweis. Helsinki, Finland. Omnipress.

Abstract URL

We present a principled Bayesian framework for modeling partial memberships of data points to clusters. Unlike a standard mixture model which assumes that each data point belongs to one and only one mixture component, or cluster, a partial membership model allows data points to have fractional membership in multiple clusters. Algorithms which assign data points partial memberships to clusters can be useful for tasks such as clustering genes based on microarray data (Gasch & Eisen, 2002). Our Bayesian Partial Membership Model (BPM) uses exponential family distributions to model each cluster, and a product of these distibtutions, with weighted parameters, to model each datapoint. Here the weights correspond to the degree to which the datapoint belongs to each cluster. All parameters in the BPM are continuous, so we can use Hybrid Monte Carlo to perform inference and learning. We discuss relationships between the BPM and Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Mixed Membership models, Exponential Family PCA, and fuzzy clustering. Lastly, we show some experimental results and discuss nonparametric extensions to our model.

MCMC for Variationally Sparse Gaussian Processes

James Hensman, Alexander G D G Matthews, Maurizio Filippone, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2015. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28). Montreal, Canada.

Abstract URL

Gaussian process (GP) models form a core part of probabilistic machine learning. Considerable research effort has been made into attacking three issues with GP models: how to compute efficiently when the number of data is large; how to approximate the posterior when the likelihood is not Gaussian and how to estimate covariance function parameter posteriors. This paper simultaneously addresses these, using a variational approximation to the posterior which is sparse in support of the function but otherwise free-form. The result is a Hybrid Monte-Carlo sampling scheme which allows for a non-Gaussian approximation over the function values and covariance parameters simultaneously, with efficient computations based on inducing-point sparse GPs. Code to replicate each experiment in this paper will be available shortly.

Scalable Variational Gaussian Process Classification

James Hensman, Alexander G D G Matthews, Zoubin Ghahramani, May 2015. (In 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). San Diego, California, USA.

Abstract URL

Gaussian process classification is a popular method with a number of appealing properties. We show how to scale the model within a variational inducing point framework, out-performing the state of the art on benchmark datasets. Importantly, the variational formulation an be exploited to allow classification in problems with millions of data points, as we demonstrate in experiments.

Predictive Entropy Search for Efficient Global Optimization of Black-box Functions

José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Matthew W. Hoffman, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2014. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28). Montreal, Canada.

Abstract URL

We propose a novel information-theoretic approach for Bayesian optimization called Predictive Entropy Search (PES). At each iteration, PES selects the next evaluation point that maximizes the expected information gained with respect to the global maximum. PES codifies this intractable acquisition function in terms of the expected reduction in the differential entropy of the predictive distribution. This reformulation allows PES to obtain approximations that are both more accurate and efficient than other alternatives such as Entropy Search (ES). Furthermore, PES can easily perform a fully Bayesian treatment of the model hyperparameters while ES cannot. We evaluate PES in both synthetic and realworld applications, including optimization problems in machine learning, finance, biotechnology, and robotics. We show that the increased accuracy of PES leads to significant gains in optimization performance.

Stochastic Inference for Scalable Probabilistic Modeling of Binary Matrices

José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Neil Houlsby, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2013. (In NIPS Workshop on Randomized Methods for Machine Learning).

Abstract URL

Fully observed large binary matrices appear in a wide variety of contexts. To model them, probabilistic matrix factorization (PMF) methods are an attractive solution. However, current batch algorithms for PMF can be inefficient since they need to analyze the entire data matrix before producing any parameter updates. We derive an efficient stochastic inference algorithm for PMF models of fully observed binary matrices. Our method exhibits faster convergence rates than more expensive batch approaches and has better predictive performance than scalable alternatives. The proposed method includes new data subsampling strategies which produce large gains over standard uniform subsampling. We also address the task of automatically selecting the size of the minibatches of data and we propose an algorithm that adjusts this hyper-parameter in an online manner.

Probabilistic Matrix Factorization with Non-random Missing Data

José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Neil Houlsby, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2014. (In 31st International Conference on Machine Learning). Beijing, China.

Abstract URL

We propose a probabilistic matrix factorization model for collaborative filtering that learns from data that is missing not at random (MNAR). Matrix factorization models exhibit state-of-the-art predictive performance in collaborative filtering. However, these models usually assume that the data is missing at random (MAR), and this is rarely the case. For example, the data is not MAR if users rate items they like more than ones they dislike. When the MAR assumption is incorrect, inferences are biased and predictive performance can suffer. Therefore, we model both the generative process for the data and the missing data mechanism. By learning these two models jointly we obtain improved performance over state-of-the-art methods when predicting the ratings and when modeling the data observation process. We present the first viable MF model for MNAR data. Our results are promising and we expect that further research on NMAR models will yield large gains in collaborative filtering.

Stochastic Inference for Scalable Probabilistic Modeling of Binary Matrices

José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Neil Houlsby, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2014. (In 31st International Conference on Machine Learning). Beijing, China.

Abstract URL

Fully observed large binary matrices appear in a wide variety of contexts. To model them, probabilistic matrix factorization (PMF) methods are an attractive solution. However, current batch algorithms for PMF can be inefficient because they need to analyze the entire data matrix before producing any parameter updates. We derive an efficient stochastic inference algorithm for PMF models of fully observed binary matrices. Our method exhibits faster convergence rates than more expensive batch approaches and has better predictive performance than scalable alternatives. The proposed method includes new data subsampling strategies which produce large gains over standard uniform subsampling. We also address the task of automatically selecting the size of the minibatches of data used by our method. For this, we derive an algorithm that adjusts this hyper-parameter online.

Predictive Entropy Search for Bayesian Optimization with Unknown Constraints

José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Michael A. Gelbart, Matthew W. Hoffman, Ryan P. Adams, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2015. (In 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning).

Abstract URL

Unknown constraints arise in many types of expensive black-box optimization problems. Several methods have been proposed recently for performing Bayesian optimization with constraints, based on the expected improvement (EI) heuristic. However, EI can lead to pathologies when used with constraints. For example, in the case of decoupled constraints—i.e., when one can independently evaluate the objective or the constraints—EI can encounter a pathology that prevents exploration. Additionally, computing EI requires a current best solution, which may not exist if none of the data collected so far satisfy the constraints. By contrast, information-based approaches do not suffer from these failure modes. In this paper, we present a new information-based method called Predictive Entropy Search with Constraints (PESC). We analyze the performance of PESC and show that it compares favorably to EI-based approaches on synthetic and benchmark problems, as well as several real-world examples. We demonstrate that PESC is an effective algorithm that provides a promising direction towards a unified solution for constrained Bayesian optimization.

Generative models for discovering sparse distributed representations

Geoffrey E Hinton, Zoubin Ghahramani, 1997. (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences). The Royal Society.

Abstract URL

We describe a hierarchical, generative model that can be viewed as a nonlinear generalization of factor analysis and can be implemented in a neural network. The model uses bottom–up, top–down and lateral connections to perform Bayesian perceptual inference correctly. Once perceptual inference has been performed the connection strengths can be updated using a very simple learning rule that only requires locally available information. We demonstrate that the network learns to extract sparse, distributed, hierarchical representations.

Learning to Parse Images

Geoffrey E. Hinton, Zoubin Ghahramani, Yee Whye Teh, 1999. (In NIPS). Edited by Michael J. Kearns, Sara A. Solla, David A. Cohn. The MIT Press. ISBN: 0-262-11245-0.

Abstract URL

We describe a class of probabilistic models that we call credibility networks. Using parse trees as internal representations of images, credibility networks are able to perform segmentation and recognition simultaneously, removing the need for ad hoc segmentation heuristics. Promising results in the problem of segmenting handwritten digits were obtained.

Cold-start Active Learning with Robust Ordinal Matrix Factorization

Neil Houlsby, José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2014. (In 31st International Conference on Machine Learning). Beijing, China.

Abstract URL

We present a new matrix factorization model for rating data and a corresponding active learning strategy to address the cold-start problem. Cold-start is one of the most challenging tasks for recommender systems: what to recommend with new users or items for which one has little or no data. An approach is to use active learning to collect the most useful initial ratings. However, the performance of active learning depends strongly upon having accurate estimates of i) the uncertainty in model parameters and ii) the intrinsic noisiness of the data. To achieve these estimates we propose a heteroskedastic Bayesian model for ordinal matrix factorization. We also present a computationally efficient framework for Bayesian active learning with this type of complex probabilistic model. This algorithm successfully distinguishes between informative and noisy data points. Our model yields state-of-the-art predictive performance and, coupled with our active learning strategy, enables us to gain useful information in the cold-start setting from the very first active sample.

Collaborative Gaussian Processes for Preference Learning

Neil Houlsby, Jose Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Ferenc Huszár, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2012. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26). Curran Associates, Inc..

Abstract URL

We present a new model based on Gaussian processes (GPs) for learning pairwise preferences expressed by multiple users. Inference is simplified by using a preference kernel for GPs which allows us to combine supervised GP learning of user preferences with unsupervised dimensionality reduction for multi-user systems. The model not only exploits collaborative information from the shared structure in user behavior, but may also incorporate user features if they are available. Approximate inference is implemented using a combination of expectation propagation and variational Bayes. Finally, we present an efficient active learning strategy for querying preferences. The proposed technique performs favorably on real-world data against state-of-the-art multi-user preference learning algorithms.

Bayesian Active Learning for Classification and Preference Learning

Neil Houlsby, Ferenc Huszar, Zoubin Ghahramani, Máté Lengyel, 2011. (arXiv).

Abstract URL

Information theoretic active learning has been widely studied for probabilistic models. For simple regression an optimal myopic policy is easily tractable. However, for other tasks and with more complex models, such as classification with nonparametric models, the optimal solution is harder to compute. Current approaches make approximations to achieve tractability. We propose an approach that expresses information gain in terms of predictive entropies, and apply this method to the Gaussian Process Classifier (GPC). Our approach makes minimal approximations to the full information theoretic objective. Our experimental performance compares favourably to many popular active learning algorithms, and has equal or lower computational complexity. We compare well to decision theoretic approaches also, which are privy to more information and require much more computational time. Secondly, by developing further a reformulation of binary preference learning to a classification problem, we extend our algorithm to Gaussian Process preference learning.

Variational Bayesian dropout: pitfalls and fixes

Jiri Hron, Alexander G. D. G. Matthews, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2018. (ICML).

Abstract URL

Dropout, a stochastic regularisation technique for training of neural networks, has recently been reinterpreted as a specific type of approximate inference algorithm for Bayesian neural networks. The main contribution of the reinterpretation is in providing a theoretical framework useful for analysing and extending the algorithm. We show that the proposed framework suffers from several issues; from undefined or pathological behaviour of the true posterior related to use of improper priors, to an ill-defined variational objective due to singularity of the approximating distribution relative to the true posterior. Our analysis of the improper log uniform prior used in variational Gaussian dropout suggests the pathologies are generally irredeemable, and that the algorithm still works only because the variational formulation annuls some of the pathologies. To address the singularity issue, we proffer Quasi-KL (QKL) divergence, a new approximate inference objective for approximation of high-dimensional distributions. We show that motivations for variational Bernoulli dropout based on discretisation and noise have QKL as a limit. Properties of QKL are studied both theoretically and on a simple practical example which shows that the QKL-optimal approximation of a full rank Gaussian with a degenerate one naturally leads to the Principal Component Analysis solution.

Metropolis algorithms for representative subgraph sampling

C. Hübler, K. Borgwardt, H.-P. Kriegel, Z. Ghahramani, December 2008. (In Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2008)). Pisa, Italy. IEEE. Note: ISSN: 1550-4786.

Abstract URL

While data mining in chemoinformatics studied graph data with dozens of nodes, systems biology and the Internet are now generating graph data with thousands and millions of nodes. Hence data mining faces the algorithmic challenge of coping with this significant increase in graph size: Classic algorithms for data analysis are often too expensive and too slow on large graphs. While one strategy to overcome this problem is to design novel efficient algorithms, the other is to ‘reduce’ the size of the large graph by sampling. This is the scope of this paper: We will present novel Metropolis algorithms for sampling a ‘representative’ small subgraph from the original large graph, with ‘representative’ describing the requirement that the sample shall preserve crucial graph properties of the original graph. In our experiments, we improve over the pioneering work of Leskovec and Faloutsos (KDD 2006), by producing representative subgraph samples that are both smaller and of higher quality than those produced by other methods from the literature.

Warped Mixtures for Nonparametric Cluster Shapes

Tomoharu Iwata, David Duvenaud, Zoubin Ghahramani, July 2013. (In 29th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence). Bellevue, Washington.

Abstract URL

A mixture of Gaussians fit to a single curved or heavy-tailed cluster will report that the data contains many clusters. To produce more appropriate clusterings, we introduce a model which warps a latent mixture of Gaussians to produce nonparametric cluster shapes. The possibly low-dimensional latent mixture model allows us to summarize the properties of the high-dimensional clusters (or density manifolds) describing the data. The number of manifolds, as well as the shape and dimension of each manifold is automatically inferred. We derive a simple inference scheme for this model which analytically integrates out both the mixture parameters and the warping function. We show that our model is effective for density estimation, performs better than infinite Gaussian mixture models at recovering the true number of clusters, and produces interpretable summaries of high-dimensional datasets.

Active Learning for Interactive Visualization

Tomoharu Iwata, Neil Houlsby, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2013. (In 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics).

Abstract URL

Many automatic visualization methods have been proposed. However, a visualization that is automatically generated might be different to how a user wants to arrange the objects in visualization space. By allowing users to re-locate objects in the embedding space of the visualization, they can adjust the visualization to their preference. We propose an active learning framework for interactive visualization which selects objects for the user to re-locate so that they can obtain their desired visualization by re-locating as few as possible. The framework is based on an information theoretic criterion, which favors objects that reduce the uncertainty of the visualization. We present a concrete application of the proposed framework to the Laplacian eigenmap visualization method. We demonstrate experimentally that the proposed framework yields the desired visualization with fewer user interactions than existing methods.

Unsupervised Many-to-Many Object Matching for Relational Data

Tomoharu Iwata, James Robert Lloyd, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2015. (IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence).

Abstract URL

We propose a method for unsupervised many-to-many object matching from multiple networks, which is the task of finding correspondences between groups of nodes in different networks. For example, the proposed method can discover shared word groups from multi-lingual document-word networks without cross-language alignment information. We assume that multiple networks share groups, and each group has its own interaction pattern with other groups. Using infinite relational models with this assumption, objects in different networks are clustered into common groups depending on their interaction patterns, discovering a matching. The effectiveness of the proposed method is experimentally demonstrated by using synthetic and real relational data sets, which include applications to cross-domain recommendation without shared user/item identifiers and multi-lingual word clustering.

Discovering latent influence in online social activities via shared cascade poisson processes

Tomoharu Iwata, Amar Shah, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2013. (In KDD). Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN: 978-1-4503-2174-7.

Abstract URL

Many people share their activities with others through online communities. These shared activities have an impact on other users’ activities. For example, users are likely to become interested in items that are adopted (e.g. liked, bought and shared) by their friends. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic model for discovering latent influence from sequences of item adoption events. An inhomogeneous Poisson process is used for modeling a sequence, in which adoption by a user triggers the subsequent adoption of the same item by other users. For modeling adoption of multiple items, we employ multiple inhomogeneous Poisson processes, which share parameters, such as influence for each user and relations between users. The proposed model can be used for finding influential users, discovering relations between users and predicting item popularity in the future. We present an efficient Bayesian inference procedure of the proposed model based on the stochastic EM algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed model is demonstrated by using real data sets in a social bookmark sharing service.

Learning with Multiple Labels

Rong Jin, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2002. (In NIPS). Edited by Suzanna Becker, Sebastian Thrun, Klaus Obermayer. MIT Press. ISBN: 0-262-02550-7.

Abstract URL

In this paper, we study a special kind of learning problem in which each training instance is given a set of (or distribution over) candidate class labels and only one of the candidate labels is the correct one. Such a problem can occur, e.g., in an information retrieval setting where a set of words is associated with an image, or if classes labels are organized hierarchically. We propose a novel discriminative approach for handling the ambiguity of class labels in the training examples. The experiments with the proposed approach over five different UCI datasets show that our approach is able to find the correct label among the set of candidate labels and actually achieve performance close to the case when each training instance is given a single correct label. In contrast, naïve methods degrade rapidly as more ambiguity is introduced into the labels.

An Introduction to Variational Methods for Graphical Models

Michael I. Jordan, Zoubin Ghahramani, Tommi Jaakkola, Lawrence K. Saul, 1999. (Machine Learning).

Abstract URL

This paper presents a tutorial introduction to the use of variational methods for inference and learning in graphical models (Bayesian networks and Markov random fields). We present a number of examples of graphical models, including the QMR-DT database, the sigmoid belief network, the Boltzmann machine, and several variants of hidden Markov models, in which it is infeasible to run exact inference algorithms. We then introduce variational methods, which exploit laws of large numbers to transform the original graphical model into a simplified graphical model in which inference is efficient. Inference in the simpified model provides bounds on probabilities of interest in the original model. We describe a general framework for generating variational transformations based on convex duality. Finally we return to the examples and demonstrate how variational algorithms can be formulated in each case.

Hidden Markov Decision Trees

Michael I. Jordan, Zoubin Ghahramani, Lawrence K. Saul, 1996. (In NIPS). Edited by Michael Mozer, Michael I. Jordan, Thomas Petsche. MIT Press.

Abstract URL

We study a time series model that can be viewed as a decision tree with Markov temporal structure. The model is intractable for exact calculations, thus we utilize variational approximations. We consider three different distributions for the approximation: one in which the Markov calculations are performed exactly and the layers of the decision tree are decoupled, one in which the decision tree calculations are performed exactly and the time steps of the Markov chain are decoupled, and one in which a Viterbi-like assumption is made to pick out a single most likely state sequence. We present simulation results for artificial data and the Bach chorales.

Bayesian Gaussian Process Classification with the EM-EP Algorithm

Hyun-Chul Kim, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2006. (IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell.).

Abstract URL

Gaussian process classifiers (GPCs) are Bayesian probabilistic kernel classifiers. In GPCs, the probability of belonging to a certain class at an input location is monotonically related to the value of some latent function at that location. Starting from a Gaussian process prior over this latent function, data are used to infer both the posterior over the latent function and the values of hyperparameters to determine various aspects of the function. Recently, the expectation propagation (EP) approach has been proposed to infer the posterior over the latent function. Based on this work, we present an approximate EM algorithm, the EM-EP algorithm, to learn both the latent function and the hyperparameters. This algorithm is found to converge in practice and provides an efficient Bayesian framework for learning hyperparameters of the kernel. A multiclass extension of the EM-EP algorithm for GPCs is also derived. In the experimental results, the EM-EP algorithms are as good or better than other methods for GPCs or Support Vector Machines (SVMs) with cross-validation.

Outlier robust Gaussian process classification

H. Kim, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2008. (In Structural, Syntactic and Statistical Pattern Recognition). Edited by L. Niels da Vitoria. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)). Berlin, Germany. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).

Abstract URL

Gaussian process classifiers (GPCs) are a fully statistical model for kernel classification. We present a form of GPC which is robust to labeling errors in the data set. This model allows label noise not only near the class boundaries, but also far from the class boundaries which can result from mistakes in labelling or gross errors in measuring the input features. We derive an outlier robust algorithm for training this model which alternates iterations based on the EP approximation and hyperparameter updates until convergence. We show the usefulness of the proposed algorithm with model selection method through simulation results.

Outlier Robust Gaussian Process Classification

Hyun-Chul Kim, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2008. (In SSPR/SPR). Edited by Niels da Vitoria Lobo, Takis Kasparis, Fabio Roli, James Tin-Yau Kwok, Michael Georgiopoulos, Georgios C. Anagnostopoulos, Marco Loog. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISBN: 978-3-540-89688-3.

Abstract URL

Gaussian process classifiers (GPCs) are a fully statistical model for kernel classification. We present a form of GPC which is robust to labeling errors in the data set. This model allows label noise not only near the class boundaries, but also far from the class boundaries which can result from mistakes in labelling or gross errors in measuring the input features. We derive an outlier robust algorithm for training this model which alternates iterations based on the EP approximation and hyperparameter updates until convergence. We show the usefulness of the proposed algorithm with model selection method through simulation results.

Bayesian Classifier Combination

Hyun-Chul Kim, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2012. (In 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics).

Abstract URL

Bayesian model averaging linearly mixes the probabilistic predictions of multiple models, each weighted by its posterior probability. This is the coherent Bayesian way of combining multiple models only under certain restrictive assumptions, which we outline. We explore a general framework for Bayesian model combination (which differs from model averaging) in the context of classification. This framework explicitly models the relationship between each model’s output and the unknown true label. The framework does not require that the models be probabilistic (they can even be human assessors), that they share prior information or receive the same training data, or that they be independent in their errors. Finally, the Bayesian combiner does not need to believe any of the models is in fact correct. We test several variants of this classifier combination procedure starting from a classic statistical model proposed by Dawid and Skene (1979) and using MCMC to add more complex but important features to the model. Comparisons on sev- eral data sets to simpler methods like majority voting show that the Bayesian methods not only perform well but result in interpretable diagnostics on the data points and the models.

Appearance-based gender classification with Gaussian processes

Hyun-Chul Kim, Daijin Kim, Zoubin Ghahramani, Sung Yang Bang, 2006. (Pattern Recognition Letters).

Abstract URL

This paper concerns the gender classification task of discriminating between images of faces of men and women from face images. In appearance-based approaches, the initial images are preprocessed (e.g. normalized) and input into classifiers. Recently, support vector machines (SVMs) which are popular kernel classifiers have been applied to gender classification and have shown excellent performance. SVMs have difficulty in determining the hyperparameters in kernels (using cross-validation). We propose to use Gaussian process classifiers (GPCs) which are Bayesian kernel classifiers. The main advantage of GPCs over SVMs is that they determine the hyperparameters of the kernel based on Bayesian model selection criterion. The experimental results show that our methods outperformed SVMs with cross-validation in most of data sets. Moreover, the kernel hyperparameters found by GPCs using Bayesian methods can be used to improve SVM performance.

Gender Classification with Bayesian Kernel Methods

Hyun-Chul Kim, Daijin Kim, Zoubin Ghahramani, Sung Yang Bang, 2006. (In IJCNN). Edited by William W. Cohen, Andrew Moore. Association for Computing Machinery. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. ISBN: 1-59593-383-2.

Abstract URL

We consider the gender classification task of discriminating between images of faces of men and women from face images. In appearance-based approaches, the initial images are preprocessed (e.g. normalized) and input into classifiers. Recently, SVMs which are popular kernel classifiers have been applied to gender classification and have shown excellent performance. We propose to use one of Bayesian kernel methods which is Gaussian process classifiers (GPCs) for gender classification. The main advantage of Bayesian kernel methods such as GPCs over SVMs is that they determine the hyperparameters of the kernel based on Bayesian model selection criterion. Our results show that GPCs outperformed SVMs with cross validation.

Bayesian Correlated clustering to integrate multiple datasets

Paul D. W. Kirk, Jim E. Griffin, Richard S. Savage, Zoubin Ghahramani, David L. Wild, 2012. (Bioinformatics).

Abstract URL

MOTIVATION: The integration of multiple datasets remains a key challenge in systems biology and genomic medicine. Modern high-throughput technologies generate a broad array of different data types, providing distinct-but often complementary-information. We present a Bayesian method for the unsupervised integrative modelling of multiple datasets, which we refer to as MDI (Multiple Dataset Integration). MDI can integrate information from a wide range of different datasets and data types simultaneously (including the ability to model time series data explicitly using Gaussian processes). Each dataset is modelled using a Dirichlet-multinomial allocation (DMA) mixture model, with dependencies between these models captured through parameters that describe the agreement among the datasets. RESULTS: Using a set of six artificially constructed time series datasets, we show that MDI is able to integrate a significant number of datasets simultaneously, and that it successfully captures the underlying structural similarity between the datasets. We also analyse a variety of real Saccharomyces cerevisiae datasets. In the two-dataset case, we show that MDI’s performance is comparable with the present state-of-the-art. We then move beyond the capabilities of current approaches and integrate gene expression, chromatin immunoprecipitation-chip and protein-protein interaction data, to identify a set of protein complexes for which genes are co-regulated during the cell cycle. Comparisons to other unsupervised data integration techniques-as well as to non-integrative approaches-demonstrate that MDI is competitive, while also providing information that would be difficult or impossible to extract using other methods.

Bayesian correlated clustering to integrate multiple datasets

P. Kirk, J. E. Griffin, R. S. Savage, Z. Ghahramani, D. L. Wild, 2012. (Bioinformatics).

Abstract URL

Motivation: The integration of multiple datasets remains a key challenge in systems biology and genomic medicine. Modern high-throughput technologies generate a broad array of different data types, providing distinct – but often complementary – information. We present a Bayesian method for the unsupervised integrative modelling of multiple datasets, which we refer to as MDI (Multiple Dataset Integration). MDI can integrate information from a wide range of different datasets and data types simultaneously (including the ability to model time series data explicitly using Gaussian processes). Each dataset is modelled using a Dirichlet-multinomial allocation (DMA) mixture model, with dependencies between these models captured via parameters that describe the agreement among the datasets. Results: Using a set of 6 artificially constructed time series datasets, we show that MDI is able to integrate a significant number of datasets simultaneously, and that it successfully captures the underlying structural similarity between the datasets. We also analyse a variety of real S. cerevisiae datasets. In the 2-dataset case, we show that MDI’s performance is comparable to the present state of the art. We then move beyond the capabilities of current approaches and integrate gene expression, ChIP-chip and protein-protein interaction data, to identify a set of protein complexes for which genes are co-regulated during the cell cycle. Comparisons to other unsupervised data integration techniques – as well as to non-integrative approaches – demonstrate that MDI is very competitive, while also providing information that would be difficult or impossible to extract using other methods.

Comment: This paper is available from the Bioinformatics site and a Matlab implementation of MDI is available fromthis site.

Message Passing Algorithms for the Dirichlet Diffusion Tree

David A. Knowles, Jurgen Van Gael, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2011. (In 28th International Conference on Machine Learning).

Abstract URL

We demonstrate efficient approximate inference for the Dirichlet Diffusion Tree (Neal, 2003), a Bayesian nonparametric prior over tree structures. Although DDTs provide a powerful and elegant approach for modeling hierarchies they haven’t seen much use to date. One problem is the computational cost of MCMC inference. We provide the first deterministic approximate inference methods for DDT models and show excellent performance compared to the MCMC alternative. We present message passing algorithms to approximate the Bayesian model evidence for a specific tree. This is used to drive sequential tree building and greedy search to find optimal tree structures, corresponding to hierarchical clusterings of the data. We demonstrate appropriate observation models for continuous and binary data. The empirical performance of our method is very close to the computationally expensive MCMC alternative on a density estimation problem, and significantly outperforms kernel density estimators.

Comment: web site

Infinite Sparse Factor Analysis and Infinite Independent Components Analysis

David Knowles, Zoubin Ghahramani, September 2007. (In 7th International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation). London, UK. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-74494-8_48.

Abstract URL

A nonparametric Bayesian extension of Independent Components Analysis (ICA) is proposed where observed data Y is modelled as a linear superposition, G, of a potentially infinite number of hidden sources, X. Whether a given source is active for a specific data point is specified by an infinite binary matrix, Z. The resulting sparse representation allows increased data reduction compared to standard ICA. We define a prior on Z using the Indian Buffet Process (IBP). We describe four variants of the model, with Gaussian or Laplacian priors on X and the one or two-parameter IBPs. We demonstrate Bayesian inference under these models using a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm on synthetic and gene expression data and compare to standard ICA algorithms.

Pitman-Yor Diffusion Trees

David A. Knowles, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2011. (In 27th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence).

Abstract URL

We introduce the Pitman Yor Diffusion Tree (PYDT) for hierarchical clustering, a generalization of the Dirichlet Diffusion Tree (Neal, 2001) which removes the restriction to binary branching structure. The generative process is described and shown to result in an exchangeable distribution over data points. We prove some theoretical properties of the model and then present two inference methods: a collapsed MCMC sampler which allows us to model uncertainty over tree structures, and a computationally efficient greedy Bayesian EM search algorithm. Both algorithms use message passing on the tree structure. The utility of the model and algorithms is demonstrated on synthetic and real world data, both continuous and binary.

Comment: web site

Nonparametric Bayesian Sparse Factor Models with application to Gene Expression modelling.

David A. Knowles, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2011. (Annals of Applied Statistics).

Abstract URL

A nonparametric Bayesian extension of Factor Analysis (FA) is proposed where observed data Y is modeled as a linear superposition, G, of a potentially infinite number of hidden factors, X. The Indian Buffet Process (IBP) is used as a prior on G to incorporate sparsity and to allow the number of latent features to be inferred. The model’s utility for modeling gene expression data is investigated using randomly generated data sets based on a known sparse connectivity matrix for E. Coli, and on three biological data sets of increasing complexity.

Approximate Inference for the Loss-Calibrated Bayesian

Simon Lacoste-Julien, Ferenc Huszár, Zoubin Ghahramani, April 2011. (In 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Edited by Geoff Gordon, David Dunson. Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA. Journal of Machine Learning Research.

Abstract URL

We consider the problem of approximate inference in the context of Bayesian decision theory. Traditional approaches focus on approximating general properties of the posterior, ignoring the decision task – and associated losses – for which the posterior could be used. We argue that this can be suboptimal and propose instead to loss-calibrate the approximate inference methods with respect to the decision task at hand. We present a general framework rooted in Bayesian decision theory to analyze approximate inference from the perspective of losses, opening up several research directions. As a first loss-calibrated approximate inference attempt, we propose an EM-like algorithm on the Bayesian posterior risk and show how it can improve a standard approach to Gaussian process classification when losses are asymmetric.

SIGMa: simple greedy matching for aligning large knowledge bases

Simon Lacoste-Julien, Konstantina Palla, Alex Davies, Gjergji Kasneci, Thore Graepel, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2013. (In KDD). Association for Computing Machinery. ISBN: 978-1-4503-2174-7.

Abstract URL

The Internet has enabled the creation of a growing number of large-scale knowledge bases in a variety of domains containing complementary information. Tools for automatically aligning these knowledge bases would make it possible to unify many sources of structured knowledge and answer complex queries. However, the efficient alignment of large-scale knowledge bases still poses a considerable challenge. Here, we present Simple Greedy Matching (SiGMa), a simple algorithm for aligning knowledge bases with millions of entities and facts. SiGMa is an iterative propagation algorithm which leverages both the structural information from the relationship graph as well as flexible similarity measures between entity properties in a greedy local search, thus making it scalable. Despite its greedy nature, our experiments indicate that SiGMa can efficiently match some of the world’s largest knowledge bases with high precision. We provide additional experiments on benchmark datasets which demonstrate that SiGMa can outperform state-of-the-art approaches both in accuracy and efficiency.

Kronecker Graphs: An Approach to Modeling Networks

J. Leskovec, D. Chakrabarti, J. Kleinberg, C. Faloutsos, Z. Ghahramani, 2010. (Journal of Machine Learning Research).

Abstract URL

How can we generate realistic networks? In addition, how can we do so with a mathematically tractable model that allows for rigorous analysis of network properties? Real networks exhibit a long list of surprising properties: Heavy tails for the in- and out-degree distribution, heavy tails for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, small diameters, and densification and shrinking diameters over time. Current network models and generators either fail to match several of the above properties, are complicated to analyze mathematically, or both. Here we propose a generative model for networks that is both mathematically tractable and can generate networks that have all the above mentioned structural properties. Our main idea here is to use a non-standard matrix operation, the Kronecker product, to generate graphs which we refer to as “Kronecker graphs”.First, we show that Kronecker graphs naturally obey common network properties. In fact, we rigorously prove that they do so. We also provide empirical evidence showing that Kronecker graphs can effectively model the structure of real networks.We then present KRONFIT, a fast and scalable algorithm for fitting the Kronecker graph generation model to large real networks. A naive approach to fitting would take super-exponential time. In contrast, KRONFIT takes linear time, by exploiting the structure of Kronecker matrix multiplication and by using statistical simulation techniques. Experiments on a wide range of large real and synthetic networks show that KRONFIT finds accurate parameters that very well mimic the properties of target networks. In fact, using just four parameters we can accurately model several aspects of global network structure. Once fitted, the model parameters can be used to gain insights about the network structure, and the resulting synthetic graphs can be used for null-models, anonymization, extrapolations, and graph summarization.

Gene function prediction from synthetic lethality networks via ranking on demand

C. Lippert, Z. Ghahramani, K. Borgwardt, 2010. (Bioinformatics).

Abstract URL

Motivation: Synthetic lethal interactions represent pairs of genes whose individual mutations are not lethal, while the double mutation of both genes does incur lethality. Several studies have shown a correlation between functional similarity of genes and their distances in networks based on synthetic lethal interactions. However, there is a lack of algorithms for predicting gene function from synthetic lethality interaction networks. Results: In this article, we present a novel technique called kernelROD for gene function prediction from synthetic lethal interaction networks based on kernel machines. We apply our novel algorithm to Gene Ontology functional annotation prediction in yeast. Our experiments show that our method leads to improved gene function prediction compared with state-of-the-art competitors and that combining genetic and congruence networks leads to a further improvement in prediction accuracy.

A kernel method for unsupervised structured network inference

C. Lippert, O. Stegle, Z. Ghahramani, K. Borgwardt, April 2009. (In 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Edited by D. van Dyk, M. Welling. Clearwater Beach, FL, USA. Journal of Machine Learning Research. Note: ISSN: 1938-7228.

Abstract URL

Network inference is the problem of inferring edges between a set of real-world objects, for instance, interactions between pairs of proteins in bioinformatics. Current kernel-based approaches to this problem share a set of common features: (i) they are supervised and hence require labeled training data; (ii) edges in the network are treated as mutually independent and hence topological properties are largely ignored; (iii) they lack a statistical interpretation. We argue that these common assumptions are often undesirable for network inference, and propose (i) an unsupervised kernel method (ii) that takes the global structure of the network into account and (iii) is statistically motivated. We show that our approach can explain commonly used heuristics in statistical terms. In experiments on social networks, dfferent variants of our method demonstrate appealing predictive performance.

Automatic Construction and Natural-Language Description of Nonparametric Regression Models

James Robert Lloyd, David Duvenaud, Roger Grosse, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Zoubin Ghahramani, July 2014. (In Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)).

Abstract URL

This paper presents the beginnings of an automatic statistician, focusing on regression problems. Our system explores an open-ended space of statistical models to discover a good explanation of a data set, and then produces a detailed report with figures and natural-language text. Our approach treats unknown regression functions nonparametrically using Gaussian processes, which has two important consequences. First, Gaussian processes can model functions in terms of high-level properties (e.g. smoothness, trends, periodicity, changepoints). Taken together with the compositional structure of our language of models this allows us to automatically describe functions in simple terms. Second, the use of flexible nonparametric models and a rich language for composing them in an open-ended manner also results in state-of-the-art extrapolation performance evaluated over 13 real time series data sets from various domains.

Statistical Model Criticism using Kernel Two Sample Tests

James Robert Lloyd, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2015. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29). Montreal, Canada.

Abstract URL

We propose an exploratory approach to statistical model criticism using maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) two sample tests. Typical approaches to model criticism require a practitioner to select a statistic by which to measure discrepancies between data and a statistical model. MMD two sample tests are instead constructed as an analytic maximisation over a large space of possible statistics and therefore automatically select the statistic which most shows any discrepancy. We demonstrate on synthetic data that the selected statistic, called the witness function, can be used to identify where a statistical model most misrepresents the data it was trained on. We then apply the procedure to real data where the models being assessed are restricted Boltzmann machines, deep belief networks and Gaussian process regression and demonstrate the ways in which these models fail to capture the properties of the data they are trained on.

Random function priors for exchangeable arrays with applications to graphs and relational data

James Robert Lloyd, Peter Orbanz, Zoubin Ghahramani, Daniel M. Roy, December 2012. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26). Lake Tahoe, California, USA.

Abstract URL

A fundamental problem in the analysis of structured relational data like graphs, networks, databases, and matrices is to extract a summary of the common structure underlying relations between individual entities. Relational data are typically encoded in the form of arrays; invariance to the ordering of rows and columns corresponds to exchangeable arrays. Results in probability theory due to Aldous, Hoover and Kallenberg show that exchangeable arrays can be represented in terms of a random measurable function which constitutes the natural model parameter in a Bayesian model. We obtain a flexible yet simple Bayesian nonparametric model by placing a Gaussian process prior on the parameter function. Efficient inference utilises elliptical slice sampling combined with a random sparse approximation to the Gaussian process. We demonstrate applications of the model to network data and clarify its relation to models in the literature, several of which emerge as special cases.

Antithetic and Monte Carlo kernel estimators for partial rankings

Maria Lomeli, Mark Rowland, Arthur Gretton, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2018. (arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.00400).

Abstract URL

In the modern age, rankings data is ubiquitous and it is useful for a variety of applications such as recommender systems, multi-object tracking and preference learning. However, most rankings data encountered in the real world is incomplete, which prevents the direct application of existing modelling tools for complete rankings. Our contribution is a novel way to extend kernel methods for complete rankings to partial rankings, via consistent Monte Carlo estimators for Gram matrices: matrices of kernel values between pairs of observations. We also present a novel variance reduction scheme based on an antithetic variate construction between permutations to obtain an improved estimator for the Mallows kernel. The corresponding antithetic kernel estimator has lower variance and we demonstrate empirically that it has a better performance in a variety of Machine Learning tasks. Both kernel estimators are based on extending kernel mean embeddings to the embedding of a set of full rankings consistent with an observed partial ranking. They form a computationally tractable alternative to previous approaches for partial rankings data. An overview of the existing kernels and metrics for permutations is also provided.

Gaussian Process Vine Copulas for Multivariate Dependence

David Lopez-Paz, José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2013. (In 30th International Conference on Machine Learning). Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Abstract URL

Copulas allow to learn marginal distributions separately from the multivariate dependence structure (copula) that links them together into a density function. Vine factorizations ease the learning of high-dimensional copulas by constructing a hierarchy of conditional bivariate copulas. However, to simplify inference, it is common to assume that each of these conditional bivariate copulas is independent from its conditioning variables. In this paper, we relax this assumption by discovering the latent functions that specify the shape of a conditional copula given its conditioning variables We learn these functions by following a Bayesian approach based on sparse Gaussian processes with expectation propagation for scalable, approximate inference. Experiments on real-world datasets show that, when modeling all conditional dependencies, we obtain better estimates of the underlying copula of the data.

Randomized Nonlinear Component Analysis

David Lopez-Paz, Suvrit Sra, Alex J. Smola, Zoubin Ghahramani, Bernhard Schölkopf, 2014. (In ICML). JMLR.org. JMLR Proceedings.

Abstract URL

Classical techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) are ubiquitous in statistics. However, these techniques only reveal linear relationships in data. Although nonlinear variants of PCA and CCA have been proposed, they are computationally prohibitive in the large scale. In a separate strand of recent research, randomized methods have been proposed to construct features that help reveal nonlinear patterns in data. For basic tasks such as regression or classification, random features exhibit little or no loss in performance, while achieving dramatic savings in computational requirements. In this paper we leverage randomness to design scalable new variants of nonlinear PCA and CCA; our ideas also extend to key multivariate analysis tools such as spectral clustering or LDA. We demonstrate our algorithms through experiments on real-world data, on which we compare against the state-of-the-art. Code in R implementing our methods is provided in the Appendix.

Classification using log Gaussian Cox processes

Alexander G. D. G. Matthews, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2014. (arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.4141).

Abstract URL

McCullagh and Yang (2006) suggest a family of classification algorithms based on Cox processes. We further investigate the log Gaussian variant which has a number of appealing properties. Conditioned on the covariates, the distribution over labels is given by a type of conditional Markov random field. In the supervised case, computation of the predictive probability of a single test point scales linearly with the number of training points and the multiclass generalization is straightforward. We show new links between the supervised method and classical nonparametric methods. We give a detailed analysis of the pairwise graph representable Markov random field, which we use to extend the model to semi-supervised learning problems, and propose an inference method based on graph min-cuts. We give the first experimental analysis on supervised and semi-supervised datasets and show good empirical performance.

Comparing lower bounds on the entropy of mixture distributions for use in variational inference

Alexander G. D. G Matthews, James Hensman, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2014. (In NIPS workshop on Advances in Variational Inference). Montreal, Canada.


On Sparse Variational methods and the Kullback-Leibler divergence between stochastic processes

Alexander G D G Matthews, James Hensman, Richard E. Turner, Zoubin Ghahramani, May 2016. (In 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Cadiz, Spain.

Abstract URL

The variational framework for learning inducing variables (Titsias, 2009a) has had a large impact on the Gaussian process literature. The framework may be interpreted as minimizing a rigorously defined Kullback-Leibler divergence between the approximating and posterior processes. To our knowledge this connection has thus far gone unremarked in the literature. In this paper we give a substantial generalization of the literature on this topic. We give a new proof of the result for infinite index sets which allows inducing points that are not data points and likelihoods that depend on all function values. We then discuss augmented index sets and show that, contrary to previous works, marginal consistency of augmentation is not enough to guarantee consistency of variational inference with the original model. We then characterize an extra condition where such a guarantee is obtainable. Finally we show how our framework sheds light on interdomain sparse approximations and sparse approximations for Cox processes.

Gaussian process behaviour in wide deep neural networks

Alexander G. D. G. Matthews, Jiri Hron, Mark Rowland, Richard E. Turner, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2018. (ICLR).

Abstract URL

Whilst deep neural networks have shown great empirical success, there is still much work to be done to understand their theoretical properties. In this paper, we study the relationship between random, wide, fully connected, feedforward networks with more than one hidden layer and Gaussian processes with a recursive kernel definition. We show that, under broad conditions, as we make the architecture increasingly wide, the implied random function converges in distribution to a Gaussian process, formalising and extending existing results by Neal (1996) to deep networks. To evaluate convergence rates empirically, we use maximum mean discrepancy. We then compare finite Bayesian deep networks from the literature to Gaussian processes in terms of the key predictive quantities of interest, finding that in some cases the agreement can be very close. We discuss the desirability of Gaussian process behaviour and review non-Gaussian alternative models from the literature.

Sample-then-optimise posterior sampling for Bayesian linear models

Alexander G. D. G. Matthews, Jiri Hron, Richard E. Turner, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2017. (AABI (NeurIPS workshop)).

Abstract URL

In modern machine learning it is common to train models which have an extremely high intrinsic capacity. The results obtained are often i nitialization dependent, are different for disparate optimizers and in some cases have no explicit regularization. This raises difficult questions about generalization. A natural approach to questions of generalization is a Bayesian one. There is therefore a growing literature attempting to understand how Bayesian posterior inference could emerge from the complexity of modern practice, even without having such a procedure as the stated goal. In this work we consider a simple special case where exact Bayesian posterior sampling emerges from sampling (cf initialization) and then gradient descent. Specifically, for a Bayesian linear model, if we parameterize it in terms of a deterministic function of an isotropic normal prior, then the action of sampling from the prior followed by first order optimization of the squared loss will give a posterior sample. Although the assumptions are stronger than many real problems, it still exhibits the challenging properties of redundant model capacity and a lack of explicit regularizers, along with initialization and optimizer dependence. It is therefore an interesting controlled test case. Given its simplicity, the method itself may turn out to be of independent interest from our original goal.

Modelling dyadic data with binary latent factors

E. Meeds, Z. Ghahramani, R. Neal, S.T. Roweis, September 2007. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19). Edited by B. Schölkopf, J. Platt, T. Hofmann. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press. Bradford Books. Note: Online contents gives pages 1002–1009, and 977–984 on pdf contents..

Abstract URL

We introduce binary matrix factorization, a novel model for unsupervised matrix decomposition. The decomposition is learned by fitting a non-parametric Bayesian probabilistic model with binary latent variables to a matrix of dyadic data. Unlike bi-clustering models, which assign each row or column to a single cluster based on a categorical hidden feature, our binary feature model reflects the prior belief that items and attributes can be associated with more than one latent cluster at a time. We provide simple learning and inference rules for this new model and show how to extend it to an infinite model in which the number of features is not a priori fixed but is allowed to grow with the size of the data.

Bayesian Exponential Family PCA

Shakir Mohamed, Katherine A. Heller, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2009. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21). Edited by D. Koller, D. Schuurmans, Y. Bengio, L. Bottou. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

Principal Components Analysis (PCA) has become established as one of the key tools for dimensionality reduction when dealing with real valued data. Approaches such as exponential family PCA and non-negative matrix factorisation have successfully extended PCA to non-Gaussian data types, but these techniques fail to take advantage of Bayesian inference and can suffer from problems of overfitting and poor generalisation. This paper presents a fully probabilistic approach to PCA, which is generalised to the exponential family, based on Hybrid Monte Carlo sampling. We describe the model which is based on a factorisation of the observed data matrix, and show performance of the model on both synthetic and real data.

Comment: spotlight.

Bayesian and L1 Approaches for Sparse Unsupervised Learning

Shakir Mohamed, Katherine A. Heller, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2012. (In 29th International Conference on Machine Learning).

Abstract URL

The use of L1 regularisation for sparse learning has generated immense research interest, with many successful applications in diverse areas such as signal acquisition, image coding, genomics and collaborative filtering. While existing work highlights the many advantages of L1 methods, in this paper we find that L1 regularisation often dramatically under-performs in terms of predictive performance when compared to other methods for inferring sparsity. We focus on unsupervised latent variable models, and develop L1 minimising factor models, Bayesian variants of “L1”, and Bayesian models with a stronger L0-like sparsity induced through spike-and-slab distributions. These spike-and-slab Bayesian factor models encourage sparsity while accounting for uncertainty in a principled manner, and avoid unnecessary shrinkage of non-zero values. We demonstrate on a number of data sets that in practice spike-and-slab Bayesian methods out-perform L1 minimisation, even on a com- putational budget. We thus highlight the need to re-assess the wide use of L1 methods in sparsity-reliant applications, particularly when we care about generalising to previously unseen data, and provide an alternative that, over many varying conditions, provides improved generalisation performance.

Bayesian Learning in Undirected Graphical Models: Approximate MCMC Algorithms

Iain Murray, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2004. (In UAI). Edited by David Maxwell Chickering, Joseph Y. Halpern. AUAI Press. ISBN: 0-9749039-0-6.

Abstract URL

Bayesian learning in undirected graphical models|computing posterior distributions over parameters and predictive quantities is exceptionally difficult. We conjecture that for general undirected models, there are no tractable MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo) schemes giving the correct equilibrium distribution over parameters. While this intractability, due to the partition function, is familiar to those performing parameter optimisation, Bayesian learning of posterior distributions over undirected model parameters has been unexplored and poses novel challenges. we propose several approximate MCMC schemes and test on fully observed binary models (Boltzmann machines) for a small coronary heart disease data set and larger artificial systems. While approximations must perform well on the model, their interaction with the sampling scheme is also important. Samplers based on variational mean- field approximations generally performed poorly, more advanced methods using loopy propagation, brief sampling and stochastic dynamics lead to acceptable parameter posteriors. Finally, we demonstrate these techniques on a Markov random field with hidden variables.

MCMC for Doubly-intractable Distributions

Iain Murray, Zoubin Ghahramani, David J. C. MacKay, 2006. (In UAI). AUAI Press. ISBN: 0-9749039-2-2.

Abstract URL

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are routinely used to draw samples from distributions with intractable normalization constants. However, standard MCMC algorithms do not apply to doubly-intractable distributions in which there are additional parameter-dependent normalization terms; for example, the posterior over parameters of an undirected graphical model. An ingenious auxiliary-variable scheme (Møller et al., 2004) offers a solution: exact sampling (Propp and Wilson, 1996) is used to sample from a Metropolis–Hastings proposal for which the acceptance probability is tractable. Unfortunately the acceptance probability of these expensive updates can be low. This paper provides a generalization of Møller et al. (2004) and a new MCMC algorithm, which obtains better acceptance probabilities for the same amount of exact sampling, and removes the need to estimate model parameters before sampling begins.

Nested sampling for Potts models

Iain Murray, David J. C. MacKay, Zoubin Ghahramani, John Skilling, 2005. (In NIPS).

Abstract URL

Nested sampling is a new Monte Carlo method by Skilling intended for general Bayesian computation. Nested sampling provides a robust alternative to annealing-based methods for computing normalizing constants. It can also generate estimates of other quantities such as posterior expectations. The key technical requirement is an ability to draw samples uniformly from the prior subject to a constraint on the likelihood. We provide a demonstration with the Potts model, an undirected graphical model.

A Nonparametric Bayesian Model for Multiple Clustering with Overlapping Feature Views

Donglin Niu, Jennifer G. Dy, Z. Ghahramani, 2012. (In 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics).

Abstract URL

Most clustering algorithms produce a single clustering solution. This is inadequate for many data sets that are multi-faceted and can be grouped and interpreted in many different ways. Moreover, for high-dimensional data, different features may be relevant or irrelevant to each clustering solution, suggesting the need for feature selection in clustering. Features relevant to one clustering interpretation may be different from the ones relevant for an alternative interpretation or view of the data. In this paper, we introduce a probabilistic nonparametric Bayesian model that can discover multiple clustering solutions from data and the feature subsets that are relevant for the clusters in each view. In our model, the features in different views may be shared and therefore the sets of relevant features are allowed to overlap. We model feature relevance to each view using an Indian Buffet Process and the cluster membership in each view using a Chinese Restaurant Process. We provide an inference approach to learn the latent parameters corresponding to this multiple partitioning problem. Our model not only learns the features and clusters in each view but also automatically learns the number of clusters, number of views and number of features in each view.

Active Learning of Model Evidence Using Bayesian Quadrature

Michael A. Osborne, David Duvenaud, Roman Garnett, Carl Edward Rasmussen, Stephen J. Roberts, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2012. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25). Lake Tahoe, California, USA.

Abstract URL

Numerical integration is a key component of many problems in scientific computing, statistical modelling, and machine learning. Bayesian Quadrature is a model-based method for numerical integration which, relative to standard Monte Carlo methods, offers increased sample efficiency and a more robust estimate of the uncertainty in the estimated integral. We propose a novel Bayesian Quadrature approach for numerical integration when the integrand is non-negative, such as the case of computing the marginal likelihood, predictive distribution, or normalising constant of a probabilistic model. Our approach approximately marginalises the quadrature model’s hyperparameters in closed form, and introduces an active learning scheme to optimally select function evaluations, as opposed to using Monte Carlo samples. We demonstrate our method on both a number of synthetic benchmarks and a real scientific problem from astronomy.

An Infinite Latent Attribute Model for Network Data

Konstantina Palla, David A. Knowles, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2012. (In 29th International Conference on Machine Learning). Edinburgh, Scotland.

Abstract URL

Latent variable models for network data extract a summary of the relational structure underlying an observed network. The simplest possible models subdivide nodes of the network into clusters; the probability of a link between any two nodes then depends only on their cluster assignment. Currently available models can be classified by whether clusters are disjoint or are allowed to overlap. These models can explain a “flat” clustering structure. Hierarchical Bayesian models provide a natural approach to capture more complex dependencies. We propose a model in which objects are characterised by a latent feature vector. Each feature is itself partitioned into disjoint groups (subclusters), corresponding to a second layer of hierarchy. In experimental comparisons, the model achieves significantly improved predictive performance on social and biological link prediction tasks. The results indicate that models with a single layer hierarchy over-simplify real networks.

A reversible infinite HMM using normalised random measures

Konstantina Palla, David A. Knowles, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2014. (In 31st International Conference on Machine Learning). Beijing, China.

Abstract URL

We present a nonparametric prior over reversible Markov chains. We use completely random measures, specifically gamma processes, to construct a countably infinite graph with weighted edges. By enforcing symmetry to make the edges undirected we define a prior over random walks on graphs that results in a reversible Markov chain. The resulting prior over infinite transition matrices is closely related to the hierarchical Dirichlet process but enforces reversibility. A reinforcement scheme has recently been proposed with similar properties, but the de Finetti measure is not well characterised. We take the alternative approach of explicitly constructing the mixing measure, which allows more straightforward and efficient inference at the cost of no longer having a closed form predictive distribution. We use our process to construct a reversible infinite HMM which we apply to two real datasets, one from epigenomics and one ion channel recording.

A nonparametric variable clustering model

Konstantina Palla, David A. Knowles, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2012. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26). Lake Tahoe, California, USA.

Abstract URL

Factor analysis models effectively summarise the covariance structure of high dimensional data, but the solutions are typically hard to interpret. This motivates attempting to find a disjoint partition, i.e. a simple clustering, of observed variables into highly correlated subsets. We introduce a Bayesian non-parametric approach to this problem, and demonstrate advantages over heuristic methods proposed to date. Our Dirichlet process variable clustering (DPVC) model can discover block-diagonal covariance structures in data. We evaluate our method on both synthetic and gene expression analysis problems.

Einsum Networks: Fast and Scalable Learning of Tractable Probabilistic Circuits

Robert Peharz, Steven Lang, Antonio Vergari, Karl Stelzner, Alejandro Molina, Martin Trapp, Guy Van den Broeck, Kristian Kersting, Zoubin Ghahramani, July 2020. (In 37th International Conference on Machine Learning). Online.

Abstract URL

Probabilistic circuits (PCs) are a promising avenue for probabilistic modeling, as they permit a wide range of exact and efficient inference routines. Recent “deep-learning-style” implementations of PCs strive for a better scalability, but are still difficult to train on real-world data, due to their sparsely connected computational graphs. In this paper, we propose Einsum Networks (EiNets), a novel implementation design for PCs, improving prior art in several regards. At their core, EiNets combine a large number of arithmetic operations in a single monolithic einsum-operation, leading to speedups and memory savings of up to two orders of magnitude, in comparison to previous implementations. As an algorithmic contribution, we show that the implementation of Expectation-Maximization (EM) can be simplified for PCs, by leveraging automatic differentiation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that EiNets scale well to datasets which were previously out of reach, such as SVHN and CelebA, and that they can be used as faithful generative image models.

Conditional graphical models

F. Pérez-Cruz, Zoubin Ghahramani, M. Pontil, September 2007. (In Predicting Structured Data). Edited by G. H. Bakir, T. Hofmann, B. Schölkopf, A. J. Smola, B. Taskar, S. V. N. Vishwanathan. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press. Note: Chapter 12..

Abstract URL

In this chapter we propose a modification of CRF-like algorithms that allows for solving large-scale structured classification problems. Our approach consists in upper bounding the CRF functional in order to decompose its training into independent optimisation problems per clique. Furthermore we show that each sub-problem corresponds to solving a multiclass learning task in each clique, which enlarges the applicability of these tools for large-scale structural learning problems. Before presenting the Conditional Graphical Model (CGM), as we refer to this procedure, we review the family of CRF algorithms. We concentrate on the best known procedures and standard generalisations of CRFs. The ob jective of this introduction is analysing from the same viewpoint the proposed solutions in the literature to tackle this problem, which allows comparing their different features. We complete the chapter with a case study, in which we show the possibility to work with large-scale problems using CGM and that the obtained performance is comparable to the result with CRF-like algorithms.

Copula-based Kernel Dependency Measures

Barnabas Poczos, Zoubin Ghahramani, Jeff Schneider, 2012. (In 29th International Conference on Machine Learning).

Abstract URL

The paper presents a new copula based method for measuring dependence between random variables. Our approach extends the Maximum Mean Discrepancy to the copula of the joint distribution. We prove that this approach has several advantageous properties. Similarly to Shannon mutual information, the proposed dependence measure is invariant to any strictly increasing transformation of the marginal variables. This is important in many applications, for example in feature selection. The estimator is consistent, robust to outliers, and uses rank statistics only. We derive upper bounds on the convergence rate and propose independence tests too. We illustrate the theoretical contributions through a series of experiments in feature selection and low-dimensional embedding of distributions.

Predictive automatic relevance determination by expectation propagation

Yuan (Alan) Qi, Thomas P. Minka, Rosalind W. Picard, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2004. (In ICML). Edited by Carla E. Brodley. Association for Computing Machinery. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.

Abstract URL

In many real-world classification problems the input contains a large number of potentially irrelevant features. This paper proposes a new Bayesian framework for determining the relevance of input features. This approach extends one of the most successful Bayesian methods for feature selection and sparse learning, known as Automatic Relevance Determination (ARD). ARD finds the relevance of features by optimizing the model marginal likelihood, also known as the evidence. We show that this can lead to overfitting. To address this problem, we propose Predictive ARD based on estimating the predictive performance of the classifier. While the actual leave-one-out predictive performance is generally very costly to compute, the expectation propagation (EP) algorithm proposed by Minka provides an estimate of this predictive performance as a side-effect of its iterations. We exploit this in our algorithm to do feature selection, and to select data points in a sparse Bayesian kernel classifier. Moreover, we provide two other improvements to previous algorithms, by replacing Laplace’s approximation with the generally more accurate EP, and by incorporating the fast optimization algorithm proposed by Faul and Tipping. Our experiments show that our method based on the EP estimate of predictive performance is more accurate on test data than relevance determination by optimizing the evidence.

The Supervised IBP: Neighbourhood Preserving Infinite Latent Feature Models

Novi Quadrianto, Viktoriia Sharmanska, David A. Knowles, Zoubin Ghahramani, July 2013. (In 29th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence). Bellevue, USA.

Abstract URL

We propose a probabilistic model to infer supervised latent variables in the Hamming space from observed data. Our model allows simultaneous inference of the number of binary latent variables, and their values. The latent variables preserve neighbourhood structure of the data in a sense that objects in the same semantic concept have similar latent values, and objects in different concepts have dissimilar latent values. We formulate the supervised infinite latent variable problem based on an intuitive principle of pulling objects together if they are of the same type, and pushing them apart if they are not. We then combine this principle with a flexible Indian Buffet Process prior on the latent variables. We show that the inferred supervised latent variables can be directly used to perform a nearest neighbour search for the purpose of retrieval. We introduce a new application of dynamically extending hash codes, and show how to effectively couple the structure of the hash codes with continuously growing structure of the neighbourhood preserving infinite latent feature space.

Modeling T-cell activation using gene expression profiling and state-space models

Claudia Rangel, John Angus, Zoubin Ghahramani, Maria Lioumi, Elizabeth Sotheran, Alessia Gaiba, David L. Wild, Francesco Falciani, 2004. (Bioinformatics).

Abstract URL

Motivation: We have used state-space models to reverse engineer transcriptional networks from highly replicated gene expression profiling time series data obtained from a well-established model of T-cell activation. State space models are a class of dynamic Bayesian networks that assume that the observed measurements depend on some hidden state variables that evolve according to Markovian dynamics. These hidden variables can capture effects that cannot be measured in a gene expression profiling experiment, e.g. genes that have not been included in the microarray, levels of regulatory proteins, the effects of messenger RNA and protein degradation, etc. Results: Bootstrap confidence intervals are developed for parameters representing `gene–gene’ interactions over time. Our models represent the dynamics of T-cell activation and provide a methodology for the development of rational and experimentally testable hypotheses. Availability: Supplementary data and Matlab computer source code will be made available on the web at the URL given below. Supplementary information: .

Modeling and Visualizing Uncertainty in Gene Expression Clusters Using Dirichlet Process Mixtures

Carl Edward Rasmussen, Bernhard J. de la Cruz, Zoubin Ghahramani, David L. Wild, 2009. (IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics). DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2007.70269. ISSN: 1545-5963.

Abstract URL

Although the use of clustering methods has rapidly become one of the standard computational approaches in the literature of microarray gene expression data, little attention has been paid to uncertainty in the results obtained. Dirichlet process mixture (DPM) models provide a nonparametric Bayesian alternative to the bootstrap approach to modeling uncertainty in gene expression clustering. Most previously published applications of Bayesian model-based clustering methods have been to short time series data. In this paper, we present a case study of the application of nonparametric Bayesian clustering methods to the clustering of high-dimensional nontime series gene expression data using full Gaussian covariances. We use the probability that two genes belong to the same cluster in a DPM model as a measure of the similarity of these gene expression profiles. Conversely, this probability can be used to define a dissimilarity measure, which, for the purposes of visualization, can be input to one of the standard linkage algorithms used for hierarchical clustering. Biologically plausible results are obtained from the Rosetta compendium of expression profiles which extend previously published cluster analyses of this data.

Occam’s Razor

Carl Edward Rasmussen, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2001. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13). Edited by T. G. Diettrich T. Leen, V. Tresp. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

The Bayesian paradigm apparently only sometimes gives rise to Occam’s Razor; at other times very large models perform well. We give simple examples of both kinds of behaviour. The two views are reconciled when measuring complexity of functions, rather than of the machinery used to implement them. We analyze the complexity of functions for some linear in the parameter models that are equivalent to Gaussian Processes, and always find Occam’s Razor at work.

Infinite Mixtures of Gaussian Process Experts

Carl Edward Rasmussen, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2002. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14). Edited by T. G. Dietterich, S. Becker, Z. Ghahramani. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

We present an extension to the Mixture of Experts (ME) model, where the individual experts are Gaussian Process (GP) regression models. Using an input-dependent adaptation of the Dirichlet Process, we implement a gating network for an infinite number of Experts. Inference in this model may be done efficiently using a Markov Chain relying on Gibbs sampling. The model allows the effective covariance function to vary with the inputs, and may handle large datasets — thus potentially overcoming two of the biggest hurdles with GP models. Simulations show the viability of this approach.

Bayesian Monte Carlo

Carl Edward Rasmussen, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2003. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15). Edited by S. Becker, S. Thrun, K. Obermayer. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

We investigate Bayesian alternatives to classical Monte Carlo methods for evaluating integrals. Bayesian Monte Carlo (BMC) allows the incorporation of prior knowledge, such as smoothness of the integrand, into the estimation. In a simple problem we show that this outperforms any classical importance sampling method. We also attempt more challenging multidimensional integrals involved in computing marginal likelihoods of statistical models (a.k.a. partition functions and model evidences). We find that Bayesian Monte Carlo outperformed Annealed Importance Sampling, although for very high dimensional problems or problems with massive multimodality BMC may be less adequate. One advantage of the Bayesian approach to Monte Carlo is that samples can be drawn from any distribution. This allows for the possibility of active design of sample points so as to maximise information gain.

The DELVE manual

Carl Edward Rasmussen, Radford M. Neal, Geoffrey E. Hinton, Drew van Camp, Mike Revow, Zoubin Ghahramani, Rafal Kustra, Robert Tibshirani, 1996.

Abstract URL

DELVE – Data for Evaluating Learning in Valid Experiments – is a collection of datasets from many sources, an environment within which this data can be used to assess the performance of methods for learning relationships from data, and a repository for the results of such experiments.

Comment: The delve website.

A Bayesian network model for protein fold and remote homologue recognition

A. Raval, Zoubin Ghahramani, David L. Wild, 2002. (Bioinformatics).

Abstract URL

Motivation: The Bayesian network approach is a framework which combines graphical representation and probability theory, which includes, as a special case, hidden Markov models. Hidden Markov models trained on amino acid sequence or secondary structure data alone have been shown to have potential for addressing the problem of protein fold and superfamily classification. Results: This paper describes a novel implementation of a Bayesian network which simultaneously learns amino acid sequence, secondary structure and residue accessibility for proteins of known three-dimensional structure. An awareness of the errors inherent in predicted secondary structure may be incorporated into the model by means of a confusion matrix. Training and validation data have been derived for a number of protein superfamilies from the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) database. Cross validation results using posterior probability classification demonstrate that the Bayesian network performs better in classifying proteins of known structural superfamily than a hidden Markov model trained on amino acid sequences alone.

Scaling the Indian Buffet Process via Submodular Maximization

Colorado Reed, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2013. (In ICML). JMLR.org. JMLR Proceedings.

Abstract URL

Inference for latent feature models is inherently difficult as the inference space grows exponentially with the size of the input data and number of latent features. In this work, we use Kurihara & Welling (2008)’s maximization-expectation framework to perform approximate MAP inference for linear-Gaussian latent feature models with an Indian Buffet Process (IBP) prior. This formulation yields a submodular function of the features that corresponds to a lower bound on the model evidence. By adding a constant to this function, we obtain a nonnegative submodular function that can be maximized via a greedy algorithm that obtains at least a one-third approximation to the optimal solution. Our inference method scales linearly with the size of the input data, and we show the efficacy of our method on the largest datasets currently analyzed using an IBP model.

Traffic Classification in Information Poor Environments

C. Rotsos, J. Van Gael, A.W. Moore, Z. Ghahramani, July 2010. (In 1st International Workshop on Traffic Analysis and Classification (IWCMC ’10)). Caen, France.

Abstract URL

Traffic classification using machine learning continues to be an active research area. The majority of work in this area uses off-the-shelf machine learning tools and treats them as black-box classifiers. This approach turns all the modelling complexity into a feature selection problem. In this paper, we build a problem-specific solution to the traffic classification problem by designing a custom probabilistic graphical model. Graphical models are a modular framework to design classifiers which incorporate domain-specific knowledge. More specifically, our solution introduces semi-supervised learning which means we learn from both labelled and unlabelled traffic flows. We show that our solution performs competitively compared to previous approaches while using less data and simpler features.

Probabilistic Graphical Models for Semi-Supervised Traffic Classification

Charalampos Rotsos, Jurgen Van Gael, Andrew W. Moore, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2010. (In The 6th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference). Caen, France.

Abstract URL

Traffic classification using machine learning continues to be an active research area. The majority of work in this area uses off-the-shelf machine learning tools and treats them as black-box classifiers. This approach turns all the modelling complexity into a feature selection problem. In this paper, we build a problem-specific solution to the traffic classification problem by designing a custom probabilistic graphical model. Graphical models are a modular framework to design classifiers which incorporate domain-specific knowledge. More specifically, our solution introduces semi-supervised learning which means we learn from both labelled and unlabelled traffic flows. We show that our solution performs competitively compared to previous approaches while using less data and simpler features.

A Unifying Review of Linear Gaussian Models

Sam T. Roweis, Zoubin Ghahramani, 1999. (Neural Computation).

Abstract URL

Factor analysis, principal component analysis, mixtures of gaussian clusters, vector quantization, Kalman filter models, and hidden Markov models can all be unified as variations of unsupervised learning under a single basic generative model. This is achieved by collecting together disparate observations and derivations made by many previous authors and introducing a new way of linking discrete and continuous state models using a simple nonlinearity. Through the use of other nonlinearities, we show how independent component analysis is also a variation of the same basic generative model. We show that factor analysis and mixtures of gaussians can be implemented in autoencoder neural networks and learned using squared error plus the same regularization term. We introduce a new model for static data, known as sensible principal component analysis, as well as a novel concept of spatially adaptive observation noise. We also review some of the literature involving global and local mixtures of the basic models and provide pseudocode for inference and learning for all the basic models.

On the Convergence of Bound Optimization Algorithms

Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Sam T. Roweis, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2003. (In UAI). Edited by Christopher Meek, Uffe Kjærulff. Morgan Kaufmann. ISBN: 0-127-05664-5.

Abstract URL

Many practitioners who use EM and related algorithms complain that they are sometimes slow. When does this happen, and what can be done about it? In this paper, we study the general class of bound optimization algorithms - including EM, Iterative Scaling, Non-negative Matrix Factorization, CCCP - and their relationship to direct optimization algorithms such as gradientbased methods for parameter learning. We derive a general relationship between the updates performed by bound optimization methods and those of gradient and second-order methods and identify analytic conditions under which bound optimization algorithms exhibit quasi-Newton behavior, and under which they possess poor, first-order convergence. Based on this analysis, we consider several specific algorithms, interpret and analyze their convergence properties and provide some recipes for preprocessing input to these algorithms to yield faster convergence behavior. We report empirical results supporting our analysis and showing that simple data preprocessing can result in dramatically improved performance of bound optimizers in practice.

Optimization with EM and Expectation-Conjugate-Gradient

Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Sam T. Roweis, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2003. (In ICML). Edited by Tom Fawcett, Nina Mishra. AAAI Press. ISBN: 1-57735-189-4.

Abstract URL

We show a close relationship between the Expectation- Maximization (EM) algorithm and direct optimization algorithms such as gradientbased methods for parameter learning. We identify analytic conditions under which EM exhibits Newton-like behavior, and conditions under which it possesses poor, first-order convergence. Based on this analysis, we propose two novel algorithms for maximum likelihood estimation of latent variable models, and report empirical results showing that, as predicted by theory, the proposed new algorithms can substantially outperform standard EM in terms of speed of convergence in certain cases.

Discovering Transcriptional Modules by Bayesian Data Integration

R. S. Savage, Z. Ghahramani, J. E. Griffin, B. de la Cruz, D. L. Wild, 2010. (Bioinformatics).

Abstract URL

Motivation: We present a method for directly inferring transcriptional modules (TMs) by integrating gene expression and transcription factor binding (ChIP-chip) data. Our model extends a hierarchical Dirichlet process mixture model to allow data fusion on a gene-by-gene basis. This encodes the intuition that co-expression and co-regulation are not necessarily equivalent and hence we do not expect all genes to group similarly in both datasets. In particular, it allows us to identify the subset of genes that share the same structure of transcriptional modules in both datasets.Results: We find that by working on a gene-by-gene basis, our model is able to extract clusters with greater functional coherence than existing methods. By combining gene expression and transcription factor binding (ChIP-chip) data in this way, we are better able to determine the groups of genes that are most likely to represent underlying TMs.Availability: If interested in the code for the work presented in this article, please contact the authors.

R/BHC: fast Bayesian hierarchical clustering for microarray data

R. Savage, K. A. Heller, Y. Xu, Zoubin Ghahramani, W. Truman, M. Grant, K. Denby, D. L. Wild, August 2009. (BMC Bioinformatics 2009). BioMed Central. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-10-242. ISSN: 1471-2105. PubMed ID: 19660130.

Abstract URL

Background: Although the use of clustering methods has rapidly become one of the standard computational approaches in the literature of microarray gene expression data analysis, little attention has been paid to uncertainty in the results obtained. Results: We present an R/Bioconductor port of a fast novel algorithm for Bayesian agglomerative hierarchical clustering and demonstrate its use in clustering gene expression microarray data. The method performs bottom-up hierarchical clustering, using a Dirichlet Process (infinite mixture) to model uncertainty in the data and Bayesian model selection to decide at each step which clusters to merge. Conclusion: Biologically plausible results are presented from a well studied data set: expression profiles of A. thaliana subjected to a variety of biotic and abiotic stresses. Our method avoids several limitations of traditional methods, for example how many clusters there should be and how to choose a principled distance metric.

Practical Probabilistic Programming with Monads

Adam Ścibior, Zoubin Ghahramani, Andrew D. Gordon, 2015. (In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Haskell). Association for Computing Machinery. DOI: 10.1145/2804302.2804317.

Abstract URL

The machine learning community has recently shown a lot of interest in practical probabilistic programming systems that target the problem of Bayesian inference. Such systems come in different forms, but they all express probabilistic models as computational processes using syntax resembling programming languages. In the functional programming community monads are known to offer a convenient and elegant abstraction for programming with probability distributions, but their use is often limited to very simple inference problems. We show that it is possible to use the monad abstraction to construct probabilistic models for machine learning, while still offering good performance of inference in challenging models. We use a GADT as an underlying representation of a probability distribution and apply Sequential Monte Carlo-based methods to achieve efficient inference. We define a formal semantics via measure theory. We demonstrate a clean and elegant implementation that achieves performance comparable with Anglican, a state-of-the-art probabilistic programming system.

Functional programming for modular Bayesian inference

Adam Ścibior, Ohad Kammar, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2018. (Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages).

Abstract URL

We present an architectural design of a library for Bayesian modelling and inference in modern functional programming languages. The novel aspect of our approach are modular implementations of existing state-of-the-art inference algorithms. Our design relies on three inherently functional features: higher-order functions, inductive data-types, and support for either type-classes or an expressive module system. We provide a performant Haskell implementation of this architecture, demonstrating that high-level and modular probabilistic programming can be added as a library in sufficiently expressive languages. We review the core abstractions in this architecture: inference representations, inference transformations, and inference representation transformers. We then implement concrete instances of these abstractions, counterparts to particle filters and Metropolis-Hastings samplers, which form the basic building blocks of our library. By composing these building blocks we obtain state-of-the-art inference algorithms: Resample-Move Sequential Monte Carlo, Particle Marginal Metropolis-Hastings, and Sequential Monte Carlo Squared. We evaluate our implementation against existing probabilistic programming systems and find it is already competitively performant, although we conjecture that existing functional programming optimisation techniques could reduce the overhead associated with the abstractions we use. We show that our modular design enables deterministic testing of inherently stochastic Monte Carlo algorithms. Finally, we demonstrate using OCaml that an expressive module system can also implement our design.

Denotational Validation of Higher-Order Bayesian Inference

Adam Ścibior, Ohad Kammar, Matthijs Vákár, Sam Staton, Hongseok Yang, Yufei Cai, Klaus Ostermann, Sean K. Moss, Chris Heunen, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2018. (Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages).

Abstract URL

We present a modular semantic account of Bayesian inference algorithms for probabilistic programming languages, as used in data science and machine learning. Sophisticated inference algorithms are often explained in terms of composition of smaller parts. However, neither their theoretical justification nor their implementation reflects this modularity. We show how to conceptualise and analyse such inference algorithms as manipulating intermediate representations of probabilistic programs using higher-order functions and inductive types, and their denotational semantics. Semantic accounts of continuous distributions use measurable spaces. However, our use of higher-order functions presents a substantial technical difficulty: it is impossible to define a measurable space structure over the collection of measurable functions between arbitrary measurable spaces that is compatible with standard operations on those functions, such as function application. We overcome this difficulty using quasi-Borel spaces, a recently proposed mathematical structure that supports both function spaces and continuous distributions. We define a class of semantic structures for representing probabilistic programs, and semantic validity criteria for transformations of these representations in terms of distribution preservation. We develop a collection of building blocks for composing representations. We use these building blocks to validate common inference algorithms such as Sequential Monte Carlo and Markov Chain Monte Carlo. To emphasize the connection between the semantic manipulation and its traditional measure theoretic origins, we use Kock’s synthetic measure theory. We demonstrate its usefulness by proving a quasi-Borel counterpart to the Metropolis-Hastings-Green theorem.

Determinantal Clustering Processes - A Nonparametric Bayesian Approach to Kernel Based Semi-Supervised Clustering

Amar Shah, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2013. (UAI).

Abstract URL

Semi-supervised clustering is the task of clustering data points into clusters where only a fraction of the points are labelled. The true number of clusters in the data is often unknown and most models require this parameter as an input. Dirichlet process mixture models are appealing as they can infer the number of clusters from the data. However, these models do not deal with high dimensional data well and can encounter difficulties in inference. We present a novel nonparameteric Bayesian kernel based method to cluster data points without the need to prespecify the number of clusters or to model complicated densities from which data points are assumed to be generated from. The key insight is to use determinants of submatrices of a kernel matrix as a measure of how close together a set of points are. We explore some theoretical properties of the model and derive a natural Gibbs based algorithm with MCMC hyperparameter learning. The model is implemented on a variety of synthetic and real world data sets.

Student-t Processes as Alternatives to Gaussian Processes

Amar Shah, Andrew Gordon Wilson, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2014. (In AISTATS). JMLR.org. JMLR Proceedings.

Abstract URL

We investigate the Student-t process as an alternative to the Gaussian process as a nonparametric prior over functions. We derive closed form expressions for the marginal likelihood and predictive distribution of a Student-t process, by integrating away an inverse Wishart process prior over the covariance kernel of a Gaussian process model. We show surprising equivalences between different hierarchical Gaussian process models leading to Student-t processes, and derive a new sampling scheme for the inverse Wishart process, which helps elucidate these equivalences. Overall, we show that a Student-t process can retain the attractive properties of a Gaussian process – a nonparametric representation, analytic marginal and predictive distributions, and easy model selection through covariance kernels – but has enhanced flexibility, and predictive covariances that, unlike a Gaussian process, explicitly depend on the values of training observations. We verify empirically that a Student-t process is especially useful in situations where there are changes in covariance structure, or in applications like Bayesian optimization, where accurate predictive covariances are critical for good performance. These advantages come at no additional computational cost over Gaussian processes.

Hidden common cause relations in relational learning

R. Silva, W. Chu, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2008. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20). Edited by J. C. Platt, D. Koller, Y. Singer, S. Roweis. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

When predicting class labels for objects within a relational database, it is often helpful to consider a model for relationships: this allows for information between class labels to be shared and to improve prediction performance. However, there are different ways by which objects can be related within a relational database. One traditional way corresponds to a Markov network structure: each existing relation is represented by an undirected edge. This encodes that, conditioned on input features, each object label is independent of other object labels given its neighbors in the graph. However, there is no reason why Markov networks should be the only representation of choice for symmetric dependence structures. Here we discuss the case when relationships are postulated to exist due to hidden common causes. We discuss how the resulting graphical model differs from Markov networks, and how it describes different types of real-world relational processes. A Bayesian nonparametric classification model is built upon this graphical representation and evaluated with several empirical studies.

Comment: Code at http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ucgtrbd/code/xgp

Bayesian Inference for Gaussian Mixed Graph Models

Ricardo Silva, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2006. (In UAI). AUAI Press. ISBN: 0-9749039-2-2.

Abstract URL

We introduce priors and algorithms to perform Bayesian inference in Gaussian models defined by acyclic directed mixed graphs. Such a class of graphs, composed of directed and bi-directed edges, is a representation of conditional independencies that is closed under marginalization and arises naturally from causal models which allow for unmeasured confounding. Monte Carlo methods and a variational approximation for such models are presented. Our algorithms for Bayesian inference allow the evaluation of posterior distributions for several quantities of interest, including causal effects that are not identifiable from data alone but could otherwise be inferred where informative prior knowledge about confounding is available.

The hidden life of latent variables: Bayesian learning with mixed graph models

R. Silva, Z. Ghahramani, June 2009. (Journal of Machine Learning Research). Association for Computing Machinery.

Abstract URL

Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) have been widely used as a representation of conditional independence in machine learning and statistics. Moreover, hidden or latent variables are often an important component of graphical models. However, DAG models suffer from an important limitation: the family of DAGs is not closed under marginalization of hidden variables. This means that in general we cannot use a DAG to represent the independencies over a subset of variables in a larger DAG. Directed mixed graphs (DMGs) are a representation that includes DAGs as a special case, and overcomes this limitation. This paper introduces algorithms for performing Bayesian inference in Gaussian and probit DMG models. An important requirement for inference is the specification of the distribution over parameters of the models. We introduce a new distribution for covariance matrices of Gaussian DMGs. We discuss and illustrate how several Bayesian machine learning tasks can benefit from the principle presented here: the power to model dependencies that are generated from hidden variables, but without necessarily modeling such variables explicitly.

Factorial mixture of Gaussians and the marginal independence model

R. Silva, Z. Ghahramani, April 2009. (In 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Clearwater Beach, FL, USA. Journal of Machine Learning Research. Note: ISSN: 1938-7228.

Abstract URL

Marginal independence constraints play an important role in learning with graphical models. One way of parameterizing a model of marginal independencies is by building a latent variable model where two independent observed variables have no common latent source. In sparse domains, however, it might be advantageous to model the marginal observed distribution directly, without explicitly including latent variables in the model. There have been recent advances in Gaussian and binary models of marginal independence, but no models with non-linear dependencies between continuous variables has been proposed so far. In this paper, we describe how to generalize the Gaussian model of marginal independencies based on mixtures, and how to learn parameters. This requires a non-standard parameterization and raises difficult non-linear optimization issues.

Comment: Code at http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ucgtrbd/code/fmog-version0.zip

Analogical Reasoning with Relational Bayesian Sets

Ricardo Silva, Katherine A. Heller, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2007. (In AISTATS). Edited by Marina Meila, Xiaotong Shen. JMLR.org. JMLR Proceedings.

Abstract URL

Analogical reasoning depends fundamentally on the ability to learn and generalize about relations between objects. There are many ways in which objects can be related, making automated analogical reasoning very chal- lenging. Here we develop an approach which, given a set of pairs of related objects S = A1:B1,A2:B2,…,AN:BN, measures how well other pairs A:B fit in with the set S. This addresses the question: is the relation between objects A and B analogous to those relations found in S? We recast this classi- cal problem as a problem of Bayesian analy- sis of relational data. This problem is non- trivial because direct similarity between ob- jects is not a good way of measuring analo- gies. For instance, the analogy between an electron around the nucleus of an atom and a planet around the Sun is hardly justified by isolated, non-relational, comparisons of an electron to a planet, and a nucleus to the Sun. We develop a generative model for predicting the existence of relationships and extend the framework of Ghahramani and Heller (2005) to provide a Bayesian measure for how analogous a relation is to other relations. This sheds new light on an old problem, which we motivate and illustrate through practical applications in exploratory data analysis.

Ranking Relations Using Analogies in Biological and Information Networks

R. Silva, K. A. Heller, Z. Ghahramani, E. M. Airoldi, 2010. (Annals of Applied Statistics).

Abstract URL

Analogical reasoning depends fundamentally on the ability to learn and generalize about relations between objects. We develop an approach to relational learning which, given a set of pairs of objects S = A(1):B(1), A(2):B(2), …, A(N):B(N), measures how well other pairs A:B fit in with the set S. Our work addresses the question: is the relation between objects A and B analogous to those relations found in S? Such questions are particularly relevant in information retrieval, where an investigator might want to search for analogous pairs of objects that match the query set of interest. There are many ways in which objects can be related, making the task of measuring analogies very challenging. Our approach combines a similarity measure on function spaces with Bayesian analysis to produce a ranking. It requires data containing features of the objects of interest and a link matrix specifying which relationships exist; no further attributes of such relationships are necessary. We illustrate the potential of our method on text analysis and information networks. An application on discovering functional interactions between pairs of proteins is discussed in detail, where we show that our approach can work in practice even if a small set of protein pairs is provided.

Compact Approximations to Bayesian Predictive Distributions

Edward Snelson, Zoubin Ghahramani, August 2005. (In 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning). Bonn, Germany. Omnipress.

Abstract URL

We provide a general framework for learning precise, compact, and fast representations of the Bayesian predictive distribution for a model. This framework is based on minimizing the KL divergence between the true predictive density and a suitable compact approximation. We consider various methods for doing this, both sampling based approximations, and deterministic approximations such as expectation propagation. These methods are tested on a mixture of Gaussians model for density estimation and on binary linear classification, with both synthetic data sets for visualization and several real data sets. Our results show significant reductions in prediction time and memory footprint.

Sparse Gaussian Processes using Pseudo-inputs

Edward Snelson, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2006. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 18). Edited by Y. Weiss, B. Schölkopf, J. Platt. Cambridge, MA. The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

We present a new Gaussian process (GP) regression model whose covariance is parameterized by the the locations of M pseudo-input points, which we learn by a gradient based optimization. We take M<<N, where N is the number of real data points, and hence obtain a sparse regression method which has O(NM2) training cost and O(M2) prediction cost per test case. We also find hyperparameters of the covariance function in the same joint optimization. The method can be viewed as a Bayesian regression model with particular input dependent noise. The method turns out to be closely related to several other sparse GP approaches, and we discuss the relation in detail. We finally demonstrate its performance on some large data sets, and make a direct comparison to other sparse GP methods. We show that our method can match full GP performance with small M, i.e. very sparse solutions, and it significantly outperforms other approaches in this regime.

Variable noise and dimensionality reduction for sparse Gaussian processes

Edward Snelson, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2006. (In 22nd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence). Edited by R. Dechter, T. S. Richardson. AUAI Press.

Abstract URL

The sparse pseudo-input Gaussian process (SPGP) is a new approximation method for speeding up GP regression in the case of a large number of data points N. The approximation is controlled by the gradient optimization of a small set of M pseudo-inputs, thereby reducing complexity from O(N3) to O(NM2). One limitation of the SPGP is that this optimization space becomes impractically big for high dimensional data sets. This paper addresses this limitation by performing automatic dimensionality reduction. A projection of the input space to a low dimensional space is learned in a supervised manner, alongside the pseudo-inputs, which now live in this reduced space. The paper also investigates the suitability of the SPGP for modeling data with input-dependent noise. A further extension of the model is made to make it even more powerful in this regard - we learn an uncertainty parameter for each pseudo-input. The combination of sparsity, reduced dimension, and input-dependent noise makes it possible to apply GPs to much larger and more complex data sets than was previously practical. We demonstrate the benefits of these methods on several synthetic and real world problems.

Local and global sparse Gaussian process approximations

Edward Snelson, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2007. (In 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Edited by M. Meila, X. Shen. Omnipress.

Abstract URL

Gaussian process (GP) models are flexible probabilistic nonparametric models for regression, classification and other tasks. Unfortunately they suffer from computational intractability for large data sets. Over the past decade there have been many different approximations developed to reduce this cost. Most of these can be termed global approximations, in that they try to summarize all the training data via a small set of support points. A different approach is that of local regression, where many local experts account for their own part of space. In this paper we start by investigating the regimes in which these different approaches work well or fail. We then proceed to develop a new sparse GP approximation which is a combination of both the global and local approaches. Theoretically we show that it is derived as a natural extension of the framework developed by Quiñonero-Candela and Rasmussen for sparse GP approximations. We demonstrate the benefits of the combined approximation on some 1D examples for illustration, and on some large real-world data sets.

Warped Gaussian Processes

Edward Snelson, Carl Edward Rasmussen, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2004. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16). Edited by S. Thrun, L. Saul, B. Schölkopf. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press. ISBN: 0-262-20152-6.

Abstract URL

We generalise the Gaussian process (GP) framework for regression by learning a nonlinear transformation of the GP outputs. This allows for non-Gaussian processes and non-Gaussian noise. The learning algorithm chooses a nonlinear transformation such that transformed data is well-modelled by a GP. This can be seen as including a preprocessing transformation as an integral part of the probabilistic modelling problem, rather than as an ad-hoc step. We demonstrate on several real regression problems that learning the transformation can lead to significantly better performance than using a regular GP, or a GP with a fixed transformation.

Robust estimation of local genetic ancestry in admixed populations using a non-parametric Bayesian approach

Kyung-Ah Sohn, Zoubin Ghahramani, Eric P. Xing, 2012. (Genetics).

Abstract URL

We present a new haplotype-based approach for inferring local genetic ancestry of individuals in an admixed population. Most existing approaches for local ancestry estimation ignore the latent genetic relatedness between ancestral populations and treat them as independent. In this paper, we exploit such information by building an inheritance model that describes both the ancestral populations and the admixed population jointly in a unified framework. Based on an assumption that the common hypothetical founder haplotypes give rise to both the ancestral and admixed population haplotypes, we employ an infinite hidden Markov model to characterize each ancestral population and further extend it to generate the admixed population. Through an effective utilization of the population structural information under a principled nonparametric Bayesian framework, the resulting model is significantly less sensitive to the choice and the amount of training data for ancestral populations than state-of-the-arts algorithms. We also improve the robustness under deviation from common modeling assumptions by incorporating population-specific scale parameters that allow variable recombination rates in different populations. Our method is applicable to an admixed population from an arbitrary number of ancestral populations and also performs competitively in terms of spurious ancestry proportions under general multi-way admixture assumption. We validate the proposed method by simulation under various admixing scenarios and present empirical analysis results on worldwide distributed dataset from Human Genome Diversity Project.

Comment: doi: 10.1534/genetics.112.140228

Improving PPM with dynamic parameter updates

Christian Steinruecken, Zoubin Ghahramani, David MacKay, April 2015. (In Proceedings of the Data Compression Conference). Edited by Ali Bilgin, Michael W. Marcellin, Joan Serra-Sagristà, James A. Storer. Snowbird, UT, USA. IEEE Computer Society. ISSN: 1068-0314.

Abstract URL

This article makes several improvements to the classic PPM algorithm, resulting in a new algorithm with superior compression effectiveness on human text. The key differences of our algorithm to classic PPM are that (A) rather than the original escape mechanism, we use a generalised blending method with explicit hyper-parameters that control the way symbol counts are combined to form predictions; (B) different hyper-parameters are used for classes of different contexts; and (C) these hyper-parameters are updated dynamically using gradient information. The resulting algorithm (PPM-DP) compresses human text better than all currently published variants of PPM, CTW, DMC, LZ, CSE and BWT, with runtime only slightly slower than classic PPM.

A robust Bayesian two-sample test for detecting intervals of differential gene expression in microarray time series

O. Stegle, K. J. Denby, E. J. Cooke, D. L. Wild, Z. Ghahramani, K. M. Borgwardt, 2010. (Journal of Computational Biology). DOI: 10.1089/cmb.2009.0175.

Abstract URL

Understanding the regulatory mechanisms that are responsible for an organism’s response to environmental change is an important issue in molecular biology. A first and important step towards this goal is to detect genes whose expression levels are affected by altered external conditions. A range of methods to test for differential gene expression, both in static as well as in time-course experiments, have been proposed. While these tests answer the question whether a gene is differentially expressed, they do not explicitly address the question when a gene is differentially expressed, although this information may provide insights into the course and causal structure of regulatory programs. In this article, we propose a twosample test for identifying intervals of differential gene expression in microarray time series. Our approach is based on Gaussian process regression, can deal with arbitrary numbers of replicates, and is robust with respect to outliers. We apply our algorithm to study the response of Arabidopsis thaliana genes to an infection by a fungal pathogen using a microarray time series dataset covering 30,336 gene probes at 24 observed time points. In classification experiments, our test compares favorably with existing methods and provides additional insights into time-dependent differential expression.

Discovering temporal patterns of differential gene expression in microarray time series

O. Stegle, K. Denby, S. McHattie, A. Meade, D. Wild, Z. Ghahramani, K Borgwardt, September 2009. (In German Conference on Bioinformatics). Halle, Germany.

Abstract URL

A wealth of time series of microarray measurements have become available over recent years. Several two-sample tests for detecting differential gene expression in these time series have been defined, but they can only answer the question whether a gene is differentially expressed across the whole time series, not in which intervals it is differentially expressed. In this article, we propose a Gaussian process based approach for studying these dynamics of differential gene expression. In experiments on Arabidopsis thaliana gene expression levels, our novel technique helps us to uncover that the family of WRKY transcription factors appears to be involved in the early response to infection by a fungal pathogen.

A robust Bayesian two-sample test for detecting intervals of differential gene expression in microarray time series

O. Stegle, K. Denby, David L. Wild, Zoubin Ghahramani, Karsten Borgwardt, 2009. (In 13th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB 2009)). Tucson, AZ, USA. Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02008-7_14. ISBN: 978-3-642-02007-0.

Abstract URL

Understanding the regulatory mechanisms that are responsible for an organism’s response to environmental changes is an important question in molecular biology. A first and important step towards this goal is to detect genes whose expression levels are affected by altered external conditions. A range of methods to test for differential gene expression, both in static as well as in time-course experiments, have been proposed. While these tests answer the question whether a gene is differentially expressed, they do not explicitly address the question when a gene is differentially expressed, although this information may provide insights into the course and causal structure of regulatory programs. In this article, we propose a two-sample test for identifying intervals of differential gene expression in microarray time series. Our approach is based on Gaussian process regression, can deal with arbitrary numbers of replicates and is robust with respect to outliers. We apply our algorithm to study the response of Arabidopsis thaliana genes to an infection by a fungal pathogen using a microarray time series dataset covering 30,336 gene probes at 24 time points. In classification experiments our test compares favorably with existing methods and provides additional insights into time-dependent differential expression.

Flexible Martingale Priors for Deep Hierarchies

Jacob Steinhardt, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2012. (In 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics).

Abstract URL

When building priors over trees for Bayesian hierarchical models, there is a tension between maintaining desirable theoretical properties such as infinite exchangeability and important practical properties such as the ability to increase the depth of the tree to accommodate new data. We resolve this tension by presenting a family of infinitely exchangeable priors over discrete tree structures that allows the depth of the tree to grow with the data, and then showing that our family contains all hierarchical models with certain mild symmetry properties. We also show that deep hierarchical models are in general intimately tied to a process called a martingale, and use Doob’s martingale convergence theorem to demonstrate some unexpected properties of deep hierarchies.

The block diagonal infinite hidden Markov model

T. Stepleton, Z. Ghahramani, G. Gordon, T.-S. Lee, April 2009. (In 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Edited by D. van Dyk, M. Welling. Clearwater Beach, FL, USA. Microtome Publishing (paper) Journal of Machine Learning Research. Note: ISSN 1938-7228.

Abstract URL

The Infinite Hidden Markov Model (IHMM) extends hidden Markov models to have a countably infinite number of hidden states (Beal et al., 2002; Teh et al., 2006). We present a generalization of this framework that introduces nearly block-diagonal structure in the transitions between the hidden states, where blocks correspond to “sub-behaviors” exhibited by data sequences. In identifying such structure, the model classifies, or partitions, sequence data according to these sub-behaviors in an unsupervised way. We present an application of this model to artificial data, a video gesture classification task, and a musical theme labeling task, and show that components of the model can also be applied to graph segmentation.

U-Likelihood and U-Updating Algorithms: Statistical Inference in Latent Variable Models

JaeMo Sung, Sung Yang Bang, Seungjin Choi, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2005. (In ECML). Edited by João Gama, Rui Camacho, Pavel Brazdil, Alípio Jorge, Luís Torgo. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISBN: 3-540-29243-8.

Abstract URL

In this paper we consider latent variable models and introduce a new U-likelihood concept for estimating the distribution over hidden variables. One can derive an estimate of parameters from this distribution. Our approach differs from the Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood (ML) approaches. It gives an alternative to Bayesian inference when we don’t want to define a prior over parameters and gives an alternative to the ML method when we want a better estimate of the distribution over hidden variables. As a practical implementation, we present a U-updating algorithm based on the mean field theory to approximate the distribution over hidden variables from the U-likelihood. This algorithm captures some of the correlations among hidden variables by estimating reaction terms. Those reaction terms are found to penalize the likelihood. We show that the U-updating algorithm becomes the EM algorithm as a special case in the large sample limit. The useful behavior of our method is confirmed for the case of mixture of Gaussians by comparing to the EM algorithm.

Latent space variational Bayes

J.M. Sung, Z. Ghahramani, S.Y. Bang, November 2008. (IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence). IEEE.

Abstract URL

Variational Bayesian Expectation-Maximization (VBEM), an approximate inference method for probabilistic models based on factorizing over latent variables and model parameters, has been a standard technique for practical Bayesian inference. In this paper, we introduce a more general approximate inference framework for conjugate-exponential family models, which we call Latent-Space Variational Bayes (LSVB). In this approach, we integrate out the model parameters in an exact way, leaving only the latent variables. It can be shown that the LSVB approach gives better estimates of the model evidence as well as the distribution over the latent variables than the VBEM approach, but, in practice, the distribution over the latent variables has to be approximated. As a practical implementation, we present a First-order LSVB (FoLSVB) algorithm to approximate the distribution over the latent variables. From this approximate distribution, one can also estimate the model evidence and the posterior over the model parameters. The FoLSVB algorithm is directly comparable to the VBEM algorithm and has the same computational complexity. We discuss how LSVB generalizes the recently proposed collapsed variational methods to general conjugate-exponential families. Examples based on mixtures of Gaussians and mixtures of Bernoullis with synthetic and real-world data sets are used to illustrate some advantages of our method over VBEM.

Second-order latent space variational Bayes for approximate Bayesian inference

J.M. Sung, Z. Ghahramani, S.Y. Bang, December 2008. (IEEE Signal Processing Letters). IEEE.

Abstract URL

In this letter, we consider a variational approximate Bayesian inference framework, latent-space variational Bayes (LSVB), in the general context of conjugate-exponential family models with latent variables. In the LSVB approach, we integrate out model parameters in an exact way and then perform the variational inference over only the latent variables. It can be shown that LSVB can achieve better estimates of the model evidence as well as the distribution over the latent variables than the popular variational Bayesian expectation-maximization (VBEM). However, the distribution over the latent variables in LSVB has to be approximated in practice. As an approximate implementation of LSVB, we propose a second-order LSVB (SoLSVB) method. In particular, VBEM can be derived as a special case of a first-order approximation in LSVB. SoLSVB can capture higher order statistics neglected in VBEM and can therefore achieve a better approximation. Examples of Gaussian mixture models are used to illustrate the comparison between our method and VBEM, demonstrating the improvement.

Stick-breaking Construction for the Indian Buffet Process

Yee Whye Teh, Dilan Görür, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2007. (In AISTATS). Edited by Marina Meila, Xiaotong Shen. JMLR.org. JMLR Proceedings.

Abstract URL

The Indian buffet process (IBP) is a Bayesian nonparametric distribution whereby objects are modelled using an unbounded number of latent features. In this paper we derive a stick-breaking representation for the IBP. Based on this new representation, we develop slice samplers for the IBP that are efficient, easy to implement and are more generally applicable than the currently available Gibbs sampler. This representation, along with the work of Thibaux and Jordan, also illuminates interesting theoretical connections between the IBP, Chinese restaurant processes, Beta processes and Dirichlet processes.

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with Sparse Extended Information Filters

Sebastian Thrun, Yufeng Liu, Daphne Koller, Andrew Y. Ng, Zoubin Ghahramani, Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte, 2004. (I. J. Robotic Res.).

Abstract URL

This paper describes a scalable algorithm for the simultaneous mapping and localization (SLAM) problem. SLAM is the problem of acquiring a map of a static environment with a mobile robot. The vast majority of SLAM algorithms are based on the extended Kalman filter (EKF). This paper advocates an algorithm that relies on the dual of the EKF, the extended information filter (EIF). We show that when represented in the information form, map posteriors are dominated by a small number of links that tie together nearby features in the map. This insight is developed into a sparse variant of the EIF, called the sparse extended information filters (SEIF). SEIFs represent maps by graphical networks of features that are locally interconnected, where links represent relative information between pairs of nearby features, as well as information about the robot’s pose relative to the map. We show that all essential update equations in SEIFs can be executed in constant time, irrespective of the size of the map. We also provide empirical results obtained for a benchmark data set collected in an outdoor environment, and using a multi-robot mapping simulation.

Bayesian learning of sum-product networks

Martin Trapp, Robert Peharz, Hong Ge, Franz Pernkopf, Zoubin Ghahramani, December 2019. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33). Vancouver.

Abstract URL

Sum-product networks (SPNs) are flexible density estimators and have received significant attention due to their attractive inference properties. While parameter learning in SPNs is well developed, structure learning leaves something to be desired: Even though there is a plethora of SPN structure learners, most of them are somewhat ad-hoc and based on intuition rather than a clear learning principle. In this paper, we introduce a well-principled Bayesian framework for SPN structure learning. First, we decompose the problem into i) laying out a computational graph, and ii) learning the so-called scope function over the graph. The first is rather unproblematic and akin to neural network architecture validation. The second represents the effective structure of the SPN and needs to respect the usual structural constraints in SPN, i.e. completeness and decomposability. While representing and learning the scope function is somewhat involved in general, in this paper, we propose a natural parametrisation for an important and widely used special case of SPNs. These structural parameters are incorporated into a Bayesian model, such that simultaneous structure and parameter learning is cast into monolithic Bayesian posterior inference. In various experiments, our Bayesian SPNs often improve test likelihoods over greedy SPN learners. Further, since the Bayesian framework protects against overfitting, we can evaluate hyper-parameters directly on the Bayesian model score, waiving the need for a separate validation set, which is especially beneficial in low data regimes. Bayesian SPNs can be applied to heterogeneous domains and can easily be extended to nonparametric formulations. Moreover, our Bayesian approach is the first, which consistently and robustly learns SPN structures under missing data.

Particle Gibbs for Infinite Hidden Markov Models

Nilesh Tripuraneni, Shixiang Gu, Hong Ge, Zoubin Ghahramani, May 2015. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29). Montreal CANADA.

Abstract URL

Infinite Hidden Markov Models (iHMM’s) are an attractive, nonparametric gener- alization of the classical Hidden Markov Model which can automatically infer the number of hidden states in the system. However, due to the infinite-dimensional nature of the transition dynamics, performing inference in the iHMM is difficult. In this paper, we present an infinite-state Particle Gibbs (PG) algorithm to re- sample state trajectories for the iHMM. The proposed algorithm uses an efficient proposal optimized for iHMMs and leverages ancestor sampling to improve the mixing of the standard PG algorithm. Our algorithm demonstrates significant con- vergence improvements on synthetic and real world data sets.

Magnetic Hamiltonian Monte Carlo

Nilesh Tripuraneni, Mark Rowland, Zoubin Ghahramani, Richard E. Turner, 2017. (In 34th International Conference on Machine Learning).

Abstract URL

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) exploits Hamiltonian dynamics to construct efficient proposals for Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). In this paper, we present a generalization of HMC which exploits non-canonical Hamiltonian dynamics. We refer to this algorithm as magnetic HMC, since in 3 dimensions a subset of the dynamics map onto the mechanics of a charged particle coupled to a magnetic field. We establish a theoretical basis for the use of non-canonical Hamiltonian dynamics in MCMC, and construct a symplectic, leapfrog-like integrator allowing for the implementation of magnetic HMC. Finally, we exhibit several examples where these non-canonical dynamics can lead to improved mixing of magnetic HMC relative to ordinary HMC.

Fast Online Anomaly Detection Using Scan Statistics

Ryan Turner, Steven Bottone, Zoubin Ghahramani, August 2010. (In Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2010)). Edited by Samuel Kaski, David J. Miller, Erkki Oja, Antti Honkela. Kittilä, Finland. ISBN: 978-1-4244-7876-7.

Abstract URL

We present methods to do fast online anomaly detection using scan statistics. Scan statistics have long been used to detect statistically significant bursts of events. We extend the scan statistics framework to handle many practical issues that occur in application: dealing with an unknown background rate of events, allowing for slow natural changes in background frequency, the inverse problem of finding an unusual lack of events, and setting the test parameters to maximize power. We demonstrate its use on real and synthetic data sets with comparison to other methods.

Bayesian model search for mixture models based on optimizing variational bounds

Naonori Ueda, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2002. (Neural Networks).

Abstract URL

When learning a mixture model, we suffer from the local optima and model structure determination problems. In this paper, we present a method for simultaneously solving these problems based on the variational Bayesian (VB) framework. First, in the VB framework, we derive an objective function that can simultaneously optimize both model parameter distributions and model structure. Next, focusing on mixture models, we present a deterministic algorithm to approximately optimize the objective function by using the idea of the split and merge operations which we previously proposed within the maximum likelihood framework. Then, we apply the method to mixture of expers (MoE) models to experimentally show that the proposed method can find the optimal number of experts of a MoE while avoiding local maxima. q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

SMEM Algorithm for Mixture Models

Naonori Ueda, Ryohei Nakano, Zoubin Ghahramani, Geoffrey E. Hinton, 2000. (Neural Computation).

Abstract URL

We present a split-and-merge expectation-maximization (SMEM) algorithm to overcome the local maxima problem in parameter estimation of finite mixture models. In the case of mixture models, local maxima often involve having too many components of a mixture model in one part of the space and too few in another, widely separated part of the space. To escape from such configurations, we repeatedly perform simultaneous split-and-merge operations using a new criterion for efficiently selecting the split-and-merge candidates. We apply the proposed algorithm to the training of gaussian mixtures and mixtures of factor analyzers using synthetic and real data and show the effectiveness of using the split-and-merge operations to improve the likelihood of both the training data and of held-out test data. We also show the practical usefulness of the proposed algorithm by applying it to image compression and pattern recognition problems.

Split and Merge EM Algorithm for Improving Gaussian Mixture Density Estimates

Naonori Ueda, Ryohei Nakano, Zoubin Ghahramani, Geoffrey E. Hinton, 2000. (VLSI Signal Processing).

Abstract URL

We present a split and merge EM algorithm to overcome the local maximum problem in Gaussian mixture density estimation. Nonglobal maxims often involve having too many Gaussians in one part of the space and too few in another, widely separated part of the space. To escape from such configurations we repeatedly perform split and merge operations using a new criterion for efficiently selecting the split and merge candidates. Experimental results on synthetic and real data show the effectiveness of using the split and merge operations to improve the likelihood of both the training data and of held-out test data

SMEM Algorithm for Mixture Models

Naonori Ueda, Ryohei Nakano, Zoubin Ghahramani, Geoffrey E. Hinton, 1998. (In NIPS). Edited by Michael J. Kearns, Sara A. Solla, David A. Cohn. The MIT Press. ISBN: 0-262-11245-0.

Abstract URL

We present a split-and-merge expectation-maximization (SMEM) algorithm to overcome the local maxima problem in parameter estimation of finite mixture models. In the case of mixture models, local maxima often involve having too many components of a mixture model in one part of the space and too few in another, widely separated part of the space. To escape from such configurations, we repeatedly perform simultaneous split-and-merge operations using a new criterion for efficiently selecting the split-and-merge candidates. We apply the proposed algorithm to the training of gaussian mixtures and mixtures of factor analyzers using synthetic and real data and show the effectiveness of using the split- and-merge operations to improve the likelihood of both the training data and of held-out test data. We also show the practical usefulness of the proposed algorithm by applying it to image compression and pattern recognition problems.

Beam sampling for the infinite hidden Markov model

Jurgen Van Gael, Yunus Saatçi, Yee-Whye Teh, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2008. (In 25th International Conference on Machine Learning). Helsinki, Finland. Association for Computing Machinery.

Abstract URL

The infinite hidden Markov model is a non-parametric extension of the widely used hidden Markov model. Our paper introduces a new inference algorithm for the infinite Hidden Markov model called beam sampling. Beam sampling combines slice sampling, which limits the number of states considered at each time step to a finite number, with dynamic programming, which samples whole state trajectories efficiently. Our algorithm typically outperforms the Gibbs sampler and is more robust. We present applications of iHMM inference using the beam sampler on changepoint detection and text prediction problems.

The infinite factorial hidden Markov model

J. Van Gael, Y.W. Teh, Z. Ghahramani, December 2008. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21). Edited by D. Koller, D. Schuurmans, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio. Cambridge, MA, USA. The MIT Press.

Abstract URL

The infinite factorial hidden Markov model is a non-parametric extension of the factorial hidden Markov model. Our model defines a probability distribution over an infinite number of independent binary hidden Markov chains which together produce an observable sequence of random variables. Central to our model is a new type of non-parametric prior distribution inspired by the Indian Buffet Process which we call the Indian Buffet Markov Process.

The infinite HMM for unsupervised PoS tagging

J. Van Gael, A. Vlachos, Z. Ghahramani, August 2009. (In Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)). Singapore. Association for Computational Linguistics. ISBN: 978-1-932432-62-6.

Abstract URL

We extend previous work on fully unsupervised part-of-speech tagging. Using a non-parametric version of the HMM, called the infinite HMM (iHMM), we address the problem of choosing the number of hidden states in unsupervised Markov models for PoS tagging. We experiment with two non-parametric priors, the Dirichlet and Pitman-Yor processes, on the Wall Street Journal dataset using a parallelized implementation of an iHMM inference algorithm. We evaluate the results with a variety of clustering evaluation metrics and achieve equivalent or better performances than previously reported. Building on this promising result we evaluate the output of the unsupervised PoS tagger as a direct replacement for the output of a fully supervised PoS tagger for the task of shallow parsing and compare the two evaluations.

Dirichlet process mixture models for verb clustering

Andreas Vlachos, Zoubin Ghahramani, Anna Korhonen, 2008. (In Proceedings of the ICML workshop on Prior Knowledge for Text and Language).


In this work we apply Dirichlet Process Mixture Models to a learning task in natural language processing (NLP): lexical-semantic verb clustering. We assess the performance on a dataset based on Levin’s (1993) verb classes using the recently introduced V- measure metric. In, we present a method to add human supervision to the model in order to to influence the solution with respect to some prior knowledge. The quantitative evaluation performed highlights the benefits of the chosen method compared to previously used clustering approaches.

Unsupervised and constrained Dirichlet process mixture models for verb clustering

Andreas Vlachos, Anna Korhonen, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2009. (In Proceedings of the workshop on geometrical models of natural language semantics).


In this work, we apply Dirichlet Process Mixture Models (DPMMs) to a learning task in natural language processing (NLP): lexical-semantic verb clustering. We thoroughly evaluate a method of guiding DP- MMs towards a particular clustering solution using pairwise constraints. The quantitative and qualitative evaluation per- formed highlights the benefits of both standard and constrained DPMMs com- pared to previously used approaches. In addition, it sheds light on the use of evaluation measures and their practical application.

Active Learning for Constrained Dirichlet Process Mixture Models

Andreas Vlachos, Zoubin Ghahramani, Ted Briscoe, 2010. (In Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics). Uppsala, Sweden.

Abstract URL

Recent work applied Dirichlet Process Mixture Models to the task of verb clustering, incorporating supervision in the form of must-links and cannot-links constraints between instances. In this work, we introduce an active learning approach for constraint selection employing uncertainty-based sampling. We achieve substantial improvements over random selection on two datasets.

Dirichlet process mixture models for verb clustering

A. Vlachos, Z. Ghahramani, A Korhonen, July 2008. (In ICML Workshop on Prior Knowledge for Text and Language Processing). Edited by Guillaume Bouchard, Hal Daumé III, Marc Dymetman, Yee Whye Teh. Helsinki, Finland.

Abstract URL

In this work we apply Dirichlet Process Mixture Models to a learning task in natural language processing (NLP): lexical-semantic verb clustering. We assess the performance on a dataset based on Levin’s (1993) verb classes using the recently introduced V-measure metric. In, we present a method to add human supervision to the model in order to to influence the solution with respect to some prior knowledge. The quantitative evaluation performed highlights the benefits of the chosen method compared to previously used clustering approaches.

Unsupervised and constrained Dirichlet process mixture models for verb clustering

A. Vlachos, A Korhonen, Z. Ghahramani, March 2009. (In 4th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, EACL ’09). Athens, Greece.

Abstract URL

In this work, we apply Dirichlet Process Mixture Models (DPMMs) to a learning task in natural language processing (NLP): lexical-semantic verb clustering. We thoroughly evaluate a method of guiding DPMMs towards a particular clustering solution using pairwise constraints. The quantitative and qualitative evaluation performed highlights the benefits of both standard and constrained DPMMs compared to previously used approaches. In addition, it sheds light on the use of evaluation measures and their practical application.

Probabilistic Models for Data Combination in Recommender Systems

Sinead Williamson, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2008. (In Learning from Multiple Sources Workshop, NIPS Conference). Whistler Canada.


Copula Processes

Andrew Gordon Wilson, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2010. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23). Note: Spotlight.

Abstract URL

We define a copula process which describes the dependencies between arbitrarily many random variables independently of their marginal distributions. As an example, we develop a stochastic volatility model, Gaussian Copula Process Volatility (GCPV), to predict the latent standard deviations of a sequence of random variables. To make predictions we use Bayesian inference, with the Laplace approximation, and with Markov chain Monte Carlo as an alternative. We find our model can outperform GARCH on simulated and financial data. And unlike GARCH, GCPV can easily handle missing data, incorporate covariates other than time, and model a rich class of covariance structures.

Comment: Supplementary Material, slides.

Generalised Wishart Processes

Andrew Gordon Wilson, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2011. (In 27th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence).

Abstract URL

We introduce a new stochastic process called the generalised Wishart process (GWP). It is a collection of positive semi-definite random matrices indexed by any arbitrary input variable. We use this process as a prior over dynamic (e.g. time varying) covariance matrices. The GWP captures a diverse class of covariance dynamics, naturally hanles missing data, scales nicely with dimension, has easily interpretable parameters, and can use input variables that include covariates other than time. We describe how to construct the GWP, introduce general procedures for inference and prediction, and show that it outperforms its main competitor, multivariate GARCH, even on financial data that especially suits GARCH.

Comment: Supplementary Material, Best Student Paper Award

Modelling Input Varying Correlations between Multiple Responses

Andrew Gordon Wilson, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2012. (In ECML/PKDD). Edited by Peter A. Flach, Tijl De Bie, Nello Cristianini. Springer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISBN: 978-3-642-33485-6.

Abstract URL

We introduced a generalised Wishart process (GWP) for modelling input dependent covariance matrices Σ(x), allowing one to model input varying correlations and uncertainties between multiple response variables. The GWP can naturally scale to thousands of response variables, as opposed to competing multivariate volatility models which are typically intractable for greater than 5 response variables. The GWP can also naturally capture a rich class of covariance dynamics – periodicity, Brownian motion, smoothness, …– through a covariance kernel.

Gaussian Process Regression Networks

Andrew Gordon Wilson, David A Knowles, Zoubin Ghahramani, October 19 2011. Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

Abstract URL

We introduce a new regression framework, Gaussian process regression networks (GPRN), which combines the structural properties of Bayesian neural networks with the non-parametric flexibility of Gaussian processes. This model accommodates input dependent signal and noise correlations between multiple response variables, input dependent length-scales and amplitudes, and heavy-tailed predictive distributions. We derive both efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo and variational Bayes inference procedures for this model. We apply GPRN as a multiple output regression and multivariate volatility model, demonstrating substantially improved performance over eight popular multiple output (multi-task) Gaussian process models and three multivariate volatility models on benchmark datasets, including a 1000 dimensional gene expression dataset.

Comment: arXiv:1110.4411

Gaussian Process Regression Networks

Andrew Gordon Wilson, David A. Knowles, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2012. (In 29th International Conference on Machine Learning). Edinburgh, Scotland.

Abstract URL

We introduce a new regression framework, Gaussian process regression networks (GPRN), which combines the structural properties of Bayesian neural networks with the nonparametric flexibility of Gaussian processes. GPRN accommodates input (predictor) dependent signal and noise correlations between multiple output (response) variables, input dependent length-scales and amplitudes, and heavy-tailed predictive distributions. We derive both elliptical slice sampling and variational Bayes inference procedures for GPRN. We apply GPRN as a multiple output regression and multivariate volatility model, demonstrating substantially improved performance over eight popular multiple output (multi-task) Gaussian process models and three multivariate volatility models on real datasets, including a 1000 dimensional gene expression dataset.

Dependent Indian buffet processes

Sinead Williamson, Peter Orbanz, Zoubin Ghahramani, May 2010. (In 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Chia Laguna, Sardinia, Italy. W & CP.

Abstract URL

Latent variable models represent hidden structure in observational data. To account for the distribution of the observational data changing over time, space or some other covariate, we need generalizations of latent variable models that explicitly capture this dependency on the covariate. A variety of such generalizations has been proposed for latent variable models based on the Dirichlet process. We address dependency on covariates in binary latent feature models, by introducing a dependent Indian Buffet Process. The model generates a binary random matrix with an unbounded number of columns for each value of the covariate. Evolution of the binary matrices over the covariate set is controlled by a hierarchical Gaussian process model. The choice of covariance functions controls the dependence structure and exchangeability properties of the model. We derive a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm for Bayesian inference, and provide experiments on both synthetic and real-world data. The experimental results show that explicit modeling of dependencies significantly improves accuracy of predictions.

Forward dynamic models in human motor control: Psychophysical evidence

Daniel M. Wolpert, Zoubin Ghahramani, Michael I. Jordan, 1994. (In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7). Edited by Gerald Tesauro, David S. Touretzky, Todd K. Leen. MIT Press.

Abstract URL

Based on computational principles, with as yet no direct experimental validation, it has been proposed that the central nervous system (CNS) uses an internal model to simulate the dynamic behavior of the motor system in planning, control and learning. We present experimental results and simulations based on a novel approach that investigates the temporal propagation of errors in the sensorimotor integration process. Our results provide direct support for the existence of an internal model.

A Non-Parametric Bayesian Method for Inferring Hidden Causes

Frank Wood, Thomas L. Griffiths, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2006. (In UAI). AUAI Press. ISBN: 0-9749039-2-2.

Abstract URL

We present a non-parametric Bayesian approach to structure learning with hidden causes. Previous Bayesian treatments of this problem define a prior over the number of hidden causes and use algorithms such as reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo to move between solutions. In contrast, we assume that the number of hidden causes is unbounded, but only a finite number influence observable variables. This makes it possible to use a Gibbs sampler to approximate the distribution over causal structures. We evaluate the performance of both approaches in discovering hidden causes in simulated data, and use our non-parametric approach to discover hidden causes in a real medical dataset.

Dynamic Covariance Models for Multivariate Financial Time Series

Yue Wu, José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Zoubin Ghahramani, June 2013. (In 30th International Conference on Machine Learning). Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Abstract URL

The accurate prediction of time-changing covariances is an important problem in the modeling of multivariate financial data. However, some of the most popular models suffer from a) overfitting problems and multiple local optima, b) failure to capture shifts in market conditions and c) large computational costs. To address these problems we introduce a novel dynamic model for time-changing covariances. Over-fitting and local optima are avoided by following a Bayesian approach instead of computing point estimates. Changes in market conditions are captured by assuming a diffusion process in parameter values, and finally computationally efficient and scalable inference is performed using particle filters. Experiments with financial data show excellent performance of the proposed method with respect to current standard models.

Tree-based inference for Dirichlet process mixtures

Yang Xu, Katherine A. Heller, Zoubin Ghahramani, April 2009. (In 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Edited by D. van Dyk, M. Welling. Clearwater Beach, FL, USA. Microtome Publishing (paper), Journal of Machine Learning Research (online). Note: ISSN 1938-7228.

Abstract URL

The Dirichlet process mixture (DPM) is a widely used model for clustering and for general nonparametric Bayesian density estimation. Unfortunately, like in many statistical models, exact inference in a DPM is intractable, and approximate methods are needed to perform efficient inference. While most attention in the literature has been placed on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) [1, 2, 3], variational Bayesian (VB) [4] and collapsed variational methods [5], [6] recently introduced a novel class of approximation for DPMs based on Bayesian hierarchical clustering (BHC). These tree-based combinatorial approximations efficiently sum over exponentially many ways of partitioning the data and offer a novel lower bound on the marginal likelihood of the DPM [6]. In this paper we make the following contributions: (1) We show empirically that the BHC lower bounds are substantially tighter than the bounds given by VB [4] and by collapsed variational methods [5] on synthetic and real datasets. (2) We also show that BHC offers a more accurate predictive performance on these datasets. (3) We further improve the tree-based lower bounds with an algorithm that efficiently sums contributions from alternative trees. (4) We present a fast approximate method for BHC. Our results suggest that our combinatorial approximate inference methods and lower bounds may be useful not only in DPMs but in other models as well.

A Probabilistic Model for Online Document Clustering with Application to Novelty Detection

Jian Zhang, Zoubin Ghahramani, Yiming Yang, 2004. (In NIPS). Edited by Sebastian Thrun, Lawrence K. Saul, Bernhard Schölkopf. MIT Press. ISBN: 0-262-20152-6.

Abstract URL

In this paper we propose a probabilistic model for online document clustering. We use non-parametric Dirichlet process prior to model the growing number of clusters, and use a prior of general English language model as the base distribution to handle the generation of novel clusters. Furthermore, cluster uncertainty is modeled with a Bayesian Dirichletmultinomial distribution. We use empirical Bayes method to estimate hyperparameters based on a historical dataset. Our probabilistic model is applied to the novelty detection task in Topic Detection and Tracking (TDT) and compared with existing approaches in the literature.

Flexible latent variable models for multi-task learning

J. Zhang, Z. Ghahramani, Y. Yang, December 2008. (Machine Learning). Springer Netherlands.

Abstract URL

Given multiple prediction problems such as regression and classification, we are interested in a joint inference framework which can effectively borrow information among tasks to improve the prediction accuracy, especially when the number of training examples per problem is small. In this paper we propose a probabilistic framework which can support a set of latent variable models for different multi-task learning scenarios. We show that the framework is a generalization of standard learning methods for single prediction problems and it can effectively model the shared structure among different prediction tasks. Furthermore, we present efficient algorithms for the empirical Bayes method as well as point estimation. Our experiments on both simulated datasets and real world classification datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed models in two evaluation settings: standard multi-task learning setting and transfer learning setting.

Continuous Relaxations for Discrete Hamiltonian Monte Carlo

Yichuan Zhang, Charles A. Sutton, Amos J. Storkey, Zoubin Ghahramani, 2012. (In NIPS). Edited by Peter L. Bartlett, Fernando C. N. Pereira, Christopher J. C. Burges, Léon Bottou, Kilian Q. Weinberger.

Abstract URL

Continuous relaxations play an important role in discrete optimization, but have not seen much use in approximate probabilistic inference. Here we show that a general form of the Gaussian Integral Trick makes it possible to transform a wide class of discrete variable undirected models into fully continuous systems. The continuous representation allows the use of gradient-based Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for inference, results in new ways of estimating normalization constants (partition functions), and in general opens up a number of new avenues for inference in difficult discrete systems. We demonstrate some of these continuous relaxation inference algorithms on a number of illustrative problems.

Semi-Supervised Learning Using Gaussian Fields and Harmonic Functions

Xiaojin Zhu, Zoubin Ghahramani, John D. Lafferty, 2003. (In ICML). Edited by Tom Fawcett, Nina Mishra. AAAI Press. ISBN: 1-57735-189-4.

Abstract URL

An approach to semi-supervised learning is proposed that is based on a Gaussian random field model. Labeled and unlabeled data are represented as vertices in a weighted graph, with edge weights encoding the similarity between instances. The learning problem is then formulated in terms of a Gaussian random field on this graph, where the mean of the field is characterized in terms of harmonic functions, and is efficiently obtained using matrix methods or belief propagation. The resulting learning algorithms have intimate connections with random walks, electric networks, and spectral graph theory. We discuss methods to incorporate class priors and the predictions of classifiers obtained by supervised learning. We also propose a method of parameter learning by entropy minimization, and show the algorithm’s ability to perform feature selection. Promising experimental results are presented for synthetic data, digit classification, and text classification tasks.

Nonparametric Transforms of Graph Kernels for Semi-Supervised Learning

Xiaojin Zhu, Jaz S. Kandola, Zoubin Ghahramani, John D. Lafferty, 2004. (In NIPS). Edited by Sebastian Thrun, Lawrence K. Saul, Bernhard Schölkopf. MIT Press. ISBN: 0-262-20152-6.

Abstract URL

We present an algorithm based on convex optimization for constructing kernels for semi-supervised learning. The kernel matrices are derived from the spectral decomposition of graph Laplacians, and combine labeled and unlabeled data in a systematic fashion. Unlike previous work using diffusion kernels and Gaussian random field kernels, a nonparametric kernel approach is presented that incorporates order constraints during optimization. This results in flexible kernels and avoids the need to choose among different parametric forms. Our approach relies on a quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP), and is computationally feasible for large datasets. We evaluate the kernels on real datasets using support vector machines, with encouraging results.

Distributed Inference for Dirichlet Process Mixture Models

Hong Ge, Yutian Chen, Moquan Wan, Zoubin Ghahramani, 07–09 Jul 2015. (In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning). Edited by Francis Bach, David Blei. Lille, France. PMLR. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research.

Abstract URL

Bayesian nonparametric mixture models based on the Dirichlet process (DP) have been widely used for solving problems like clustering, density estimation and topic modelling. These models make weak assumptions about the underlying process that generated the observed data. Thus, when more data are collected, the complexity of these models can change accordingly. These theoretical properties often lead to superior predictive performance when compared to traditional finite mixture models. However, despite the increasing amount of data available, the application of Bayesian nonparametric mixture models is so far limited to relatively small data sets. In this paper, we propose an efficient distributed inference algorithm for the DP and the HDP mixture model. The proposed method is based on a variant of the slice sampler for DPs. Since this sampler does not involve a pre-determined truncation, the stationary distribution of the sampling algorithm is unbiased. We provide both local thread-level and distributed machine-level parallel implementations and study the performance of this sampler through an extensive set of experiments on image and text data. When compared to existing inference algorithms, the proposed method exhibits state-of-the-art accuracy and strong scalability with up to 512 cores.

Turing: A Language for Flexible Probabilistic Inference

Hong Ge, Kai Xu, Zoubin Ghahramani, 09–11 Apr 2018. (In Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics). Edited by Amos Storkey, Fernando Perez-Cruz. PMLR. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research.

Abstract URL

Probabilistic programming promises to simplify and democratize probabilistic machine learning, but successful probabilistic programming systems require flexible, generic and efficient inference engines. In this work, we present a system called Turing for building MCMC algorithms for probabilistic programming inference. Turing has a very simple syntax and makes full use of the numerical capabilities in the Julia programming language, including all implemented probability distributions, and automatic differentiation. Turing supports a wide range of popular Monte Carlo algorithms, including Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), HMC with No-U-Turns (NUTS), Gibbs sampling, sequential Monte Carlo (SMC), and several particle MCMC (PMCMC) samplers. Most importantly, Turing inference is composable: it combines MCMC operations on subsets of variables, for example using a combination of an HMC engine and a particle Gibbs (PG) engine. We explore several combinations of inference methods with the aim of finding approaches that are both efficient and universal, i.e. applicable to arbitrary probabilistic models. NUTS—a popular variant of HMC that adapts Hamiltonian simulation path length automatically, although quite powerful for exploring differentiable target distributions, is however not universal. We identify some failure modes for the NUTS engine, and demonstrate that composition of PG (for discrete variables) and NUTS (for continuous variables) can be useful when the NUTS engine is either not applicable, or simply does not work well. Our aim is to present Turing and its composable inference engines to the world and encourage other researchers to build on this system to help advance the field of probabilistic machine learning.

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